>Be half-White half-Southeast Asian
>End up looking up like a handsome Japanese
Am I blessed Sup Forums?
>Be half-White half-Southeast Asian
>End up looking up like a handsome Japanese
Am I blessed Sup Forums?
Thats what happens when asian men mix with caucasian women, ever seen a bad looking hapa with an asian dad? No
Depends, are you the supreme gentleman?
back to r/hapas, subhuman
If you're white please never procreate,
White women + any non white male always makes perfect children. White men are the problem, genetic dead ends
tried female filter on myself and the result looks like a nip woman.
come home SEAmonkeyman
>mongoloid children
>anything but hideous
nice try
All the AMWF hapas I know have pretty alpha and handsome dads. That's why
WMAF is literally an abomination of our time, a sin more severe than fraud or treachery.
AMWF will create the new superhumans, the alpha race
damage control much wh*Teboi?
afraid of the asian alpha male?
You're Gaijin though.
Post pic
People honestly don't know until they see my name lol.
Japanese are pretty accepting as long as you act the part
? Post your face
Never heard of a mix look that Asian, except maybe one girl who was 120% Chinese with natural brown hair.
WMAF relatioship: weak whitey virgins gets together with an overly obsessive asian woman who is only willing to fuck him for money, and will probably divorce and run away with the kids when she gets the chance
AMWF relation: strong asian man manages to get over all the negative stereotypes about the asian race and conquer a fertile, beatiful white woman
That's why AMWF kids are usually more chad
real japanese are austronesian
we wuz sailors my aniki
wich one of your parents is white and wich is asian?
Most mix look Asian, whitey genes are weak. Ever wonder why Europeans have low birthrates and are dying out?
>finn telling swede to go back to r/hapas
Post pic pls
That man is obviously not white
Pls stop being pathetic
It's more than even a balding beta looking with shitty genetics can settle with a low tier asian chick since those yellow fever faggots will fuck anything, making the children unatttactive.
While the asian male needs to be atrractive and have confident personality to get with a white woman.
Racemixing isn't something special, good-looking parents will make good-looking children and ugly parents will make ugly children.
Of course there are exceptions.
I am curious to see how you look in real life my friend
Nah, you're just a hapas faggot
Do a murder-suicide with your white dad please