Do Israelis not really celebrate Christmas? I just heard they don't somewhere else but I can't believe it

Do Israelis not really celebrate Christmas? I just heard they don't somewhere else but I can't believe it.

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why would we celebrate christmas we're jewish

To honor the most famous Jew

And why do Goreans celebrate Xmas?

Fucking degenerate cucks.

Because it's very profitable

he's just a jew to us and we don't celebrate people, even the more important jews. we honor only G_D

that's what the goyim are for

Why don't Jews celebrate the birth of holymen they will murder years later?

>he was just a Jew


Nice easter

I agree but I didn't make him, I saved him from int yesterday

How Jews see Jesus?

we don't acknowledge him, the old testament ends before his time

he's a jew to muslims as well

jesus wasn't a jew jfc

do muslims celebrate christmas? I don't see your point


Russian celebrate Christmas 7th January.

Christmas is just a c*ristian appropriation of much cooler yule celebration. Celebrating """"christmas"""" shouldn't have anything to do with religion, it's just a fun old festival in the middle of wintertime for everyone, don't see why jews or muzzies couldn't celebrate it if they wanted to.


Some of them hate Christianity so much they don't even use + sign.

only the ultra orthodox jews, they are not an example for anything

I know you already said 'some' but I really want to stress not everyone is that retarded.
In elementary school I had one teacher who taught us to use a different symbol (like the regular + except you remove the bottom line), and then when I got to middle school I had a (Russian) math teacher that asked why some of us use the wrong symbol, and they told her it's so it doesn't look like a cross.
Never in my life did I see a face portray "that's the most retarded shit I've ever heard" as well as hers.
I've never actually seen the wrong symbol since.

You spoiled my fun. Thanks a lot.

Christfags here celebrate it

We have a better midwinter holiday

Actually Christmas is a pagan sun worship festival.

>We have a better midwinter holiday
I'm Russian so I also celebrate Novey god, which is closer to christmas, and it beats the shit out of our shitty oil holiday, no amount of sufganyot can convince me otherwise.

>Christfags here celebrate it
I thought they wheren't that many over there since they are getting squeeze out by the jews and the palis there.

>I'm Russian so I also celebrate Novey god

What do you do to celebrate it?

Hannukah is comfy as fuck and has the best food.

Быдлo pyccкoe, кaтиcь oбpaтнo

A good way to describe it as a secular christmas.
We have a not-christmas tree, we share presents, the larger family gets together and we wait for the new year while eating ruski food and drinking a year's worth of vodka.
I guess it's what you make it out to be, my family doesn't really do much for Hanukkah since we're pretty secular.
no u

Dude, I heard jews from the US even leave the country for christmas, they can't stand it.

>We have a not-christmas tree, we share presents, the larger family gets together and we wait for the new year while eating ruski food and drinking a year's worth of vodka.

Doesn't sound any better than Hanukkah
>don't have cool songs
>don't have torch parade
>don't have candle drippings
>don't have sufganyot and levivot
>don't have burning sevivon

Christfags BTFO.

Jews don't celebrate Christmas. Silly Koreanon.

are those jam donuts?
they are a Hanukkah treat?

Ate one every day for the past week, comfiest food

Traditionally yes, they are donuts (except without a hole in them) filled with Jam and covered in powdered sugar.
This day and age however you have more to choose from, I personally don't really like jam so there are some that are filled with chocolate, Dulce de leche or nothing at all if you're picky.
Not to mention all the really fancy ones that are coated in various kinds of chocolates, candy or nuts.
There are even some alcoholic fillings which I'm personally not fond of, but they're quite popular.
It tastes great and it keeps gyms in business.