Sup Forums Daily Japanese Thread - DJT #1945.5

Japanese language learning thread.

Read the Guide linked before asking how to learn Japanese:
Check the Cornucopia of Resources before asking where to download X or Y:

Archive of older threads: Japanese Thread/
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Other urls found in this thread:するところ十把一絡げ-521652

just lol @ you're life you pathetic weebs

I was thinking maybe be should set up camp at /bant/
I know I know, but the speed of the board could actually be manageable, threads there take about an hour longer to die than on Sup Forums


Still floating


greetings from JAPAN

>don't learn Japanese through anime, user, it's bad influence, no one speaks like that in real life!
>TV shows are just as, if not mushc more cartoony

I'm out of the loop, what has happened with DJT?

about a year ago it got kicked from Sup Forums for being too off-topic as a language general. it was supposed to be on Sup Forums but many people weren't happy with this so they made another one on /jp/
the Sup Forums one has too few regulars and the board is much faster than /jp/ so it keeps dying and is probably gone for good soon, on Sup Forums at least, which is fucking ridiculous when you consider the argumentation of pic related

aw man that sucks

DJT should be banned from all boards desu

t. Dekinainos Hetapoulos

I forgot to do my reps before work, now I'm gonna have to do it before going to bed, barely conscious!

You can’t learn japanese

Fuck your reps, just watch some anime.

I'm learning Japanese now.
that's difficult too much...


I don’t understand the appeal in learning Japanese. Can anyone explain why? It’s just such a difficult language. People spend more time learning the writing system than ACTUALLY the language itself.

Thats only if you take an university class

I don't understand what being difficult has to do with having or not an appeal.

extra simasima 4 u

>People spend more time learning the writing system than ACTUALLY the language itself.

What people?

>It’s just such a difficult language.
partly the appeal for me 2bh, every faggot can learn spanish or whatever


The more difficult something is the less appealing it becomes.

Almost everyone who learns Japanese. It’s insane to think you’d have to learn upwords of 2k+ kanji in order to read a book comfortably, whilst also having to study grammar, vocabulary, etc. It’s extremely common to see someone quit japanese due to the overwhelming amount of information required.

I feel you, but I just feel like it’s not the most useful language, especially to someone in Europe or in the US unless you’re constantly on JL discords and whatnot


More or less the same reasons I want to learn French. I want to be able to consume the country's entertainment media without waiting for a translation. I also want to visit the country eventually, and hopefully make a friend or two in my profession.

Japanese proverbs are interesting

>Almost everyone who learns Japanese.

Then their priorities are all out of whack.

why lol
both america and your country are good countries

Because it's one of the more beautiful languages to listen imo.

>The more difficult something is the less appealing it becomes.

>man, this girl is so cute...
>it must be impossible to get such a girl to give me attention
>what an unappealing whore!


>Hey, I wanna do X!
>Well, in order to do X, you have to train for Y amount of years, and dedicate all your time and effort into doing it!
>Well, I guess X isn’t so appealing after all.

>Hey, I wanna do A!
>Well, it only takes B amount of years to do it! Isn’t that such little time and effort with the most results!
>Yeah! I’d much rather do A than X because X is way harder, and takes way more time, than compared to A, which is more useful and takes less time!

Also, pic related implies that Japanese is better than other languages, which is subjective but hard to believe since there are way other useful languages to learn, especially judging by your geo location.

i bet you couldn't even reach N3, could you?

i'll learn my japanese after i'm done with both my english AND french, fag.




>i bet you couldn't even reach N3, could you? i'll learn my japanese after i'm done with both my english AND french, fag.

Probably not, Im not too interested in Japanese. The writing system intrigues me, but the ugliness of the Kanji turns me off. Also I think the language sounds obnoxious and far too nastily for my tastes.

Not the prettiest language out there, I'll give you that, but kanji has a certain beauty to it that increases as you get used to them. Except for seal script, which looks noice anywhere, anytime.

I started learning japanese a few mounths ago. I've read that in japanese "There are some flowers before the window" is translated as "mado no mae ni hana ga arimasu", is "hana wa mado no mae ni arimasu" correct too? If not, what's wrong?

>trying to finish 6k
At least I gain 9 times more mature cards in my mining deck.

stop using romaji

Both sound correct, but I think difference between two sentences is not word order but hana "wa" and hana "ga". And difference between wa and ga is very subtle.



