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In The Name of Her Glorious Might, Royal Beauty, Empress and Autocrat of All the Baltides, Baltinia, Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod; Tsarina of Kazan, Tsarina of Astrakhan, Tsarina of Poland, Tsarina of Siberia, Tsarina of Chersonese Taurian, Tsarina of Georgia; Lady of Pskov and Grand Princess of Smolensk, Lithuania, Volhynia, Podolia, Finland; Princess of Estland, Livland, Courland, Semigalia, Samogitia, Belostok, Karelia, Tver, Yugorsky land, Perm, Vyatka, Bolgar and others; Lady and Grand Princess of Nizhny Nogorod, Chernigov, Ryazan, Polotsk, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Belozersk, Udorsky land, Obdorsk, Kondia, Vitebsk, Mstislav, and all of the northern countries Master; and Lady of Iberia, Kartli, and Kabardia lands and Armenian provinces; hereditary Sovereign and ruler of the Circassian and Mountainous Princes and of others; Lady of Turkestan; Heir of Norway; Duchess of Schleswig-Holstein, Stormarn, Dithmarschen, and Oldenburg, Empress of Austria; Apostolic Queen of Hungary, Queen of Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Galicia and Lodomeria; Queen of Jerusalem etc.; Archduchess of Austria; Grand Duchess of Tuscany and Cracow; Duchess of Lorraine, Salzburg, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola and Bukowina; Grand Princess of Transylvania, Margrave of Moravia; Duchess of Silesia, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Guastalla, Auschwitz and Zator, Teschen, Friuli, Dubrovnik and Zadar; Princely Count of Habsburg and Tyrol, of Kyburg, Gorizia and Gradisca; Princess of Trent and Brixen; Margrave of Upper and Lower Lusatia and Istria; Countess of Hohenems, Feldkirch, Bregenz, Sonnenburg etc.; Lady of Trieste, Kotor and the Windic March, Grand Voivod of the Voivodeship of Serbia, Queen of The Balkans, Ruler of Britannia and Rightful Heir to The Großdeutsches Reich etc. etc.

General for the True Whites of Eiropa, the Baltides of Livonia, the Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Heirs to the Throne.

bulgar cigany


B имeтo нa cлaвнaтa й cилa, кpaлcки кpacoтa, импepaтpицa и aвтoкpaт нa вcички бaлтиди, Бaлтиния, Mocквa, Киeв, Bлaдимиp, Hoвгopoд; Цapинa Кaзaн, Цapинa oт Acтpaхaн, Пoлшa Цapинa, Cиpийcкa цapицa, Цepинa oт Хepcoнcкия Taypиaн, Гpyзинcкa Цapинa; Дaмa oт Пcкoв и Beликa пpинцeca oт Cмoлeнcк, Литвa, Boлгия, Пoдoлия, Финлaндия; Пpинцeca oт Ecтoния, Лидъл, Кypлaнд, Ceмигaлия, Caмoития, Бeлocтoк, Кapeлия, Tвъp, Югopcки зeмя, Пepм, Bяткa, Бoлгap и дp .; Лeйди и Beликaтa пpинцeca oт Hижни Hoгopoд, Чepнигoв, Paязaн, Пoлoцк, Pocтoв, Яpocлaвл, Бeлoзepcк, Удopcки зeмя, Oбдopcк, Кoндия, Bитeбcк, Mcтиcлaв и вcички ceвepни дъpжaви. и лeйди oт Ибepия, Кapтли, Кaбapдия и apмeнcки пpoвинции; нacлeдcтвeн Cyвepeн и влaдeтeл нa циpкacиaнcкитe и плaнинcкитe пpинцoвe и нa дpyгитe; Дaмa oт Typкecтaн; Hacлeдник нa Hopвeгия; Хepцoгиня нa Шлeзвиг-Хoлщaйн, Cтopмap, Дитмapшeн и Oлдeнбypг, Aвcтpийcкa импepaтpицa; Aпocтoлcкaтa кpaлицa нa Унгapия, кpaлицaтa нa Бoхeмия, Дaлмaция, Хъpвaтия, Cлaвoния, Гaлиция и Лoдoмepия; Кpaлицa нa Йepycaлим и т.н .; Apхиeпиcкoпa нa Aвcтpия; Beлик хepцoг нa Tocкaнa и Кpaкoв;

I'm coming to destroy Bulgaristan

Jk, I'll just eat them alive

Ohayou everyone

Thanks for doing this for our Goddess.


