Why are they uncivil?

Why are they uncivil?

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Because of xr*Stians and b*Ddhists
Once SEA is completely Muslim, we will be peaceful and prosperous.

Why do you keep making shit threads?

Why dont you get a life, shartgoblin with proxy?

don't put us on the same tier with myanmar, cambodia, laos, timor, and philippines

Thry have no 4 season
Summer 365days
I understand them

He makes these threads about the US too. It’s not an American.

I bet they are far more happier than people living in gookland and japland.

low iq

>OP is zainichi-korean


japan is the most savage animal in human history, trash on earth , a failure to the human race.

>low iq

thanks to you guys

?? You’re literally same tier with them


i'm japanese

The girl in your pic doesn’t even look like a Malay

>lives in korea
>kills himself



haha, such a simple sentence
btw most Zainichi-Korean can write Japanese without any problem

why are you guys so uncivilized?



japanese socieity made him like that.

btw tell me more about 古田 順子

>Once SEA is completely Muslim, we will be peaceful and prosperous.
What like the middle east? or northern africa?

philippines is on the same level with us bruh

ah no goreans, we are not same like them

we're not eating pagpag

??? How?? You’re Indonesian right?? I could have agreed if you were a Singaporean.

don't muzzies in SEA regularly incite conflict


mad cuz thai ladyboys wont be able to fuck him in the arse any more

>I bet they are far more happier than people living in gookland and japland.
Thailand definitely is.

for starter we are not killing intellectuals just because a bunch of peasant

damn i wish i still have that muslim pasta

we are praising capitalism

>mad cuz thai ladyboys wont be able to fuck him in the arse any more
>No buggery in Islamic countries

Not anymore, we'll be sharia in no time because of some faggots.

if you deny a BLACK goddess as your wife you deserve to be thrown off the tallest building desu

shut up millenials
go praise your gay god ahog

We are poor and uncivilized. What's new? These threads are cancer, not because it attacks us (we're used to it), but because they're damn boring. Try new ways to insult us.

OP is spammer.
stop pay attention for that fag.

sorry viet kun...m(_ _)m

Is that supposed to be an insult?

>when in doubt everything AHOK/FPI
does it really that hard to comprehend that there are more than 2 point of view? or is it simpl too much for your single-celled brain?

if you worship wh*Te people or baby soup eating ch*nks then you deserve to be executed for apostasy desu

what's the problem with that?

But you have four season
It's okay

what was the viet saying at the end of full metal jacket?

all I could make out was dao wa or some shit

or what about simply being opportunistic and dont worship anything but myself?

I dunno, never finished the film. Do you mind giving the excerpt?


What to blaming for then?
right now either the liberal-minority vs islamist
both are fuckin retarded, but either way the one who can be blamed for sure are the side of liberal-minority


It's all BLM*progressive* vs Alt-righter again, just like in America

>right now either the liberal-minority vs islamist
unicellular brained mongrel confirmed

>or what about simply being opportunistic and dont worship anything but myself?

so... you're jewish? just go back to israel lmao

viet chan....

>i can't comprehend the situation

well tell us your own version to argue this then

lmao, you really think every israeli aren't driven by patriotism?
blindly following obviously power hungry cunt or deceptive government? give me a break

but you think of themselves as human

actually what drives them is their desire for the 'messiah' to come about: youtube.com/watch?v=rFr4C2BPLeM

the reason why jerusalem was called the israeli capital is because they believe that will hasten the arrival of their messiah. i'm not kidding. anyway, i was just joking about the jew thing, in reality typing 'i worship myself' or 'i'm opportunistic' makes you seem either autistic or sociopathic, real people have empathy and care about each other and incline towards good things.

They're Homo sapiens sapiens, so of course they're human.

Hi Kim

nigger its literally YOU who can't comprehend the situation, there's big portion of people who love to criticize both sides, mahfud md is one of the most recent example, not to mention these people are on spectrum.
you are fucking retarded if you dont think opportunistic bandwagoner doesn't exist.
even KIRA is opposed and criticized by those people you call ahoker, you really think that CHRISTIAN organization is an islamist?

please do not reply to this stupid gaijin proxy

>real people have empathy and care about each other and incline towards good things.
dumbass, opportunistic means you don't pander on your rigid principle so you can do anything you want.
and that including IF i want to take care of my kins, or anyone i like.

Because we don't give a fuck and life is meaningless

Your life is drug alcohol and sex
So your people are very happy

that's called being a subhuman, people who bend their morals for nothing other than to get a bigger piece of the pie are cancers in any society. opportunists don't become scientists or engineers or mathematicians, they become conmen who leech off the goodwill of others.

you don't know that or care because you are a dumb kid, but one day when you can afford traveling, you will see and understand.

who the heck said i was blaming all christian for ahok shit asstwat?

America made us leave because they were afraid of communists and hoped that nationalists were better options.