Should I learn Japanese and drop my current study (Swedish)?

I would, if I didn’t have to drop everything i’ve learned. I don’t wanna fall into the learning two languages meme.

>my current study (Swedish)?

Why would you learn Japanese in Germany? Same reasons (generally) why you would learn Swedish in America. To consume media, talk and play with Swedes on discord, and to post in /sverige/.

I’ve mainly come to interest with Japanese due to the aesthetic writing system.

>Why would you learn Japanese in Germany?
because japan actually has a shit ton of media, in comparison sweden only has one vampire loli (technically shota) and maybe a handful other movies

How much of a head start learning Japanese would someone have if they've studied Chinese?

I literally answered your question in my post. There’s a lot more media than just anime (although we all love our shota) and film is huge in Sweden as well as other mediums. You can literally join any discord and start speaking Swedish, and you’ll probably find a speaker. Anyway, it isn’t about how useful Swedish is, it’s about Just wondering if anyone has any experience with trying to learn two languages (It would basically be Swedish + Japanese characters) or if I should learn one at a time.

8 ch dot net / a / res / 719367

>Just wondering if anyone has any experience with trying to learn two languages
depends on how much time you can invest, when you have to work and shit one will keep you pretty occupied
but swedish shouldn't be too hard, so when you have some time to invest you can go for it. most likely you'll find it shocking how much faster you're progressing than in japanese

>if I should learn one at a time.
well, considering that you'll never truly finish learning japanese you either do both or start with swedish

>How much time on my hand
Unironically a NEET btw, so I have a little more than an optimal amount of time on my hand.

>You’ll never truly finish learning japanese
And i’ll never learn Swedish, There’s still a lot I have to learn (like idioms, phrases, slang, and other random vocabulary) but i’m comfortable with my Swedish.

I think i’m gonna do it, anons.

pity bump

Define "current". How much do you actively study?
You can learn it in less than a year by putting 2 hours daily.

Japanese will take you 4 years at the same pace.

If you are in no rush, study 2 hours of Japanese and 30 minutes of Swedish daily, you'll have both finished in 4 years.

Your opinions AND expression are "literally" garbage.

am I a total brainlet or do you just have a very loose definition of "finishing japanese"

Hey user, thanks for this, sometimes I really need someone else to organize shit for me and get my priorities straight. I literally am a NEET (I live off of neetbux and do nothing everyday) I could definitely do 2 hours of Japanese and 30 minutes of Swedish daily, although i’ll probably bump the Swedish study to an hour, making it two hours of Japanese and one hour of Swedish.

Wish me luck, anons.

Something being difficult doesn't mean it's unappealing.
>People spend more time learning the writing system than ACTUALLY the language itself.
I know what you're talking about but that's a very poor way to phrase it. The writing system IS part of the language. Even then it's not really true. I think people spend way more time on vocabulary than kanji alone.

>"""finishing""" a language

You definitely can't "finish" it in that time. You'll be OK. Make it 3 hours a day and you'll be almost kind of good, at least at reading.

anime famaloon

My definition is getting acceptably proficient, so at least N1.

I think though 3 years are enough to reach N1 at this pace, and the extra year would be polishing your skill, since beating the JLPT is not enough to be considered advanced.

Sounds like a plan! Good luck, friendo.
If you really want to focus on one at a time (although learning 2 hasn't ever messed me up apart from time management), just learn Swedish in 6 months by putting 3~4 hours daily and only then start Jappongo.

>"""greking""" a language

Windows IME is being weird.
I'm typing reiki - cold and the first suggestion is 冷機
It isn't even a word in Japanese - google finds some Chinese industrial coolers for this search.
Does your IME offer these kanji for reiki as well?

In mine (Google IME) the first suggestion is 冷気.
冷機 is the sixth.

Choose the correct one a few times and IME will remember.
Also as much as I hate Google, their IME is better.


Same book uses 「あなた」 and 「貴方」 both in speech of different characters - is that common?
Is that just a typo-like mishap or is there meaning to it.

I'm assuming the kana version would be used in more rude/informal situations, and the kanji one more respectful. But it's hard to tell with nips.

I just say ところ at the end of a sentence, what does it mean? I have vague memories of someone once telling me off-handedly that it's kinda like you're thinking about doing something and the "ところ" is an abstract thing of the mind.

