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Chinese Africa edition

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>investing in africa

China is about to lose a loooooooooot of money


>china needs raw materials and resources for cheap
>invest so you can get it for cheap because africa
>produce things in china and sell for profit

ah yes losing money

>implying africa can maintain stability
>implying africa isn't corrupt as fuck
>implying africans can be productive

>implying africa isn't corrupt as fuck
>implying China doesn't know this and isn't using it to its advantage

>implying chinese is there for money only
Also for votes, international influence and creation of infrastructure and goods using excessive production so that niggas will need to pay for literally things that will be discarded anyway if left within china
Besides, it's all Chinese that's doing the real work in africa while real niggers just do some shit that's irrelevant or unimportant so even when they fuck up it's okay
Never invest on niggers themselves, they've got no potential at all, so invest on the land and the rights whities gave them
Pretty much this

rate her

Africa doesn't need countries.

from my experience as an international student at Fudan University I can say that russians are good in cucking the chinese.

how’s that peru?


>How Philippine President Duterte has transformed the Asian geopolitical landscape
>The true revolution in Manila’s foreign policy is the almost overnight transformation of a US ally into a leading sceptic of American leadership

Duterte has truly been a gift of heaven for Beijing. Largely because of him all the dominioes of the Obama pivot suddenly fell, and the whole SE Asia realigned itself into the Chinese orbit.

What could have been a long and messy fight turned to be about the easiest victory in the Chinese history.

Fate is a strange thing. It seems all stars seem aligned nicely for China.
Since Hainan plane incident in 2001, and starting with 9/11, many many amazing events happened for China. We have things like Global Financial Crisis caused by the USA weakening the west and damaging the credibility of their political-economic system, Iraq and Afghanistan Wars ruining the US economy and dragging them into heavy debt and decline, Duterte switching sides, Putin humiliating the USA in Syria and Ukraine, Trump ruining the image of Western liberal democracy and Erdogan destroying the NATO from within...

It seems every time things were about to go bad for China, there was always an event happening that corrected it and put China back into a better position than before. More amazingly, it seems China didn't even planned it too. And as Napoleon said, "Never disturb your enemy when they do a mistake" - China keeps those words close to heart.

I used to think the "Mandate of Heaven" is just a political tool, but it seems there is indeed such thing as "Mandate of Heaven".

And there's that trump killing tpp that might have killed china
After being worried for years about tpp and hilary that shit suddenly disappears by a guy who won the fight against hilary who could've done more with south china sea and trading
Dragons bless china I guess

>mandate of heaven
No such thing
However I think when China's not asleep like what Napoleon said, there's some kind of weird shit that gets china to be sustained somehow
Even when china got to be complete shit (like in south song, late qing and Japanese invasion), china just stayed there until someone make it great again rather than disappearing like Egypt, Mesopotamia and other civilization of the past

where do you see yourself in the year 2020 peru?

>American teacher in international high school in Shanghai fired for having sex with his female students

kek. They weren’t even mainland Chinese

I have EXTREMELY fresh from the oven still piping hot videos for you

HIGHEST quality





here as always, probably more fluent in korean, filipino, indonesian, cantonese, chinese, viet and thai.
caring for aged parents and working less.

why can't you buy taiwanese sausage anywhere in germany

it's the B E S T
sweet and delicious


really want some RN

when are you gonna make videos with your gf or past girls

thoughts on this

>Besides, it's all Chinese that's doing the real work in africa while real niggers just do some shit that's irrelevant or unimportant so even when they fuck up it's okay

Implying chinese workers aren't as shit as African ones

me bottom left

why is her big toe so fat

succ too hard

kek. so what happened to her. still in contact?

no she just kind of disappeared
don't know if she's still in germany. she was fucked in the head anyway

divide and conquer, the same strategy that was used on them on long ago, they do learn after all



>be a dirty foreigner
>Chinese girls ask you to get tested before you can have sex with her

>China executed 8 drug dealers
>BBC writes an article crying about it
>sinoweibo cries about it
>day later a video of the 8 guys making synthetic meth is posted by the local court
>BBC deletes article

Lol is weibo the reddit of China?

