so I've been looking for a country to move into(ruski myself) and I don't really believe the West would be a good choice due to high cost of living and political climate being an absolute clusterfuck(except Switzerland but good luck getting there). I'm currently getting my degree in CS so I still have couple years to learn the language and whatnot. I've been contemplating Korea or maybe HK, can anyone tell me about those countries? I like the asian cuisine and culture in general but I don't really know anything about how people live there.
Redpill me on asian countries Sup Forums
after 3 fucked up bumps I finally did it right
> live in land of hot qts who look like Melania Trump's cousins
> wants to go to piggu Asia
>you shouldn't move out of 3rd world shithole because muh thots
come on I just want some info
ok I'll just bump with Russia hopefully someone feels sorry for me
Go to Serbia or Croatia. Similar living standards and people really respect Russians there.
My dad told me a saying from USSR days, that anybody who's reading in public is Russian or part Russian.
* anyone who reads
Similar to what? Russia? Then why would I want to move?
Also, I didn't realise reading in public is that uncommon anywhere else. Why is that?
That cow is so poor... :_3
>Serbia or Croatia. Similar living standards
serbia is nothing like croatia in terms of living standards
do you like dogs
Why Korea? Singapore and Hong Kong are the best places to go.
Isn't Singapore Korea? By "Korea" I meant largely that
>getting my degree in CS
Counter Strike?
>high cost of living and political climate being an absolute clusterfuck
its the same in east asia desu, maybe only a bit more stable.
>degree in CS
i dont know anything about the IT industry but while the salary may be a little better than russia, there are probably much more competition in asia.
i would say thailand is probably the best option since its relatively cheaper and there are a lot of foreigners there.
>Similar to what? Russia? Then why would I want to move?
>Also, I didn't realise reading in public is that uncommon anywhere else. Why is that?
Where else would you consider moving to? I think you could go stay in Korea or Japan for a 9 months on a work visa.
You could to China or Thailand as well i guess. Lots of russians go to work in China for a couple of months and Thailand is pretty based if you have the money.
>Also, I didn't realise reading in public is that uncommon anywhere else. Why is that?
It was more of a tongue in cheek kind of thing.
True not exactly but it's similar
oh lmao I'm retarded
Computer science
It's dangerous!
Dogs which has knife might be injured in the knife! X_3
Is HK a good place to live? I googled around and it looks pretty nice, albeit expensive. How's crime?
>Computer science
Well in that case Asia isn't such a bad choice. I'm going to exchange to South Korea next year
cyka blyat we don't need degree in counter-strike, everyone in russia is born with one
>Is HK a good place to live?
its okay but property price is crazy.
food is good, purchasing power is okay, can easily purchase stuffs all over the world.
its also overpopulated, sometimes its suffocating to see people everywhere.
>How's crime?
really safe.
Sounds a bit like New Zealand without the overpopulation.
>property price is crazy
Affordable crazy or crazy crazy? And I should think rent is sky high as well yes?
Besides, how easy it is to integrate? Do you guys treat foreigners well? I've never been to anyone asian so this stuff is pretty alien to me.
Get a remote job coding something. Still get western salary but Asian cost of living. Move to somewhere like Thailand where it's really cheap but lots of expats
Taiwan was rated as #1 country for expats if that helps
literally niggers of IT
yep I heard a lot about Thai, I just don't like it too much
>Besides, how easy it is to integrate? Do you guys treat foreigners well? I've never been to anyone asian so this stuff is pretty alien to me.
Pretty interested in this as well. I'm half Asian but treated like a white foreigner in Asia. Singapore seems like a place where I can integrate easily, but I'd be interested in other places in Asia where I can / could integrate.
Also Russian user, what would the reaction to me be in Russia? Kazan, Yakutsk, Vladivostok? Russians seem just as xenophobic as Asians.
I said Taiwan, not Thailand.
>due to high cost of living
>maybe HK
Nice troloolol, bratan.
Depends on how exactly you look. We have a lot of native narrow-eyed people so chances are you'll blend in just fine.
>Kazan, Yakutsk, Vladivostok?
