Hello Sup Forums, ask me anything

Hello Sup Forums, ask me anything

Why do you need attention this badly that you'd larp as a female?

Show bobs and vagene pls

show feminine benis

this is what a girl's arm looks like in 2017 and it's beautiful

1. What is the meaning of life?
2. If a bear and a shark had a fight, who would win?

when did he say he was a female?

it's in the timestamp

>german girl
>hairy arm

my bad, didn't read it

t. frenchman

How can i get german gf?

wtf but I'm a girl

woah creeps

1. I my personal opinion there is no definite meaning of life, we all make the best of our lives. Many people find meaning in Love, in their work, in their Families and Friends, Religion etc. We are all here as equals and we should all try to follow our dreams and hopes.

2. Obviously the Shark

Quit biting your fingernails

I hope you're at least enjoying the attention you fag

impossible, how could you have found me

I'm a girl I promise

move to germany and try your luck here

make me

i can identify my kind


so you're a girl too?

Wer war bester Bundeskanzler?

Republik, Reich oder beide?

hey hum*noids
yes (born and raised)


Gorilla, you mean?


Woah amazing! Could you provide proof?
Willy Brandt

what are you swearing at
