Non-meds btfo

non-meds btfo

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snowniggers on absolute suicide watch

>N*Rdoids will deny this

This is literally the perfect phenotype for men. No homo.

>women like men with wide jaws, white skin, black thick hair and dark eyes
Who the fuck would guess OP. When I'm in Sweden people tend to get the fuck out of my way and apologise. Women flirt with me in shops

Your non-human negroid ancestry is quite visible, just like shitskin nature of ahMeds is visible comparing to similar pigmented counterparts of NWE variety.
Yeah its pretty funny how some people can't accept that ACTUALLY White men with darker features are still as European as blonde haired Nordic.

You'd often see on the " Mediterranean's are superior" threads with David Gandy as the OP image. When in reality the chap is basically pure English, he had his genetic tests done as part of an ancestry show on tv and he was 96% English and 4% Scottish.

Purity of Northwestern European Celtic-Germanic race is beautiful and healthy, whereas semito-negroid tainted White-passing abominations from beyond the Alps is a spit on soul of Europe

Same shit here. Shit like you wogs post shouldn’t be tolerated on account of NON-HUMAN negroid nature and on account of descedandce from those with low ingroup loyalty (anti-evolutionary trait)

>amerimutts larping as meds
okay goblino

that's why most of my tinder matches are white girls... Feels good to be mediterranean from Leb-user desu. I'm still a v*Rgin tho

>sub-Alpine abominations with primitive anthropological negroid DNA...

Hold still Ivan

>dark eyes
kek no

>...ever human

hasn't helped me any lol

why the fuck is he so swarthy if he's english?

don't challenge me wh*Te subhuman, they're dark blue


I’m all trembling. remind me how many dago ahMeds have the balls to fight a Germanic or Slav?
because in the REAL world, you're all a bunch of little bitches whom one wouldn't want to even be friends with, since you're just tiny emotional bitchboy faggots who've got more in common with a bitch than with a man
he's gonna beat up Russians or let alone niggers, bahahahaah!
get back to me with you nigger larping, when you ants grow the balls to look a 190 tall blue eyed Aryan male in the eyes
like, get a fucking step ladder or something

Peak shitaloid genetics on the left

100% pure Ibero-Celt genes. A lot of native Brits are quite dark and swarthy.

Women prefer high T men, whether light or dark doesn't matter. Pic related, a Mediterranean beta next to a Northern European alpha.

Legit post. Most of these good looking "meds" are actually north atlantid phenotypes from the British Isles. Think most of the James Bond actors.

>my wh*Te ass is on fire

if you look like either of them I dont think any woman of any race is turning you down

You can be a pure European and still a normal proper human instead of being a semi-negroid anthropological atavism. Celtic genetics are indeed curious and fascinating.


the so-called drowning in pussy arab

light eyes primarily became more prevalent due to women preferring

not like it's hard to get laid nowadays, you can be fat and ugly and still pull chicks


Left: g*Rmanoid
Right: Slav/Balt(Finn)

fuck wh*Tes

kek, good post my BLACK brotha
u know, if I gave a fuck I'd go watch some """italian tv""" for 10 seconds to spot the first nigger, but I'd much rather just call you a cucked shitskin, because that's what shitalians are tbqh
don't know what all the fuss is about, it's not like you guys don't absolutely LOVE it
what's it been now, serious?
5 decades of nigger migration?
well done!


These guys look Atlantid/Atlanto-Mediterranean

dark hair/eyes =/= Mediterranean

>haplofags still think anyone gives a shit about their genetics

Look at that line of virgin girls waiting outside your house to get impregnated with your R1 or whatever! you can see it from space!

Oh wait, no... they rather sleep with fucking niggers than spotty pasty nerds like you.

feels good to be minority

>but still white

When Germanics talk about muh masterrace it's at least somewhat understandable. Still stupid but whatever.
But Slavs? What the fuck, you are like the biggest subhumans in Europe. Ugly as fuck, savage, historically only known for massacres, etc. Look like ugly, short trolls.

>being white
>a good thing
pick one

he is a /medman/

don't challenge me wh*Te beta subhuman

>all the Turks and Arabs get happy all of a sudden

Uh, this is what white women mean by "dark".

Every time

>tfw pale as snow but with dark hair and green eyes
Who else /pinnacle of the human race/ here?

arabs are horrendous tho

>tfw white but get mistaken for hispanic on
a daily basis as in people speak spanish to me

>cucked, ugly, outpeformed, literally sub-human and a manlet all at the same time

This is white women's definition of dark.

