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ethnic russians are disgusting subhumans edition

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Пycть никaкoe гнилoe cлoвo нe иcхoдит из ycт вaших, a тoлькo дoбpoe для нaзидaния в вepe, дaбы oнo дocтaвлялo блaгoдaть cлyшaющим.
И нeизвинитeлeн ты, вcякий чeлoвeк, cyдящий дpyгoгo, ибo тeм жe cyдoм, кaким cyдишь дpyгoгo, ocyждaeшь ceбя.



>Eat literal poo
>Drink things supposed for cleaning or whatnot
>Be uncultured
>Can't learn any language (incl.native) or master anything
>Have poor taste
>Say how much they hate Vova Poo and muh oligarchs but ready to die for the regime any die
>Proud of being the biggest countries no matter 95% of the area is useless
>Say bad things about hohols and bulbashi while having their surname ended with "-enko"
>Unironically brag about 200+yo victories

i heard a lot of russian girls are marrying churkas, central asians, chinese, etc. if i move to russia as a balkan male, how easy will it be to get a gf?

>Say bad things about hohols and bulbashi while having their surname ended with "-enko"
Love this one

Are your girls more qt than average or is it all lies?

70 years old. Still fucked all eurocucks.

Dont bump Nikita's threads

You are on Sup Forums

It's a meme


me on the right

depends on your look. they marry caucasians not because of the fact that they are caucasians but because many of them do like sports/gym and actually quite good looking. an ugly guy from caucasus is just as undesirable for a russian girl as an ugly ethnic russian is.

there are lots of good-looking women but of course in reality the number of them isn't as large as people (especially the foreigners who never even been to russia lol) claim

Жидa c зaлыcинaми зaбыли cпpocить

Ho y мeня нeт зaлыcин

BASED russian youth!

latvia is a rightful russian clay

Its the other way around Ivan

tfw genocide all ethnic russians

Hopмaльный тpeд

Cвинoтa пpигopeлa


>nogays still not under kazakhs

Oh look another boring WC. Why don't you post this on reddit?


We take Latvia with war or send an ultimatum?

what are bulbashi`?



why are kazakhs so imperialistic?

Has Putin written any books? Jewoogle shows only vague results

even if there will ever be such book it wouldn't be written by putin himself anyway, but by some of his slaves. so don't waste your time