Looking for a word

Something that can describe the opposite of fragile.
Like Anti-fragile.
Not to be confused with sturdy or resilient, these just mean it can withstand more than something fragile.
I mean when something gets stronger the more it gets hit.

your mom's pussy

that gets loose
and is not a word

Absorbant u dumb cancuck.

something absorbent doesn't get stronger

Robust, durable, strong, tough, resistant...
Are you retarded

>Not to be confused with sturdy or resilient, these just mean it can withstand more than something fragile.
>I mean when something gets stronger the more it gets hit.

you complete turbo nigger. He literally said that he isn't looking for near-synonym of "sturdy" or "resilient". Fuck, someone please nuke that Senegalese shithole of his.

The word you're looking for is Canadian.


Pretty sure there's no word because nothing actually gets stronger the more you hit it unless you mean like building up resistance. Best I can think of is resilient. Or immune-system-like or something dumb like that

Antifragile has entered the lexicon as exactly the word you're looking for.

Anything else and you're looking at some compound word such as auto-reinforcing or an even bulkier construction.

Toughen? Harden? Strengthen?


At a cartoon (I think it was TT, bugs bunny or smth) when describing this enemy that got stronger every time you hit it the used upsolid

would've thought there was a better word, guess that's it...

My dick


>I mean when something gets stronger the more it gets hit.

The only thing which comes to mind is hardened or maybe compacted.

Hammers and axes actually get harder with use, very old hammers can be dangerous to use because they can shatter and send chips of steel around the room at warp speed.

"Something which gets stronger the more it gets hit" doesnt really exist in the way you've asked though.

Unbreakable :D

>I mean when something gets stronger the more it gets hit.
Hardening ?
