Heathcliff is watching the game

Heathcliff is watching the game.

Wow, that comic really struck out.

U wot


It is like a less funny Garfield. I didnt even think that was possible...

It becomes funnier when you start to interpret it as anti-humor

Huh. This one doesn't have a joke, or a non-joke, or an anti-joke, or anything.

Heathcliff is ADVANCED unjokes. Like it's several levels beyond the normal "ironic bad jokes" shit your dad is peddling.

When you consider Gallagher's career in the context as an acutely self-aware statement on the staleness of syndicated comic strips it's rather amusing.

I'm a Heathcliff connoisseur, and this one is a couple of levels beyond usual Heathcliff non-jokes (which often rely on absurdity).
If you knew Heathcliff properly instead of pretending to get it, you'd know what I mean.

I wish I could attain this level of irony


I don't even know if I'm ironic enough to look at this



>Heathcliff watches the SU leaks.

>non-disney newspaper comics

delete this thread, there's no place for it on Sup Forums


got a bad case of B^U faces

Kill yourself mouseketeer

it depicts a quiet, comfy, moment that's relatable to the old person demographic

they don't want anything exciting or entertaining, they want evidence that they're not going to miss anything by being dead


I guess he threw you a ... curveball here