Never been there so can't tell you, I myself live in western Russia and people are pretty tolerant here, but Russia is big so it may wary a lot.
Anyway, I don't think Russian people are too xenophobic. We're not particularly fond of local shitskins aka Tajiks, Uzbeks and such, and in aforementioned Yakutsk and Vladivostok there's been a real lot of Chinese lately and I can't imagine Russians being too happy about that, so you might have a bit of disfavorable looks there. But then again, I haven't been there myself so I can't say for sure. Best if you come to visit and see for yourself, nobody's gonna kill you for being a foreigner. Just be wary of language barrier, no one speaks english around here.
whoops sorry I didn't sleep much
Go to Thailand.
There's a CS Algerian user making tons in Thailand. He said his life was all good with bussies (and fake ones).
>all good with bussies
not an option since I already in a serious thot ownership
I'm not very narrow eyed (not slit eyed) but I am Asiatic in appearance. Never mistaken as Asian in the West though. I know I have been mistaken as Caucasian and Central Asian by Russians online (appearance). I know that Central Asians aren't seen favorably, but it sounds like that is pretty justified.
I'm more worried about being mistaken as a Central Asian than Chinese. Due to the reputation they have. If I was mistaken as Chinese it'd be an ethnic Ughyr Chinese.
I've been learning Russian so I'm not too concerned about the language barrier. Mainly just cultural and other differences.
Only difference is that I have quite pale skin, non slanty eyes and no Turk nose - but Central Asian is probably the closest race I can fit in (within the region).
At any rate, it's not 2004, we don't have nazis anymore. Even if you are mistaken as a Central Asian, worst case, you'll be getting couple weird looks sometimes and meeting girls will be tricky. Young people are more tolerant so they will rarely dismiss you right away, so if you can say "I'm half Thai" fast enough you're good. Makes a good topic for conversation, anyway.
Well, you'll never pass as a local, I suppose. But you could be considered ok by non-xenophopic people, if you speak Russian and know some culture.
I always wonder how Sergei Shoigu was / is perceived.
World's second most expensive property prices, the first one being Monaco. There's just no way to make that kind of money in Russia, I think.
Although I too would like to to take a look at some real examples.
He's from Tuva. He's perceived like a part of Tuvin minority.
He's been on TV forever so I don't think anyone gives a fuck.
Come to think of it, I don't think anyone ever gave a fuck. Russia is very multicultural so I don't really think you will have a lot of problems as long as you're not socially retarded.
>Affordable crazy or crazy crazy? And I should think rent is sky high as well yes?
crazily high due to a lots of reason, rent as well.
>how easy it is to integrate?
no idea.
>Do you guys treat foreigners well?
most people are nice to foreigners but some may avoid or discriminate against non-sikh brown people from south asia and SEA. you can also see some fully covered muslim women on the street occasionally. most people are neutral toward black people since the only black people are usaually football players.
and yeah taiwan is the comfiest country in asia imo, tho their currency may be a little bit weak.
japs are humans
taiwanese are humans
gooks are semi-human
mainland chinks are non-human
thx a lot bro
This is the first time I actually even thought about it. Never even thought about him as being someone other that Russian.
>There's just no way to make that kind of money in Russia, I think.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of youtube channels where people share the details of their life abroad. The variety so so huge, that you're guaranteed to find a bunch that are to your liking. Bonus, since you know at least 2 languages - the perspectives of Russians and Anglos can be very different, so watch both. Actually be really promiscuous about it.
You said you have time, so just start watching something as part of your leisure activities, and don't be in a hurry to cement your opinions - it takes time. I've had my opinion turned 180 about a country several times, till the more or less mature opinion settled in.
cпacибo бpo
Дa peaльнo нe зa чтo.
Also, if you're interested in a a country that speaks Chinese, spend an evening or 2 to get an idea on how to read Pinyin. Here's a good rule of thumb concerning videos made about Chinese countries - if they are reading Pinyin wrong, they are not worth watching.
I forgot to mention that youtube algorithm can be absolute shit when it comes to suggesting content, and a good video or channel could come up like on the 5th page or so. They are almost literally hidden.