What is your country’s dumbfuckistan?

What is your country’s dumbfuckistan?

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Far East. Criminals live there. Criminals and gooks.

East germany. Communism does things to you

>2000 map

Thanks for the laugh nigger

>California and Hawaii

the francophone part (purple part in pic related)


Add cali to that list too. Only good thing in cali is the tech industries

>the place where intentionally spreading aids is not a felony
>not the capital of dumbfuckistan
into the T R A S H it goes

This map is totally random I think its from the Bush election or something?

At any rate please please please never ever lump in Michigan with the total retardation that is NE or "the West Coast". Fuck off with that. (Pennsylvania is cool though). And yes, California is literally retarded in terms of IQ anyway.

Yep, 2004

There’s a 2016 update. To be fair, most of the red really is retarded. But so are califags

Everything but Capital. Hell, a lot of Capital too.

How do you define dumbfuckistan?


>tfw from connecticut
sorry brainlets, but youll never reach my level of euphoria

>please please please never ever lump in Michigan with the total retardation that is NE
dont worry the feeling is mutual for us new englanders. in fact we feel this way about the whole rest of the country not just michigan.

Dumbfuckistan is where conservatives live.
If Obama had done the right thing and gassed all the conservatives the US would be a warm Canada right now.

2bh though you have the clintons and obama to thank for our failing infrastructure and cheap chinese shit

Oh shit sound the alarms, the delusional fuck from Michigan is back. Tell us again how the cold cultural wasteland of Shitigan is worth x100 more than those snooty wealthy beautiful coastal states.

Didn’t hear about palmy north in a while

Here you are then, though our Tories aren't nearly as retarded as either of your political parties

>tfw all the Palmyboyz have left Sup Forums and moved on with their lives
>tfw all the other Kiwi posters are Wellingtonians or Dunedinites
>tfw the last remaining Palmyboi

Stay strong palmyboy

I lived in Belfast for a few weeks and it was fantastic, never got this meme of NI being a shithole

I’m a liberal and I would sooner support gassing close-minded partisan retards like you than most conservatives.

Thanks to global warming, Michigan is soon to be a temperate paradise. It's 49 degrees right now in late December. Meanwhile California is just constantly on fire. And goes through massive droughts meanwhile Michigan has the largest freshwater reserves of any state.

>cultural wasteland
Michigan has real culture, as opposed to the manufactured, mass-produced pop culture (non-culture) of the coasts. Hollywood and whatever shitty tv shows you produce aren't real culture. Real culture, culture of the people, is not created by billionaires for sale to you. Its lived and produced by everyone.

Uh they are only wealthy if you disregard all cost of living and wealth inequality factors (ie being home to the millionaires in Silicon Valley, Hollywood or Wall Street doesn't necessarily improve the life of people as a whole). California has the highest adjusted poverty rate in the USA. (On top of being retarded on top of being on fire).

The coasts aren't remotely beautiful, all the beautiful wilderness is in the Mountains or in the Great Lakes countryside. Over half of our most polluted cities are in California, they are choking on smog along with all the smoke from being on fire. Michigan is pure ("Pure Michigan"), beautiful forests and lakes, even Detroit or Flint's rustbelt urban blight is often romanticized online as having a certain haunting beauty of its own.

Everywhere in Blue
*tips fedora and teleports away*


Shit I meant yellow
Freudian slip

>Let me tell you about your country

The North part is Scotland? Kind of ironic how before they made a big show of wanting to have independence but then they don't want it for the rest of the country or what?

Our province called Friesland

Clintons more so than obama. He prevented the great depression 2.0 from happening

>East germany. Communism does things to you

Yeah they're retarded.
Truthfully this country has never been so divided though. We might have had a Labour government if Scots hadn't voted Tory last time, but why they voted Tory could be because either:

1. They want to leave the EU
2. They want to remain in the UK

our parliament

okay, I believe you

You're welcome

You have to wonder how someone can become so deluded. Maybe a head injury? Or possibly the living nightmare that is living in the trash heap of Michigan. Could it be a form of Stockholm Syndrome? It's possible, no one would purposely live in Michigan. It is a mystery.

Hell I just realized how retarded "coastals" are, even their name is retarded considering Michigan has more coastline than any "coastal" outside of Alaska. And unlike their shitty saltwater they can't even drink its 100% fresh.

Basically the whole country

I've been all over america and the west is by far more beautiful than the rest of the country. California is fucking pretty.

But michigan is flat and boring

I am 99% certain that map was made by someone from the Midwest.

>Obama prevented the Great Depression 2.0 from happening

Please tell me you aren’t sincerely this stupid.

You should be glad the majority of your country wasn't fucked up by commies.
Prague is pretty much the only place where people don't elect retards here (analogous to Berlin/the rest of DDR).

We don't have the Rockies but we have the hurons and the porcupine mountains and tons of forestland, sand dunes, etc. You can't call Michigan flat the way you can call the Great Plains states flat.

I agree wildfires can be pretty in their own way. But the crushing adjusted poverty rate and air pollution takes me out.

What's up with that strip of coast? Don't the wealthy and educated live by the coast?

Its a dumb Bush-era meme map. The Blue states are the ones who voted for Kerry, red ones voted for Bush.

