>Welcome to America user! Come inside my beautiful home, no need to take you shoes off. Oh what's that? It's not a dog cage it's called a crate and he loves being locked inside it. It's for his own safety.
Welcome to America user! Come inside my beautiful home, no need to take you shoes off. Oh what's that...
Other urls found in this thread:
>haven't you heard of denning? This is totally natural for dogs.
I’ve never met anyone who does this, and I’d call them a subhuman if I did.
What the fuck
>be ameridog
>get caged
>Dogs require cages for toilet training and their personal safety. What if something happened to them while I'm at work? Leaving a dog in a backyard is animal abuse.
Diz dem krakkaz do diz kuz da dowgs are BLACK
I hope the cages are there just so the more excitable dogs won't “harass” the guests who are not into dogs.
The dogs are caged for their own protection.
Dogs sleep in a cage overnight for 8 hours and 8 hours during the day while the owners are at work.
>denning =/= being locked in a cage while in the dogs den
*eats ur dog*
But it keeps them safe!
either that or you ate them
My friends and neighbors crate their dogs all the time. The dogs like it. Even wolves, their ancestors, liked hanging out in caves
lmao what
nigger lover
>be american
>walk around your house
>neighbors report seeing a dog out of it's cage
>police ask if there are any pets on the premise as well
Weak bait m8
With a little bit of work this could be a very good bait
He may be trolling but this practice is actually widespread amongst middle class American
I know people who do this with younger dogs either for transport or to cage them when young children are in the house.
Well he looks happy to me.
As a middle class american it really isn't unless people come over and you don't want the dog all over em.
you stupid nigger, look how happy these dogs are
why wouldn't like a crate? It's secure, protects them from the outside world, and they know only they can go there, no humans can bother them in their crate
Next you'll make a post about how humans don't like being in their bedrooms because it's confining
It's not that popular but it's actually fairly common. Mainly bc it is now trendy to have a pet dog so dumb fucks who have no business owning them get one and can't manage to train it properly.
T. Ups man
t b h better that than a disgusting dog roaming inside a clean house.
if we don't put them in cages then this happens
Dumb bitch
How does it learn it's not meant to jump on strangers from a box?
What sort of dogbabies are you creating over there?
Only numale soyboys are afraid that the dog will get its feelings hurt if you put in in a cage. Stop treating it like a human being. Dogs some times have their place in cages.
>Pitbulls are not bad mmkay? They're really gentle and loving dogs, I just can't understand why people hate them.
I mean, Australia's own humane societies advocate crate training: rspcavic.org
So I dunno what this particular strain of shitposting is about.
Those actually look too big to be pits they're maybe a dogo argentino or something
They're clearly not that big.
>a literal runt cage
If they're that afraid for their furniture, what about not taking a dog? Same for the retards declawing their cats. Fucking burgers
>runt cage
>cunt rage
Yeah actually you're probably right I don't think based on the neighbourhood someone would have paid thousands of dollars for imported dogs
I don't think this is actually endorsed by the RSPCA as a whole rather some dog trainer hired by the Victorian branch.
The only Australians I know who put their dogs in cages are some farmers but mostly they just keep them loose in the ute tray (tethered if on the highway).
Like this
>haven't you heard of denning?
No, I have not.
Good post.
Crate training is just for lazy dog owners that can't be bothered to take their puppy out several times a day.
t. Dog trainer
I hate Australians.
What are you going to do about it?
Why even have a pet if you don't care how it feels
How long is it taking people to toilet train their dogs? And is it really considered that difficult? I haven't had a dog that hasn't been reliably toilet trained by 4 months of age.
>Policemen shoot 300 bullets at you
Oh tell can you see
>Next you'll make a post about how humans don't like being in their "work-and-fitness camp" barracks because it's confining
It only takes a couple months, by 6 months they should be trained with no accidents. You can count on 1 hour of bladder control per 1 month of age up to 1 year old. So if you have a 10 week old puppy yoy will need to take it out ever 2.5 hours or thereabouts. Only feed and water it 3 times per day on a regular schedule though and you can extend that a bit.
Most people would rather lock their dog in a cage and let it suffer than get up a couple times in the middle of the night to take ot out.
I'll make a post about it on Sup Forums, and then go about my day. There's a decent chance that I'll unfairly discriminate against any Australians if I happen to meet any irl. Unfortunately, a lot of you idiots seem to be moving to Colorado.