>russian flag

where did you find that pic of me :3

Poles aren't wh*Te my BLACK Russian brother

Slavs > Turks desu

This is what white women desire

>beta idiots discuss what is better when they're look shit

slavs >>>>>> any sissy western cuck

t. knower

this is what white women desire

>b-but muh haploshits
>look i have blond hair w-women should be flocking to me!

the BRAZILIAN man is the epitome of beautiness and masculinity

Sorry jewboy, I don't care about haploshit, hair,eyes or whatever you ugly autists try to talk about.
I just find it funny you ugly people say whatever is good but don't remotely look anything good.

I was agreeing with you, dumb weeb


Get out of my way, peasants.

Don't reply to me, my plan is to make others angry for my posts.

Fuck off kike

>beta idiots discuss what is better when they're look shit

So much this.

dumb weeb

stop posting anime

anime website

Article can't be found on Google, as always Sup Forums falls for dumb bullshit.



Women like:

>Good personality
>good body type

Most of this shit will get you laid anywhere.



what's next

It's a lie

has the same nose and eyes and jaw

only chinlets have beards like that

Sure thing. Romans of glorious days would have exterminated a good lot of northern and central Italians, all southern Italians, mongrels and sailed to area of rapefugee source, burn and scrotch it, establish fortposts in Northwrn African coast. Just so you know, the most butthurt cucks offline and online are terroni and grekoshits. what is known as “greek”/terroni is very dangerous to the fabric of the rest of Italian genetics. Hellenic race degenerated pretty hard after several decades following the Alexander the Great’s death. To understand how cancerous the Greek subhuman combined with Roman machine is and was after the fall of Sparta and reign of Alexander “the Great” one should look at history and the world around. Turning points for Rome downfall were the adoption of greek, degenerate customs, which caused the civil wars of 1st century bc, and the citizenship granted to foreigners by Caracalla (subhuman grekosyrian mutt).

Roman strength, as Cato remarked often, came from the fact that the society was very much HOMOGENOUS, traditional, based on community duty and not seeking personal wealth or hedonistic pleasure.
This is what allowed them to become strong and expand by granting only a "social citizenship", not proper real one, to subjects outside of Latium.
As soon as Carthage was destroyed, Romans did not have enemies, they became wealthy, and started to look at foreign customs, like greek, which true Roman people like Cato considered disgusting and degenerate. This different mind set brought the problem of social differences between plebs and patricians, the Gracchi reforms, the civil war between Marius and Sulla, Caesar and Pompey, and Octavian and Mark Anthony in seemingless succession. Ultimately, it lead to the empire, which with time became more and more degenerate and represents the root itself of the Roman demise.
As a matter of fact we are repeating history, we are in the degenerate undecent part of Roman history.

>No homo.
he looks homo

reminder the prerequisite for either is first and foremost to be white.
latinos and arabs don't get your hopes up, OP article doesn't apply to you

Status does help.

*meds from the north
the southern one are inbreed shit

The eternal(( )) albanian liar

So Atlantids and Atlanto-Meds?

AKA James Bond?

>Portuguese schizophrenic
Is the data inaccurate or something?
Minus the nigger blood. One drop rule


The name is Sardinians

>89% of women prefer darker men
Literally asking to get raped and beaten, like always

Stop shitposting, you're doing this in a shitload of threads.

Also stop insulting our Southerners.

Oh no, I guess I'll have to become a black only sissy now :p

literally ahMed

that's right send women now

>the rebuttal
>complains about shitposting in shitalocu9k tier thread and can’t handle the bantz
What a true soul brother of Brits you are

>Now Northern euros LARP as Meds, saying that the attractive ones are actually tanned Northern Euros

aka cuckposter

>Euro sluts going to SE asia
Why? They're poor with tiny shrimp dicks

You're just overdoing it, that's all. If you're gonna banter or bait the thread, do it slowly. For example this one was actually high quality.

The rest meh, not so much.

Now I get why the nordics love sun bathing so much to take it to the artificial UV sunbath

>b-but we are pure!!! :'(((
poor little n*rdic guys

Nice pack of cherry picked graphs you have there mongrel. Also it's funny the pictures of gypsies. It must be a huge buthurt to lose that time making a colection of cherrypicked things abut us.
The reality say's a different thing.

>we are one of the 25 richest countries in the world.
> and our quality of life is top tier

Lesbos maybe

>old fat hags
>he’s literally PROUD of it
it will forever be hilarious how shitskinned turbovirgins have that ONE same cuckfic that they keep telling themselves before crying to sleep every night
every single shitskin subhuman I can think of, talks like you
does that make you proud?
> meanwhile in the real world shitalian "men" are 10 times more bitchy and emo than their whore counterparts, and only get by on memes from the 60s about "dark men", which were ANYWAYS appropriated by turkroaches, since for women of taste and looks those always meant South Germany and Britain
you're an ahmet now, even talk like one gz

No shit we were making fun of you muhdick losers even back in the 1980s

How can n*rdcucks ever compete?
