No diaspora flags allowed (except the french flag coz it's not longer considered diaspora mdr)
/mena/ /moan/ /ⵎⴻⵏⴰ/
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>except the french flag coz it's not longer considered diaspora mdr)
Absolute state of France
My gf is getting forced to marry a 32 years old beta fatty,he'll probably rape her and turn her into his sex slave and make her breed and raise his ugly children for the rest of her life
This is the second time i get NTR'd
How was your day user?
How does it feel to live in the land of your ancestors?
How are you guys coping with sexual frustration ?
by mastarbeeting
Doesn't it just get repetitive and depressing?
Then you just start comparing yourselves to peers and realize that you're a 20 year old virgin.
Aw, sorry mate.
did no fap for 2 weeks and now have literally no libido, fapped twice yesterday and cummed while mostly soft
Isn't sharia law AND algerian law forbid this? My algerian cousin's fathers tried to make a mach for her with a guy he knew, she said no end of the story.
Nobody can force a girl to marry, if she is too weak willed to resist social and familial pressure that's her problem.
If actual threats are being made that's another story and it really sucks.
Just kill him?
Smoking helps keep my libido low without having to alter my diet.
There are way more proficient ways to feel and look grown-up out there you know
I didn't bring up smoking to brag about it. I just got used to it I guess.
sex is gross
I fantasize about marrying an obedient muslimah and making her cook and clean naked and spanking her and making her wear niqab all the time
>Girl gets ousted by her family
>Supposed alpha boyfriend can't take care of his girl
I commit zina
it's hard to find someone in MENA who hasn't been through this
the better side to my story is that they didn't last for more than a month
Just don’t do it every day
easier said than done
The first days are always hard
all those diaspora flags
another thread ruined
By punching my dick until it refuses to get up
It's not a question of willpower, it's more the fact I have to deal with a third leg encumbering my movements 24/7 everywhere and anywhere, and the dopamine withrawal is really the only thing that keeps me afloat nowadays
dear Santa: for this year i want the redditmanian worm to die of skull trauma after a brutal mugging gone horribly wrong by a gang of feral ciganies
my cousin was being forced to marry some guy just for some agreement our family and the guys family.
she said no
and she didnt marry the stranger,even though this was in an upper egyptian village.just means both ou and your gf are weak ass wimps.
Sorry can't oppress your glorious cultural traditions.
isn't that pretty much /mena/? Just diaspora flags?
There's absolutely no evidence that Iran is supplying Houthi's with weapons.
>tfw posting in mena without a mena flag
>tfw not even diaspora
>not diaspora
you are welcome
i'm talking about the cringy mena diaspora
but dumb frog pposter
i too enjoy being a blind nigger
dumb frogposter
School days was a great anime
So a the Arab Student Association in my University held a dance party, I have to say it was the.........bomb.
Haha good one, you live in NYC correct?
now, where did I put those pitchforks
salam brothers
>Girl gets ousted by her family
This is taboo in Algeria, and I'm sure in Tunisia and Morocco as well.
People who kick their kids out, even for leaving Islam or getting pregnant (so many people do it, it's like who fucking cares), they'd have problems with their neighbours and family. Family is one of the most sacred things back there, this is rooted into Berber culture for centuries.
>arap/North African posting the mutt meme
contrary to you Amerisharts I am of pure Arabian stock, I can trace back my lineage back to the Dulaym claim in Al-Anbar, Al-Iraaq.
Where can you trace your lineage? to the local Mcdonalds down the road?
>and she didnt marry the stranger,even though this was in an upper egyptian village.just means both ou and your gf are weak ass wimps.
This. I'm pretty sure theu used to fuck on the side and tried to hide to everyone, and they're actually relieved noone will know now that they'll go their seperate ways.
What didn't they just get fucking married ?
I have none. The only thing that frustrates me is getting up at fucking 4 in the morning with my pants full of cum and needing to shower and squeeze in half an hour of sleep before going to class. This happens when I don't fap often enough because no time or too tired.
But not fucking doesn't frustrate me.