So why exactly did the 2011 train crash in China get 1000000 articles written about it while this shitshow is already out of the news?

China had 3 fatal train crashes since 1990. We have had 13 since 1990. India has had 320+. Is it because people judge China based on higher standards than other third world monkeys?

>muh China bubble

Lmao another year passes without the supposed collapse.

Not looking forward to having to get a blood test to get my visa. I hate needles. Never had a blood test before.

They dont want to see the truth, since it hurts.

Chinese high technology isnt a joke anymore and it becomes ever harder to deny it. Prejudices might hold in the amateur and media-sphere, since they keep repeating memes, but among the people in the know and decision makers, this trend has become common knowledge.

Better hark on catastrophes and failures of 6, 10, 30, 1000 years ago to wage memetic PR warfare.

>Diabetes is a serious problem in china cause they eat rice

You can get diabetes from rice? Wtf I thought Diabetes comes from sugar.

>”serious” problem

If you ever have been there, most people are skinny or skinnyfat

what do you think rice is? salt?

Are you the Chinese-Japanese guy?

I am Japanese-American. A nisei from Texas (because of military connections, long story).

Where did our Taiwan 6cm guy go?

Yeah but apparently you can get diabetes without being fat.

It's a starch

How easy is it for a Chinese-American to go to Japan and get a pure yamato Japanese or jomon Korean gf?

Asking for a friend....

The only sad thing is is that if i wanna marry a Chinese qt and settle down i can never work there again :(
Cannot even obtain citizenship if i work hard enough and learn the language.
Life isn't even worth living if i can't marry a Chinese qt and have good internet.

Just say you are Nisei like me.

Lol long-term spousal visas are a thing

Also, in 10-15 years China will have tens of millions of immigrants. Mark my words

in biology carbohydrates are sugars

Everything with calories is a sugar if you think about it.

Are we talking about (((Immigrants))) or immigrants?
Also, what do you mean long term? I still cannot legally work there on a spouse visa which sucks. That is the main thing that i was worried about.

Well yeah, some people are born with it. Type II is gained from bad eating.

China designed some insulin rice recently, but most China are scared of GMOs. So it’s not being eaten much.

Obesity is a far worse problem than type II diabetes. I’m sure they’ll find a cure one day (like not eating trash).

Rice, especially fried rice, is bad for diabetes.

>cannot legally work there

Ummmm. Check out serpentza on youtube. Or jayoenation. They are married, own Chinese property, and have worked there for a decade

They work there because they have their own companies and such. Serpentza does Youtube, the same with his buddy.
When i say "legally work" i mean work in the school system or public sector. IE teaching English.
Sure i can get a uni job, i have a PhD and i am sure that will make me wanted more, but after getting married you can't work legally unless it's your own company.
Or so i have heard.

Don't get a spouse visa, stay on a work visa. Or work online.

Those guys make money online so don't technically work in China, therefore don't need legal right to work.

You realise that when you get married you're not automatically locked into having a spousal visa right?

these targeted ads need some work

your brain process "everything" differently
loads of sugar overloads your insulin production



Im new to /isn’t/ and /sino/ in general, what is this garbage

>money online

Are you retarded, perchance?

Jayoe literally works at his company in China every week.

How do you just stay in a work visa when you're married?
No, i did not know that. Care you explain a little bit britpal? :)

>but after getting married you can't work legally unless it's your own company.
Jayoe didn’t have a company in 2009-2012 before he married. He worked as an imp/exp.

Furthermore, there are millions of Taiwanese-Chinese and Koreans working in China.

I did as well. Not sure where “if you get married you can’t work in China” meme comes from. That actually makes you even more likely to succeed.

Your specific situation is irrelevant to other people, user.

It seems from Serpentza's videos that once you're married you basically aren't allowed to work there. That must have been wrong, or mixed up then if you're saying that.

>Why slave away in the states when you can be in demand, when you can walk out of your job and find another one the next day? No, not the next day, on your ride down the day you quit your job.