He bailed out the banks and multiple industries you dumb faggot. Of course the jews knew that they were going to get bailed out in the first place but joos will joo

Oslo and the north, it turns out. Not really surprised. It's good to have an outright degenerate party to show where the filth lives. I just wish they were more vocal about it so we could avoid them. Every socialist is a waste of life and a waste of time.

Found the low T subhuman who lives in LA.

>>the place where intentionally spreading aids is not a felony
i need more info

The entire west that is covered in forest is prone to wildfires faggot. It's not natural either, it's a byproduct of fire prevention. You think Montana, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah and nevada are ugly too because they burn? It's not exclusively a California problem

I live in east Washington, but I can appreciate the natural beauty in California.

1,000 ft "mountains"

I find that hard to believe considering east German educational performance and the amount of retarded shitskins in western Germany.

It's ok user, they just don't understand

Scottish nationalists wanted to leave the UK, not the EU.

Michigan is more forested than any of those states:


Yet somehow we manage not to be constantly on fire all the time. Amazing what a little common sense will do. Too bad Californians are retarded.


The west area and the metropolitan areas
The west ones because all the indíos live there and the metropolitan area is a classic latinamerican crime ridden shithole

Or maybe it's the fact that Michigan gets significantly more precipitation and significantly less solar exposure.

Germany has temperate forests even though large parts get as much rain as Texas, simply because we have so little sun.

The west side of the country has a different climate. It's a Mediterranean climate. We don't get nearly as much rain as you do. The only places in the west that do get lots of rain is the pacific northwest, and they have a temperate rainforest. 3/4 of california doesn't get much rain even on the coast. It's very prone to wildfires, which is ok. But the natural beauty in the state is still miles ahead of anything I could see on the eastern side of the country.

Here's a photo i took in early may, look how dry it already was.

Not really, in fact it's the opposite, as most of the coastal region's income comes from tourism, which is mostly a low-salary, no-education vocation.

Also, blatant hard drug use doesn't help. It's actually more common in Zagreb than Split for example, but people from Zagreb don't do it as openly or let it affect their lives as much.

I agree the West is the most beautiful part of the US, but California is hardly the reason why.

California’s Central Valley is the single most disgusting fucking region in the Western US, and LA and SF are hardly any better. California makes Dallas and Houston look like the cleanest places you’ve ever been.

California makes this place look good by comparison

The territories where the dirty natives congregate

>the sadlands
I don't get it.

The rest of the state is pretty nice tho

Idk they got no water so they are sad plus its a play off of "badlands" which are cool. Better than the salty retards by far, but not quite Great Lakes tier, let alone Michigan tier (4/5 Great Lakes)

But the midwest has gigantic supplies of water under teh ground.

Whoever made that map needs to learn his own geography.

Idaho is full of lakes


This. Whoever made that map was butthurt after the election. All states with an average iq lower than 101 are Dumbfuckistan in reality.

Wyoming has a lake inside a volcano

jocks are useless and norn is quasi africa tier
this won't work no matter how hard bent londoners try to force meme it

Oh if thats what you mean its just states with sea coastlines vs. states with great lakes coastlines vs. states with no coastline except I relabeled it

Also the real Midwest is the Great Lakes states, Great Plains not so much.

>the smartest states are the "whitest" (in goblino terms at least) states.

All of it, although it you're going by retarded/turboretarded then it's western and eastern poland respectively. There's even a name for that here, Poland A and Poland B.

Poland B should fucking burn

>Also the real Midwest is the Great Lakes states, Great Plains not so much.


Everywhere but my state tbhwymfam

That’s true of basically every Western US State. Different between California and all the others though is that California takes far and away the worst care of its urban areas.

They are massive hypocrites when it comes environmentalism. Hollywood has done a good job at selling everyone on the lie that California looks like La La Land.


Nice fake shit, butthurt Wessie. East German students outperform west German ones by a wide margin

Literally the opposite

Good grades doesn't necessarily translate to success in real life. East Germany must be personification of good student with zero social or coping skills for the real world.

I'm inclined to agree, after all, those folks decided to move there

We don't need a real world, we'll just declare socialism again, this time right wing.

I guess the elections speak for themselves.

its funny because sex workers deserve to be targeted in every sense of the word

>fake shit
It has a sample size of 4 million people. It's probably your older population pushing down the average because they had to endure communism. But your voting habits are fucking absurd desu, so many people either far-left or far-right, doesn't seem all that intelligent

I prefer cities and developed areas to shitholes/endless arab-muslim villages and religious people.

>let me tell you about your country
There are less job opportunities in the east because up until 1889 everything was produced by the state, and once the state was gone there was a lack of employers. But that's changed by now. The point is that the east German education system (especially in Saxony) is way better than in the west, that's a well-known fact here.


Yep because sticking to one party and keep voting for Merkel for the rest of your life because you're afraid of change sure is a sign of intelligence.

You know what's not intelligent? Voting for the same two parties for seventy years regardless of all their entitlement and false promises. The east has been through change, we're not fucking afraid of it.

Do you mean 1989?

Anyway I am just saying that "good grades" doesn't help you in the real world. Or it does but only a little bit. I got really good grades and was always "the smart kid" but now I am a full time NEET and terrified of employment. So I feel kinship with East Germany.