How is this fucking "the" important in English?

How is this fucking "the" important in English?
In Engrish world this shit is nothing but Aussies.

Other urls found in this thread:

As an English teacher you should be well aware of how important "the" is.
You should feel bad for making such a shitty threads. Sage.

it actually comes from that

shut THE fuck up you fucking prick at least we don't write in pictograms and speak in syllables you fucking faggot

we even made it non gender specific and you still bitch.


100% anglo-saxon genes
why dont you go crawl back into a roo pouch dingo boy

Greek "the" is way easier despite all the genders and numbers desu

>100% anglo-saxon genes
Fuck off cunt.

Back to Ireland lad

Nobody here has 100% Anglo Saxon genes, and he is an Am*rican.

>100% pure anglo genes

>Nobody here has 100% Anglo Saxon genes
is this what scots actually believe?



t. richard spencer

I just reported this article, cant believe the BBC is implying that theres more than one race.

>american """"""humour""""""


i know dont worry though i got your back

race =/= ethnicity dumb yank