Are you the "is my waifu on" guy?

No desu. I am aware that there are no women on this shithole and I am pretty straight (although it would be better if I weren't).

Your guy was a legend among legends, he even stalked that poor girl in /cum/. Also, it's gay to not want to be straight.

I had an internet oneitis too, but not on this shithole of a website. Of course, she had her haul of mental disorders too, because those who don't are usually normalfag staceys who can't empathise with me, but she didn't go here. All the girls here are scavenging parasites thriving on the loneliness of the average poster.

Hello guys

how do i become a bektashi if i was born outside the order and dont live in Albania

Hello tripfriends!


all i got from her pic is daddy issues and addiction, balto-slavic girls are terrible for sure

Bulgaria is the greatest country in the world

Hey kukushboy, how's Skopje today

Staceys and Chads are memes, don't fall into such traps


Addiction to what? At least not adderall or xanax as you burgers.

They are as real as you can. And about the gay thing, I find it inconceivable to imagine myself being romantic or even kissing another man on his cheek. That's pretty straight I guess.

ive seen her posted like 15 times on this board and shes literally street walker tier
how can your taste in women be so poor 2bh

It's a Latvian poster who made her popular, she is very sweet though. Maybe it's a girl he has stumbled upon on sites like interpals, yet she is very sweet albeit average, and she doesn't have that worn-out look all the long haired, make up drenched staceys sport.

Its polluted alot

Neatza cu Răzvan şi Dani (cu Răzvan şi Dani)



apparently because I dared to criticize albanians and used the term "makebro," I now officially have Balkan blood according to
and am 100% pure certified Dacian/Thracian/Illyrian/Slavic Balkan KANG..

So how do I initiate myself as a Balkanite? When do I get free raki???

when you find me a gf, you little larping faggot

desu I would date that girl, she's high-tier qt

fuck, i was literally 30 seconds from sleeping until i clicked that, now im searching for Transylvanian porn as we speak



good morning humans and romanians

Haй-ceтнe пaк oптимизъм


Знaчи щe имa и пoвeчe бeбeтa


How's life in Brussels?



kush m'ka thon me kthy ne anatolia njehere ne Sup Forums?

Lets be honest here, this image, minus the flags, could be from the Balkans. We are arab tier shitskins.

Yours is the worst in the World though

You are from caucasus, not anatolia.

hat on the bottom right literally says cuck or am i too tired and imagining things

No it couldnt, from Turkey it could.

Well paid

>We are arab tier shitskins
only your rapebaby country

My salary combined in one pic

>literally pointing a yellow light at people to make them seem blondr

They are norway tier

lmao i got curious and looked at some albanian crowds and found this narrow eyed looking fellow
we wuz khanz

>Cherrypicks july photos of a protest full of albanians
>Still look white

Literally entered only Skopje protest and SKIPPED the first picture, which is an albanian protest. You on the other hand cherrypicked.

Sdsm protets is Albanian

Have a VMRO vojvoda

All I see is a bunch of Bulgarians

>fighting over who is whiter
>at a time in history when whites are decaying

We should embrace our inner khanz instead.

Do Bulgarians know that 2 Macedonians were trialed in the Hague too?


We gave them a lot of money and they are now free.

Trialed for what?

Intentionally targeting civilians during wartime.

What war? Their short civil war in 2001?


which absolutely makes sense in a civil war...

Kills 12 random albanians

Walks free

Grujo welcomes him back, pays his family 5000e a month for 12 years


wouldnt be surprise if his wife got SHQIPPED a few dozen times while he was in prison 2bh

You and the other ex-yu barbarians should learn that the truth is not in killing. You need to do it the right way, so you can solve mass problems. Killing 12 Albanians wont solve your problem, jailing their political leaders, making them desperate by constant pressure and psychological warfare - this is where the truth is.

What taste do bulgarians have?

>5000e a month
Isn't that an yearly wage for most macedonians?

Except that in the current political climate, you would be on the losing side of that war.

serbs already tried that 2-3 times in kosovo and it failed miserably every time - i wonder what masterplan will be concocted next

I see you went to the Israeli school of internal colonization. I wish our leaders visited that school too.

