How do you want to die, Sup Forums?

How do you want to die, Sup Forums?

Riding a missile into Tel Aviv.

shod in the mouth :DDD


shot by Ahmed in a terrorist attack would be nice

Randy Johnson fastball to the Head, not even at a game just whenever

dying in a war for something i truly believe in

Painlessly in my sleep

drowning in the cum of the men who group raped me for 9 days in a row

The destruction of Israel?

serving Allah's will

dying in my bed with my grandkids playing in the garden and feeling the happiness forever


On my deathbed surrounded by my wife, children and grandchildren.

While killing aliens with my United Earth forces

On my deathbed surrounded by my oh, wait

I generally do not want to die and will try to stay alive by all means possible

headshot or immolation

I want to go down fighting commies

I dont want to die having experienced so little

Good goy


Death by snu snu

Hopefully by drinking 12 grams of Nembutal while mixing it with a bit of chocolate for diluting the bitterness

this but with thicc futanaris

Death scares me because non-existence scares me. I'd prefer not dying ever.
But if I have to die I'd prefer something quick and painless. And surprising.

I want to hit a tree with a car at 400km/h at least