Yfw Batman finds Rorschachs journal

>yfw Batman finds Rorschachs journal


How would that even be possible?

Infinite Earths

Same way as the pin

Greatest detective ever.

I will not be very happy if they spend two years hyping this shit and then it ends up being just Manhattan and maybe Adrian. If they're going to do this I want them to go all out. Bring in everyone, including Rorschach.

Don't hold back, DC.


Speed Force

Fuck you, that's how

What's the point of shock-value combustion if it won't stick? Comedian and Rorschach are dead.

This would be directly after Watchmen, Rorschach is dead

One of the three Jokers is going to be The Comedian somehow because reasons

How was THAT possible? How did it get from the Comedian's coffin to a batcave several universes away? Why would the pin have ANY meaning outside Watchmen?

I don't even give a shit. They are hyping up Watchmen vs. DCU, I want to see them deliver all the way.

That sounds like made-up fan nonsense.

The pin would have been from before the coffin - Daniel wiped the blood off before he threw it in.

That fat ugly kid already found it.

Isn't Gotham a hellmouth or something? The Comedian went to hell and while there his pin got sucked into the hellmouth that leads to Gotham or some other bullshit.

Good enough for me.

The entire premise feels like made up fan nonsense, there's probably going to be lots of moments throughout that look like they were lifted from someone's fanfic

It came when Wally screamed his way back into the Speedforce. You can see the sound effect for it.

I'm glad I stopped reasing DC.

Why are you in this thread?

Shhh trust in geoffs genius. He knows best. It's not just a cheap cash grab. I mean the guy saw the hand that made the universe and went....wait...that's like Dr. Manhattan's hand. He'll see his children through this. I mean look how much nostalgia bait was in rebirth 0. That's basically all it was. And that's good. Just trust in Geoff.

I used to read DC.

Which Joker gets raped?

>I see. Yes, i do agree that what has been done was bad. But the world became a better place because of the sacrifice of a few heroes. You have nothing to worry about, Adrian. Your secret is safe
>"Batman burns the journal in a metaphorical green flame fueled by Kryptonite. Hope burns as the new world is born, a world where survival is on deemed by the strongest. Batman understood that this is no time for childish heroics."