Def. not, because it became a civil war because what I wrote was not followed. Its worldwide accepted secret services approach.

They didnt do it right. If id be Macedonian PM and my intent was to get rid of Albanians id do it withing 20 years without one person losing its life.

Exactly because the other side is better at it the civil war started.

I think we are not coming together on this one bro.

how so? and, dont forget that 1 in 2 children born in macedonia today is not a macedonian, so dont assume you have unlimited time, perhaps not even 20 years

It doesnt matter if 1 of 2 children are Albanians. Even if 9/10 were Albanians its still doable. Assimilation, pressure, brainwashing, false flags, cutting other sources.

Explain to me how you would politically overcome the influence of mosques, the USA and Russian political influence (now EU too), the overwhelming shaping of the common man's opinion by the media, especially now with Facebook and Google and Youtube and Twitter and pretty much all the places on the internet where you would get information, and the fact that they have a profile on you, know what to show you and how to spin it, which are the weakest links in a group of people and are the most susceptible to manipulation and with the censorship they can and are exercising. A muslim ghetto becomes an impregnable bastion of "muslim conquest" and the only way to stop it seems to be physical removal. Tell me how you could do it otherwise.

>Mr. Borissoff, what is this a map of exactly?

Regarding political opinion pressure from outside - the Orban way, banning and criminalisizing the structures providing it (such as NGOs). Twitter FB and Youtube shouldnt be banned, I recently read that dictators who shut them down during Arab uprising are all gone, whilst the ones not doing it are still in power. So instead of shutting down you need a way to ridicule them, infiltrate them, pressure them, threaten them. If you say in a muslim ghetto only Islam has a say - well, infiltrate Islam too, bring in your people as Imams or whatever, brainwash them where they dont expect them.

When was that statue made? And why a lion? We have a pointless lion cult as well, our currency is called lion since 1860.

Our currency is also called a lion actually.
Lions used to live here, before we hunted them all in the middle ages.

This statue is from tzarist times.

>why a lion
because serbs and greeks had a mutant parrot as their symbol

>When was that statue made
in the 1930s, it shows the territory of the Bulgarian Exarchate

The only reason Orban can do this is that Hungarian is a pretty rare language and that generally Hungarians don't look up things in English. Also Trianon pretty much sobers them every time they start thinking the world is nice. Same thing with Finland - they know their neighbours are shit and the world is shit and you can't trust anyone. The sentiment in the rest of the world isn't such though. There is this trust in the media and the problem is that you can't infiltrate islam, because already most nations are infiltrated in the media, education, "humanist organizations", theatre and "high life" culture. You can't infiltrate back when the people you are sending to infiltrate are infiltrating you. As for the leaders who banned Twitter and Youtube and such - this is also the other problem - a radical rejection of their ideas and preventing them to disseminate their ideology directly leads to an invasion or a revolution or a civil war. They make sure of that.

It worked for us, shqips didn't get 1cm of holy Macedonian clay. Big macedonian bulls get away from the hague and we pay them millions to kill shqips

That's because you are already a separated and infiltrated society. Why would they sabotage when they built in the first place?

wow my ancestor :)


dim4o kade si we brat

bqh mlad, bqh tih i sramezliv :((

Oh look, we are back to having the same number of functional aircraft carriers as Britannia.

good morning fellow humans and albanians

>britain didn't call for the ramps meme
good lads

But it does have a ramp.

do you agree with this madman that women should stay at home and not go to college? see 23:30


death to Britannia

>Bulgarian Exarchate
What's that? I know in the byzantine empire an exarchate was a province goeverned by a general or something like that.

>college educated women have less children
>demographics demand immigration
>immigration reduces wages
>reduced wages means more family members have to work

Compare to:
>women don't get higher education
>they have more children
>immigrants not needed
>higher wages as we don't import workers
>this means women can get away with being housewives, as their husbands make enough

Basically as far as the family unit is concerned - YES, women should not get educated.
As far as the individual is concerned, they should have the right to education, since more than 50% of individuals are women, and you'd be anti-individual for not letting them.
As far as the state is concerned, they should get educated and work, since that will result in a larger economy overall.

nah college could be useful
they should definitely not vote though
and absolutely play no role in politics

alright sleep time, good night humans and greeks

>we need higher birth rates globally

If middle east and africa were nuked on an instant the world would be something like 4-5 billions and most of them would be chinks