Edition: Late nights with the lads.
it's 35NZD per pill here
fucks sake
>35 with a successful career and wants lots of kids
pick one and only one
>torrenting takes too much energy
Lmao @ ur life, kid
i was more questioning how you ended up frequenting 16/17 year olds mate
posting from the Dog and Bacon in Horsham
thoithyfoyv dollarydoos!!!
holy shit
feel bad for hamill desu you can tell he felt like a right melon
>yeah i want ugly-but-not-fat-and-financially secure 30-something gf to marry and have a litter of autists with
do not procreate with women over 25
retail/photography/teaching would be a few
want to die desu
i mean what the fuck was the point in this scene
just to degrade the white male i imagine
>NSW Health has introduced a policy advising doctors to avoid terms like “obese” in case they might “offend or stigmatise”.
probably cheaper on the darknet but I'm too stupid/scared to use it
avin ein think
you're talking about entire new new build neighbourhoods, those are grim and lifeless unless they're luxury developments
this is the redevelopment of a site deep within a large city, a few quality buildings replacing some shite ones only improve an area
fucking hate fatties
go on hat me
think too much testosterone after a certain point actually kills off your libido and motivation desu
would anyone like a degree in Journalism? thinking of selling it on eBay to cover the tuition debt
Is it worth watching that film?
I'm properly in the friend zone with the only girl that's ever looked at me like a human and I'm madly in love with. whenever we go anywhere I have to watch her pull other guys. would give up if i wasn't so madly in love with her.
bitcoin is officially crashing, down over 10% today
Want to see something really depressing? Log into your tax account on the HMRC website and see how long you have to wait for a state pension
I won't be seeing mine until 2070
Fiancee said she won't take my last name because it sounds too goofy and Jewish
going to cycle down from guildford on the downs link and beat hte shit out of youj
punishment for having shit-talked TFA
space for one more, lads?
*squeezes awkwardly onto the end of the bench*
cut her off
>a degree in Journalism
Too high testosterone leads to too high estrogen which gives you ED
aahhh yes
*soyboy alert*
>politicizing everything meme
had to stand in a line yesterday and there was a nigger in front of me
lines are a kike tool to stop me from breeding
According to brit these men aren't white because they are Italian
got the video?
Any uTorrent 2.2.1 man in
I would if I wasn't so madly in love with her
I talk to her every day just because I like to
were you bathposting today l saw somebody bathposting
Don't forget to vote
genuinely think my therapist and i would be together if she weren't my therapist lads
how do i gf her without getting her fired?
utorrent is over rated
transmission is best torrent client
yeah I kind of been there but at the end of the day it's not worth it is it
That's your internet connection you retard lmao i get my results within 3 seconds of hitting search.
why are you having therapy and how are you affording it lad
that was the joke m8
something about doing away with the hero archetype
postmodernism is cancer and it's terminal
From 'Your Negroid and Indian Behavior', Carl Jung, 1930.
>"I know the mother-nations of North America pretty well, but I would be completely at a loss to explain, if I relied solely on the theory of heredity, how the Americans descended from them acquired their striking peculiarities. One might suppose that some of them were the product of the old pioneer and colonist attitude. [...] There is a much better hypothesis to explain the peculiarities of the American temperament. It is the fact that the States are pervaded by the Negro... . Some States are particularly black, a fact that may astonish the naive European, who thinks of America as a white nation."
>The emotional way an American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro. (Note 3) American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance. The expression of religious feeling, the revival meetings, the Holy Rollers and other abnormalities are strongly influenced by the Negro. The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking – the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this – is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. The almost total lack of privacy and the all-devouring mass sociability remind one of primitive life in open huts, where there is complete identity with all members of the tribe"
only opened 3 windows on my advent calendar so far
l'm very busy, you see
youre torturing yourself lad
shes not interested and she never will be
women like that just like the emotional control they have over you
move on mate
No I'm about to have a bath now.
hannah diamond released 12 minutes of pure banger and mash
does it have a torrent search engine?
Italians are white
no I know it's not
I've even told her several times after getting shitfaced how I really feel about her but she wants to stay friends. since she's not completely disgusted with me maybe there's still hope one day
hes right
phrenology is real
Name one character (emphasis: name) in the new star wars that is
A) a white male
B) not dead
C) not a villain
not him but my job pays for health/dental/counselling etc as part of my bonuses and I don't even have a great job
l'll be with you in spirit
it is me senor shart
There are none, it's just women and minorities. I reckon they did this to appeal to their audience which isn't white men
>maybe there's still hope one day
no there isn't mate
how many of her friends has she presented you
Had to suddenly brake at high speed
>star wars
l'm not gay thanks
first time i heard sue's voice
Literally white genocide, lad.
A presence neither asked for, welcomed, nor desired.
what do you mean presented me? like try to set me up with?
she's talked about it but I don't feel like she actually has
>my job pays for health/dental/counselling
yeah so do I mate
because i'm a deeply traumatized person
because i live in a nice state
need a hope gf
video games have sucked for 3 years now desu
havent bought a game in a year. not due to lack of funds just everything is rubbish
RDR2 is never coming out on PC isn't it?
VERY nice
Ur ma isnt gonna miss my release - if u catch me drift haha x
>buying single player games
so she doesn't even want you to be happy huh
she's released quite a bit recently if you want to get on it
gonna doze of whilst I watch that BBC four doc on the Spanish Armada tbqh
really want a scone right now
i like to support games i like
Good morning britainese
im drinking English breakfast tea with out milk and sugar.
its a best tier tea.
??? no she hasn't???
Only soyboys get friend zoned because you lack control and nuance, subtlety and grace when approaching these situations. The real chad reels her in then gently pushes away until she wants more.
yes she does she gives me proper counceling about all of my problems. it's a lot more complicated than it sounds i think, maybe there's nuances of hope in all this that i'm getting caught up in
shan't be watching star wars(or soy wars as I've taken to calling it)
It's anti-white race-mixing jewish propaganda to estrogenize the white male to stop him from breeding
Shan't be poisoning my mind with such tripe
great shout lad
>It's anti-white race-mixing jewish propaganda to estrogenize the white male to stop him from breeding
>Shan't be poisoning my mind with such tripe