Poor peasants from Europe, cool lineage though
>I'm 1/56th IRISH 1!1!!!!!11!!!
no you aren't you dumb mutt
A girl is flirting with me on WhatsApp. Even though this happens very often I always feel dirty and as if I am betraying my Muslim heritage by allowing an infidel woman to flirt with me.
This only happens online, when a woman flirts with me IRL I have no such thoughts. Anyone else share these feelings?
Never said I was Irish friend
Found my childhood friend. She is a girl.we used to play a lot when we where children. Shr also looks pretty qt
>you are welcome
Thanks bae
Is there a website or app that transliterates Arabic into roman letters? If there isn't, I'm thinking it might be a good programming exercise (I can practice regex).
I ended up in the same class this year with an early childhood friend that used to play with when I was 4, haven't seen her for 13 years, lo and behold she absolutely hates my guts now and tries her absolute hardest to ignore me
never trust 3DPD
In a turban am I right?
Arabic physics really triggers me
I had some Egyptian bitch sending me some very lewd shit, too bad she wasn't all that attractive
I want to join a Sufi order. Is this where I pick my application form?
Yes, tell us about your connection to the family of mohamed?
nothing wrong with pumping and dumping a wh*Te whore just don’t marry one
I'm uhhhhhh a part of his ummah? Like, we're all brothers yoooo?
>/mena/ sufi orders
Those still exist?
Ewwww not enough you chink convert, suffism is too pure for sunni peasants
>sn't sharia law AND algerian law forbid this?
Have I been lied to by Sup Forums? I thought women had no choice in the matter
Most definitely, ya akhi. Not a big fan of wh*Toids anyway.
She looks exactly like the north africans you hate lmao
Whats her ethnicity
>chink convert
I don't hate ALL North-Africans. Just the bad ones.
This girl is a Turkish beauty.
>implying the head of the sufi order Mohamed ibn mohamed al fatima el mahrzi knows the difference
They don't have sufi orders in Malaysia? They should at least be plenty in Indonesia.
fair point
The most often I can do it is twice a week.
But it's usually once every one or two weeks.
I can do once and even twice a day.
whiter than you, ahmed
>There's absolutely no evidence that Iran is supplying Houthi's with weapons.
Except the IRG bragging about it.
lots now that I think about it, thanks senpai
Most of it is underground and unheard of, our Islamic Council rules with an iron fist in keeping sure Malays are Syafi'e Sunnis only.
She looks like a moroccan desu
>Twice a day
How the hell can you have the time for that ?
>Any science field in Arabic
wretched whore tried to correct my grammar, what le fug?
I do it like once a week cause it prevents frustration
Even then who brainwashed you into thinking that premarital/casual sex is a good thing?
fuck off no one cares
Hey hey why the rudeness
Google translate
Don't masturbate every single day, Jesus.
Isn't once every 2 or 3 days enough ?
Also don't browse websites or shows where you can easily see lewd pictures.
It's pretty hard given he's browsing Sup Forums
That is the biggest problem.
>tfw you keep getting hard because of Sup Forums posts.
I browse blue boards for that same reason but even then some soft porn or erotic green text gets posted
there's no escape from it but I tend to isolate myself in generals where there's a flowing conversation and less randomness
Most of my friends have gone to Germany to study, only two stayed here.
I guess there's a bit of peer pressure, not only those who have gone abroad had sex already but also some others I've met at uni.
I think I might have some complex of some sort.
I believe it's because I have no pastime whatsoever except browsing Sup Forums.
I like white people
Alot people doing it doesn't make it valid or acceptable
You just have to cope with what you have
sitting there all day in front of your screen can get pretty boring and evenvtually leads to you masturbating just to cope with all the boredom
That's true.
I don't but i can like in holidays or something, when i was an 8th grader, in the spring brake I masturbated 4 times a day
Based Malaysia
Then I like you too.
t. Pureblood AMAZIGH
consider killing yourself please
posting anime out of context and without any clever implications or the intent of lewdposting is irritatingly obnoxious