What is your dislike food?
I never eat Internal organs related foods including blood.
Dislie foods
of course i love fillet steak but Fat meat never.
blood is i meant such like blood sausage.
fuck you niγγer, mayo always wins
I hate fish. It tastes fucking nasty.
>white people
wtf not even liver or hearts?
Fish or any kind of seafood with remotely "fishy" smell and aftertaste. I've tried to force myself to like it many times too, but to no success unfortunately.
>Internal organs related foods
Hate those too.
>white people
Food is very subjective - everyone's taste buds and sense of smell is different.
Liver and heart smell so bad to me, that I literally want to run away from the plate - the 1st time I smelled a cooked liver I actually jumped back, like a scared animal.
I want to fuck these tomatoes
Olives are the worst. I don't eat clementines either, as I once ate one with maggots in it.
Raw tomato
I really don't like meat. But I try it from time to time if someone has something extraordinary I have not tried before.
I fucking love fish
Corn - it tastes sweet in a spoiled way if that makes sense. Baby corn, the stuff that you'll get in woks, is prohibited good tho, doesn't taste rotten at all
I hate it. I hate the smell, the taste and the looks of it. It grow in our culture because it was something easy to grow and store in the early immigration period.
The fact is, the first immigrants also hated it. Several letters send to Europe where about to complain about how much they hate beans...
I don't really hate any food, there are certain spices I can't stand though. Cloves and ginger and fennel can go fuck itself, foul.
I don't like raw fish
internal organs? you eat skin then?