What happens here?
What happens here?
Tax evasion
Money laundering
There is also a castle/fortress somewhere iirc
How did they resist Italian unification?
Lots of little answers to this, but the main one is probably because Giuseppe Garibaldi said they should remain independent and Italians like him so they respect that.
F1 :D
Can one of them post in here I need the flag
They are nice, we are nice, no real reason, just friendship
Not really since the circuit is in Italy
they have an F-1 Grand Prix course, I think...
based Italians
It kind of went like this AFAIK:
Italy: Hey San Marino, the Italians are unifying! Want to join me?
San Marino: No thanks.
Italy: Oh, okay. You're welcome in anytime though!
But seriously, San Marino is so fucking cool. They have been independent since 381. Three. Eighty. One. All this time, ever since Rome split, it's been there, watching, waiting, seeing the world and the cogs of history turn slowly, consuming their fuel of blood and iron. It has seen it all, every war, every peace, every founding, and every collapse. Always standing and watching forever and ever. And most people don't even know it exists.
It's also the only country where cars outnumber people which is pretty cool too.
shit, my bad. it's not 381, it's actually 301. 301! 1716 years of existence!
they get Italian flags since there aren't any San Marinese ISPs.
Nah, the Sammarinese do have IPs.: .sm
I've seen one, claimed to be a brit visiting the country.
even though I can understand that you're impressed by this country I have to question the use of contraptions like San Marino. They are basically a harbour for organized crime, tax evaders any money laundring. It would be nice if we could keep these little pet countries. But people are evil and take advantage of every place that hasn't the common regulations and so I guess it would be better to shut it down. (and with it Monaco, the Bahamas, Barbados, the Cayman Islands and maybe even Switzerland)
go away
yeah, I guess you're right. you can't count on people to do the right thing. but I still do love so many things about the country. small countries are just so fascinating to me
do they consider themselves italian?
This is the most German post I've seen all year.
Dont they still use that ancient Roman council thingy to elect their leader?
Liechtenstein should join Switzerland as another Kanton. They already share a currency and military.
tax evasion
fake product on shop
400 years of war with Sweden
they are indipendent because they are a based republic, not a cuck kingdom
Yes what about shutting down the one inside the eu first? (Ireland and netherlands)
>400 years of war with Sweden
Or just sanction them in on form or another. They're surrounded by the EU what are they gonna do?
99,8% ethnic italians
Speak rumagnol language
eat piadinas
rich and fiscal paradise
good F1 and MotoGP pilots
>400 years of war with Sweden
What the fuck is their problem?
I only know Alex de Angelis
Who are the 'good' F1 and MotoGP racers from San Marino exactly?
I like their canned fish
Fly down there as a tourist and occupy their govt to find out.
Not so fast! Merkel
fun fact: US soldiers invaded san marino in ww2, even though it was neutral. When told they were on the wrong country, us soldiers didn't believe it.
Took them a map and a high ranking officers to retreat the troops.
I don't get it