>「幸せを探すために都に参るところです」と ゆきは答えました。するところ




Any good online games to make japanese friends?


If I wanted to ask "what did you do in class today?"
should it be
今日は クラスで 何をしましたか?
the same but with ni instead of de?
今日のクラスタは 何をしましたか?

>what did you do in the cluster today?

Go with the first one, user.


monster hunter
: -)


>Is that just a typo-like mishap or is there meaning to it.
there might/could be some intentions that the author try to express.
no one knows unless read the whole chapter or know some relationships between characters in it.

貴方 seems like more formal/stiff and あなた seems like more mild in its appearance of letters.
I might write the 貴方 in a dialogue when an intelligent woman in glasses address her boyfried.
there are so many cases that I can't cover all of them. it depends on how we feel.>幸せを探すために都に参るところです
implies the moment to be about to do.
something like "on my way to"
in this case, more like to say 参っているところです

Is 7 (しち) the same as 1 (いち) when applying rendaku?

しっぽん or しちほん? If it's different, is there any rendaku at all?

7本 ななほん
1本 いっぽん
when it comes to 本 in counting, we don't use しち/ひち for 7

I thought I could use しち like a normal number... what a joy killer.

How about the difference between
よんは / よんぱ (4H)
よんふ / よんぷ (4F)
よわ / よんわ / よんば (4W)
ろくわ / ろっぱ (6W)
はっぱ / はちわ (8W)

How do I know which one I should use? Does it vary by word, or a person who says よんほん will never use よっぱり?

>I thought I could use しち like a normal number
しち/ひち ほん can be recognized , but its a bit difficult to make the sound so that others easily recognize it and ななほん sounds better.

>よんは / よんぱ (4H)
do you mean 四羽 or 四話?
either way,

>How do I know which one I should use?
I can't explain about every cases, because I didn't learn it by some textbooks or something, just learned by hearling..
so i want to suggest this below, usually by it you can somehow convey what you want to say.


sometimes with these could sound a bit odd but still enough to recognize.

>do you mean 四羽 or 四話?
I don't know.

Wikipedia separates by sound, so I think all words with わ would count.
It even gives the impression that よわ is more common than よんわ.

>It even gives the impression that よわ is more common than よんわ
よんわ sounds way better and I don't come up with よわ when it comes to 四話 or 四羽.
よわ could be in some local dialects, though.

these are also acceptable.
3羽 さんば
10羽 じっぱ じゅっぱ


じっぱ is from じふ in old type kana

Hey guys, just a quick question. What should I concentrate on most if I would like to reach the highest proficiency in the language in the next 4-5 months?

I will have time to study 3 hours daily, and on the weekends. Do you recommend any books that would be beneficial to purchase?

Thank you in advance.

Did you read the guide?

You can become N3 with that time allotment.

First, spend 1 week learning hiragana and katakana;
Then, apply the following:
- Core 6k (20 a day, that means around 3k words and 1200 kanji);
- Tae Kim grammar (1 lesson a day, finish it in 2 months);
- Consuming media.

I suggest 2 months of nothing but Anki + Reading grammar guides, but most people get antsy and want to read/consume media from the get-go, your choice. Just be aware you'll be hitting walls all the time.

No, sorry, was sent here from the Jap discussion thread. Will do that. Apologies.

I already know the basics like writing, meaningless conversation and where what when to do, etc. Thank you, I will look into that, as well as the guide. Again, apologies it was my mistake!

じゅっぱ doesn't even show up in that Wikipedia list, now I can't trust that table anymore.

that is a pronounciation.
even if it's written as じっぱ, we should not read it as じっぱ but じゅっぱ

Is this one pronounced じゅっ or じっ?


There are people who read it as "じゅっぱ‐ひとからげ".
It is easy to mistake for also Japanese people.

ji is wrong.
it's true mistake

The way the relative clauses are being used here is throwing me off. In the official translations for the song the boxed lines are translated as "only the real survive" and "nothing to do with what color skin you got". I don't think I've seen relative clauses be used to make a statement like the first one. Is it supposed to implicitly be something like 本物は生き残る (but inverted)? Because otherwise, if I treat it like every other relative clause I've seen so far it would be "the real deals that survive" which semantically is different from "only the real survive". Same thing with the second line. If I hadn't read the translation I would've interpreted it as "(A) color of skin that's got nothing to with reality".