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ah yes i'm sure this map made in mario paint without any qualification of terms is very reputable *farts*

hello my albanian brother

>tfw not inbred

>east Germany

>being raped by liberators makes you not inbred

come on they got bebe rexha and dua lipa, my fav two

you are mistaking being an inbred with being a mutt
there is no "which one is better" but certainly they are different

>gradient map

t. Albo rat

mfw they lost against kikes

if you really must know i'm more triggered by le cornwall meme

ah yes! yet another accurate map from the world-famous and reputable anthropologist, jaymans dot wordpress dot com

those are wild guesses by the author

>radial gradients

>Gradient map

Do you expect me to take this map seriously?

Don't cry Hans

The thing is that the national team sucks donkey dick

t. butthurt albospora
shoo shoo return to your habitat


What the fuck, why would someone from a shithole like the Balkans take vacation here, an another shithole??

Don't make Pharmabro send his goons after you

you can tell he's from britain because he thinks they aren't in the orange

Slovenia almost has the rainbow colors

bs map


Poles making fun of East Germans for Red Army rapes is ironic for more than one reason

>is it's a map on the internet, it's true