>when your only claim to fame in history is having set fire to a house.
>when it actually wasn't even you
We need a Paul Hogan or Steve Erwin tier Canadian celeb to make some shitposting macros for leaf's.
Stop taking credit for this Canada you were a colony at the time, redcoats burned the whitehouse
Canada was britain at the time, just fucking deal with it burger
Fucking kek
>tfw Shakespeare is American because we were British at the time
lo and behold glorious Swedish "civilization"
Oy v-eh, how anti-Canadian!
I'll have you know my grandfather died in the Burning of Washington when he was just 14 years old!
I thought Americans were German?
It was a token force that returned back to England, Napoleon had just been exiled which free'd up spare ships to deploy and fortify Canada (which kept getting attacked by Americans).
One task force was sent to an undefended capital and they burned it down, there was a guy that was pissed off at the local news printers in Washington that kept printing out propaganda, so his printer shop got burnt down, along with the library and loads of other buildings.
lel, mainland Europe was shocked at this and we told them to go shove a razor blade up their fanny holes.
If I was given a choice between pressing a button that killed all muslims and pressing a button that killed all canadians, I'd have to think long and hard about what my choice would be.
kek. That's an african mud hut. pic related, our old houses. How did Canadian houses look at the time? Oh, that's right - your country didn't exist.
>Canadians in charge of realizing it was Brits before Canada was a country
I'm Convinced this was a meme when it happened. Canadians constantly shitposted letters to the White house, until finally someone sent a letter back claiming to have burned all the shitposts in a huge fire. Then with our creative canuck minds we thought this and meme'd it become history.
every time
>muh hurritage
Sure you did buddy
underrated post
>mfw Americans post that picture of Washington sailing on the Delaware river thinking he was attacking Brits.
Not quite. But technically anyone in British controlled territories at the time was British.
>he battle was remarkable for both its brevity and lopsided lethality. In the space of twenty-five minutes, the British lost 700 killed, 1400 wounded and 500 prisoners, a total loss of twenty-six hundred men; American losses were only seven killed and six wounded.[51][52] Adjutant-general Robert Butler, in his official report to General Jackson a few days after the battle of the 8th, placed the losses of the British at 700 killed, 1400 wounded, and 500 prisoners – the total of 2600 casualties was almost one third the entire number the enemy admitted to have taken part in the contest of the day. After the battle was over, around 500 British soldiers who had pretended to be dead rose up and surrendered to the Americans.
Say that to my face fucker and not online
Yes, but that doesn't mean you can retroactively lay claim to British achievements.
I was literally just reading "When Britain Burned the White House" by Peter Snow.
TFW Britain actually did the deed
You mean undefended once all the meme milta ran for their lives
Canada didn't even exist when the british burned down the white house.
It certainly did happen though, well done Britain.
>Burning of Washington known as the worst humiliation in American history
>TFW Britain actually did the deed
the absolute madman
Have you learned nothing, Canada?
By destroying your enemies' property, you've only guaranteed their victory. It was only because of your careless actions that the United States has risen to such heights. The cycle of hate that you've perpetuated has not ended in your favor.
Nah their forces were too busy trying to take over Canada so they left the capital undefended.
It wasn't about capturing America, it was a warning because they burned down part of Canada.
It was designed to teach them a lesson and it worked, they ceased what they were doing to Canada.
Our troops came home and got rewarded, the mainlanders complained about it and Napoleon was rotting in his own piss and shit on St Helena.
Win win win for all.
> Invade capitol
> Destroy seat of government
> Head of state flees
> Still can't win war
Exactly this. Just like how Australia didn't exist when it was a British colony. It was just pure ocean.
You know the Canadians were British subjects until like 70yrs ago right?
There is no separation of anything before that point.
Stay mad and burned out.
I don't think you quite read that bb
>In the space of twenty-five minutes, the British lost 700 killed, 1400 wounded and 500 prisoners
>After the battle was over, around 500 British soldiers who had pretended to be dead rose up and surrendered to the Americans
>triggered leaf
I was talking to some people the other day, and for some reason the topic of the white house came up. I mentioned something about the white house being burned down in the war of 1812, and they had no idea what I was talking about.
"You know...the war of 1812...Where the US fought Britian"
And they thought I was bullshitting. "They didnt get into war after the revolution!"
Is that the one the niggers "built"
>You know the Canadians were British subjects until like 70yrs ago right?
Yes. But that doesn't change what I said
>There is no separation of anything before that point.
There most certainly was.
>Stay mad and burned out.
Stay irrelevant and claiming others' accomplishments out of desperation bb
What happened 70 years ago?
You dumb? You stopped your attacks against Canada and then went into an economic depression.
Then you got into a little tiff with the South.
Then the Great Depression, finally amounting to something of worth during WW1 and WW2.
Canada is independent and free, sure they have cuck leaders but at least they're white.
200 years America, 200 fucking years and you've managed to run your nation into the ground.
We've had our nation for 1000 years but at least we have the sense to keep our niggers on the cotton fields.
Fucking retards.
Jesus Christ, straya, show some mercy to your shitposting student.
American education.