>opportunists don't become scientists or engineers or mathematicians
tell that to the sponsors, tell that shit to all engineers getting their research idea rejected.
ironically you are literally one of those underage trash who thinks you can survive by holding on your ideals instead of humbly kissing ass, holy shit

They are shitskin. What do you expect
>tfw you see bunch of laos jaywalking a 8-lane road while driving
Fuck offffff

this debil tier level of reading comprehension is simply fantastic.
i literally pointed that even a christian sect like KIRA is being opposed by ahoker, so its not simply ahoker vs islamist like you said.
are you sure you even passed kindergarten?

Isn't Vietnam doing better in regards to improvements in the economy? Last time I went there, infrastructure was being developed and growth began to hit off at high single digits.

On Liveleak you can see the results of that dumbassery in full graphic detail, people do that all the time here and it goes about as well as you'd expect.

I saw a viet with his bottom half literally torn off and his guts hanging out after he tried to cut off some 16 wheeler on the road. Darwin award material.

the sheer amount of autism in this thread is staggering

you're a dumb faggot, end of story. keep crying and being butthurt, dumb faggot. here in the west we revel in being a united people within our countries, it is what helps us survive, strive and improve as a people. meanwhile dumb chink number #10328403 (you) somehow thinks his subhuman mentality of worshipping himself (when he has achieved nothing in life, making him conceited for doing so) and being an 'opportunist' are ways to get ahead, despite him living in a 3rd world country where unity, pride, empathy and a government with said mentality are necessary to facilitate domestic economic growth.

whatever, you can keep your delusion and keep projecting.
for me, the only way i can live without blaming others for my failure is by not putting my hope on bunch of people, let alone bunch of people you already know ARE corrupt

First the Koreans looking down on the Vietnamese, and now the Japanese are, and I am not going to be surprised if China begins to the same. I'm kind of sad my homeland gets trashed all the time despite the ineffective communist government that holds the nation's economic prosperity and image back.

IIRC you didnt even have a mcdonalds till 2013 or something

Vietnam is slowly opening up to the West. Still communist, but at least they are willing to embrace some aspects of American business. The people who live there are still quite poor, at least that's how I remembered it when I visited a few years back. Quite depressing that a man I remember was selling fake lottery tickets to buy himself food because he couldn't find work, and since I exchanged a lot of US dollars for dong I could actually help a person out. I wonder what happened to him after I left, I'll never know.

KIRA Is underwing of gerindra so it is clearly being opposed by ahoker
you dumbfuck don't even know how politic works

I hate how how much pride you guy's take in your shitholes even tho you left. It's nearly muh heritage amerishit tier.

I bet he had some sort of large tapeworm.

exactly idiot, both of those islamist and KIRA are pandering to gerindra and PKS, thus its NOT simply MUH liberulz vs izlameest, too many interest are involved here.
we know none of that "opposing" sides have any actual concrete ideal, they can be friend today and opposition the next day.
see why you're retarded? see why its literally YOU who can't comprehend the situation?
you are in a dire need to get off the internet, idiot.

My parents were refugees from the war and I was born here. America has no distinct culture of its own, it's an amalgamation of many cultures.
You still need improvements on your insults, Zhang. An Aussie wouldn't make a simple grammatical error like that.

Don’t take the stuff you read on Sup Forums too seriously. I don’t think Japan or China even think about Vietnam much. Korea is just aware of Vietnam because of all the mail-order brides going there.

Because they're not wh*te

But muslims won't let me enter your boipucci

I don't, as I know Japan doesn't know too much about Vietnam other than the fact that a railway project from their country fell through recently, Koreans are perhaps familiar with the economic benefits of the Vietnam War, and the Chinese are aware that Vietnam-China relations are poorer than ever.

Should I learn Malay/Indonesian?

Sounds pretty pointless desu. Learn Mandarin.

Sure, it's an easy and simple language. Hell, I think it'd only take you a month to speak like a local.

Realise how Malaysia is the best? Because Malaysia is the best.

I’m talking about knowing Vietnamese people on a personal basis. My Chinese pen pal doesn’t have a clue, my Korean one thinks they’re all poor and mail-order brides.

>an aussie wouldn't make a simple grammatical error
there are people who commits grammatical mistakes even if it's their native language. their/there/they're is a good example for english and ng/nang for us flips.

>America has no distinct culture of its own
Yes there is. The Anglo one.

I believe you, but I am certain that a person over the age of 18 in Australia who has learned English his entire life would not. I stopped making grammatical mistakes such as the ones you mentioned (your, you're, its, it's) back in 4th grade. It seemed improbable to me that a person could do such unless they were poor at English or just a bad student.

>posting the edited version
cheeky towelhead cunt

can't handle it, looking for something simpler and tone-less (sorry Thai)

Lol we aussies don’t give a shit

This isn’t English class, chump

>tfw i make grammatical errors now because i have spent so much time around eslfags on Sup Forums


Come to NZ, people make mistakes in their English all the time especially with something as somethink, and other pronouncation and grammatical mistakes.

Don't blame you.

2bh hanging around Amerifats make me want to drop u’s and say “mom”.

Well I'd say the Korean's half-right, but more importantly I'd say it's strange that a Chinese person doesn't know much about the conflict over the South China Sea's resources that includes other ASEAN nations as well.
Not an English class, but I feel I can understand your indifference to education and am less likely to care about your opinion as a result.