>How do you just stay in a work visa when you're married?

By not applying for a spousal visa

Winston said you can't work on a spousal visa. You're not forced to get a spousal visa when you get married. Winston just chose to get one.

>The virgin serpentza
>The Chad collinabroadcast

>when you nut but she still suckin

Then why the fuck would anyone get spousal visa? Is he retarded?

Because you can't get a work visa to work on youtube.

I'm here
This guy is another guy but his view is good and I can't say any better than this guy
Taiwanon raged at footkraut for being a feetfag and decided not to take a visit to this thread
Nice decision tbqh, because this thread is pretty bad

>women in Northern China tend to be taller and more stout
>women in Southern China tend to be shorter and more feminine

>there is a substantial amount of dating that happens between local teachers and foreign teachers


How come Singapores sound like Indians when they speak English?

/sino/ is a footfag general. please leave

>ywn teach an adult English class in China and help women from different provinces with their oral

Yeah, how come foreigners always end up teaching little kids. Why don't they teach adults?

western china women are just perfect

Thoughts on this

An autist, a peruvian, a cuban, a Japanese-American that posts from spain, a footfag, a sinologist, some depressed britcuck, and the resident Sup Forumstard

What isn’t there to like?


They don’t. Singlish sounds like cantonese with a few english words put in

It's probably easier to get a job teaching kids. Or maybe they don't care as much about credentials.


threesome with 2 jap females in HK for 600 usd/1 hour
Its gonna feel good.
God is brown.

It is because 99% of english teachers in asia are pedos with neotenous yellow fever.

>you will see Africans speaking chinese in your lifetime
Everything they need is some kind of chinese komissar who will supervise them

wow they're charging $10 for their shitty film, that's the same price for a AAA movie ticket. I for one will not be jewed


same could be said of /sino/ posters

Probably won’t happen any time soon.
English remains the lingua Franca although the higher income Africans will soon begin learning Chinese.

Are Nisei highly respected in Japan?

>you will see Africans speaking chinese in your lifetime

They already do


How long will english remain the lingua franca? I wanna know if english teaching is secure

Until collapse of American culture hegemony, so at least another 5 years

It’s still got some steam behind it.
I’d say at least another decade or a decade and a half.

>Never invest on niggers themselves, they've got no potential at all, so invest on the land and the rights whities gave them

But Chinese invest in African factories and production faculties and do training.

Also land and rights whites gave them? Pretty sure whites stole the former and denied the latter to Africans.


Someone a couple threads back said that the CCP is trying to start an ice age by polluting, and apparently you CCP shills are like real life Pinocchios who can’t seem to deny it. So tell me, what good could they possibly be doing in Africa if they are trying to destroy the world? It seems like you have it backwards.

The Chinese explicitly invest in projects they know they have a return and the Africans pick projects that they need help. Its not this "word of God" style thing some western entities have. It's a deal done by two entities that they negotiate, baragain and compromise to on to achieve the goals each have in mind. In the Chinese side it's maintaining a good rep, gaining allies, developing a consumer base and accelerating trade on the consent (in general not just for them). In Africa's case (really general) it's to gain modern, filling infrastructure gaps and accelerating trade.

I think it is more for political reasons. China for instance doesn’t mind doing business with dictators who commit genocide. They are trying to hurt, not help Africa.

Also to keep in mind, China is trying to secure Africa's REMs before Washington does

>Someone a couple threads back said that the CCP is trying to start an ice age by polluting,

What the fuck?

> So tell me, what good could they possibly be doing in Africa if they are trying to destroy the world?

It's called investing user.

>China for instance doesn’t mind doing business with dictators who commit genocide. They are trying to hurt, not help Africa

And other nations don't do the same? Many sell weapons to South Sudan. EU countries sell arms to the Sauds, France supported genocidaires in Rwanda.

Also >"In the Chinese side it's maintaining a good rep, gaining allies, developing a consumer base and accelerating trade on the consent (in general not just for them)" implies politics.

Washington has had half a decade to try that a full 2 decades to do that without any restrictions.