It was the Brits. I'm fucking tired of Canucks claiming it was them.
Fucking cunts. I HATE Canadians. Bunch of French bastards.
Aussies, Kiwis and Yanks are alright but Canadians can FUCK OFF. Wankers.
The Americas as a continent existed if that's what you are saying, and there were british colonies in what is now Canada, but Canada didn't exist.
The men who burned down the white house were british soldiers.
I'm not sure how you could argue against reality.
All that is about to change, brit-bro
Guess who won in the end?
Give ya a tip (seeing as yours were cut off at birth) it wasn't you that won.
The Canadian Citizenship Act, 1946.
That looks comfy as fuck man.
If I agree to pay for you, your wife's son, your wife and her bull to move here, could you build me one of those? I'll even pay for the one for you four to live in.
First post = best post
Nah you had something like 5 times as many guns almost twice the men, they just ran, didn't even need the boo Indians trick
I mean
You might not want to go waggling the multicultural finger Brit-user
I'd hate to have to destroy your bussy
But is it? You say that, but it's not going to change at all, it will stay the same or you'll get Hilary in charge.
I'll believe in change when it actually happens. See we keep our word, when we say we're leaving the EU we fucking go out there and DO IT, not just talky talky.
Less talky America, moar doey, yes you'll have to refuel your mobility scooters but fuck it, just go do something, fix the mess you've made of MY nation, it's not yours it's MY nation.
America belongs to Britain and always will. No amount of MUH HERRITAGE, MUH TEA DUMPING, MUH MUH MUH FREEDUMZ is going to change that.
Thanks for burning the slave white house.
Thanks pal. I cheated my way through grade 10 history so I don't really know this stuff.
>Guess who won in the end?
According to wikipedia, neither side
>Give ya a tip
You should give one to the cut Muslim who is banging your gf
Why are yanks so shite at fighting? outnumbered,outgunned and on foreign soil but we still managed to beat them same with the revolution and the civil war.
Someone's missing the point
It's amusing you post that picture, considering that church comes from America.
Once again spreading your degenerate bullshit around the world, just like feminism and nigger black lives matter bullshit.
You've done nothing good for this planet, you've tried hard to bring it all down to your low, scummy level.
Not going to work honey cakes.
>ast we have the sense to keep our niggers on the cotton fields.
And your mayors in the mosques
>He talks about Muslims
Hahahaha, I really wouldn't if I were you.
You say that but I don't see black people marching white americans around in chains with shirts that say so sorry
Yeah, that's right.
Oh you think Sadiq is the mayor with the power.
Oh you silly silly boy, no he has about as much power as a corpse in Fort Hood.
>Guess who won in the end?
The ones who didn't surrender?
literally farmers who threw tea into the sea defeated the most powerful empire in the world to that day. The very existence of USofA proves that bongs are shite at fighting against anything more sophisticated than a spear
>Comb that chest boi
And no, you might not see them marching your people around in chains, but you most certainly see them shooting dead your white police officers.
Not shit... You guys were just better, and probably still are, man for man. Brits ain't no joke for a tiny island nation.
Care to tell me how it would end if our countries went to war in modern day, my leaf friend?
Britain wasn't an empire back then.
Try again Checkemsloshitia.
Neither side surrendered, but looking at your shit pit of a nation today compared to mine?
We won in the end.
>Massively outnumber the enemy for two solid years fighting farmers and redskins
>enough troops to attack in multiple locations
>still can't win the war
>kreig kreig kreig
Private schools can teach what they want, thats the point of private schools
Oh wait, you do see them marching your people around in chains.
Top lel.
Is burning emus more appropriate i mean you live on an island in the middle of nowhere with the ugliest but kind of smartest abos there are. As a penal colony. To lose to birds. To shitpost about leaves. What was Rome's symbol? The pink house got fucked. It was a pile of leaves anyways. BRUTAL SAVAGERY I WAS BORN IN THE LEAF REEEE
The battle of new Orleans was the most embarrassing battle of all time.
Ohhhh so it's okay when it's private schools that do it.
Okay then, go check your privileges then.
Don't make me bring up sudetenland you third world rascal.
thanks babe
>burning 85 foot nephilim spiders
Thats what you get for allegedly changing your drunken shit language to spite the word Canadian as synonymous with retarded. I have never read a witty aussie anything
Shut up you poor paki before we both destroy you.
>battle of new Orleans
Nah, Trafalgar was and always will be.
But I know education is limited in your smoldering wreckage of a nation.
Whose side are you on. Lemme ask you this. Do you think murka is independent? Lel that's funny. Thats a job for the mountain jews and the antarctic ones i guess
We already have destroyed Iraq.
I'm surprised they have a functioning computer, let alone internet. Top kek.
it's actually smart to let the forest fires burn out, if you put them out you'll just have a bunch of fucking dead trees and shit so when the next fire begins and you put that out etc the last fire will be so fucking big it would set the whole country on fire
Because I have a Christian president?
It's significant that he has been elected. But who am I to judge? If you prefer Sharia, subjugate yourselves.
>By the Dawns Early Light
Literally an English drinking song.