Sup Forumsco/'s Bizarre Adventure - Running Out Of Appropriate Thread Images Edition

Past Threads:

MAIN TOPIC: Part 5 Development (focus: Gangreen Gang fight, second Boogie fight); Stand Suggestions are open.

(ALSO, try not to suggest 1:1 copies of characters and events in JJBA)

>Canon Stand Info for the Ignorant and Forgetful

>Plot summaries and character list (this is STILL out of date, fix it)

>Abilities and Stands

>Every part, in order
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -

>Phantom Scare: Chapter 1


>Fighting Game

>Voice Impressions

>Sup ForumsCo/ playlist:「THE SHOW MUST GO ON」

Other urls found in this thread:

Reposting that idea about Taffy.

His moveset is based around using his stand for attacking, projectiles or not, so he does bad without it. He can escape from melee, however, by turning the ground to cheese and making a tunnel. His Special meter allows him to use one of the attacks multiple times based on the meter's fill. His air-fighting is completely trash, because as far as I remember, Taffy can't turn air into cheese and has pretty weak attacks there.

Now, his Super lets him turn the enemy's part into cheese, crippling him, delivering damage and gaining temporary control.(Control migh be dropped. Dunno)

You could've used any of the new images from the thread before last done by the guy making the fighting game background.

It seems like you guys are having a real hard time with just those two fights.

Daily reminder that Jojofags are the new Sonic the Hedgehog fandom.
Not every fucking thing in the universe has to be crossed over with gay pokemon, you autismal fucks.

>Not posting the announcer vocaroos
OP you baka

>You could've used any of the new images from the thread before last done by the guy making the fighting game background.
Fuck, didn't even think about that. We'll use that for the next one.
I think it's less that we're having a hard time and more that nobody's really contributing and I am really, really bad at coming up with either Stands or combos/fight plots, so I'm kind of floundering here.
I think I can plot out a decent Boogie fight if we get stands for the Ghostbusters and MG&G Boogies.

Daily reminder that you could have filtered the thread, retard

(needs reconsideration of how it works)

I'm blazing through the mall fights since someone said they'd do the second Boogie fight.

In the time since they've said that I've already covered the Heylin fight, the Sector V fight, the Pinky fight, the Nikki fight, and also the Larry fight.

Next on the list is the Yucky Duck fight and after that I'll be at an impasse since no one has come up with an assassin to confront them after that.

Thanks, man. It's a big help, seriously, we appreciate it a lot.
I usually don't comment but that's because I don't have anything to say other than "sounds good".

I mentioned in the previous thread that Mr. Clipboard was meant to appear in part 5 in a major role, but was forgotten while we worked the plot. So we could reuse him as an assassin.

The mall fights are all rapid fire fights with the way I'm doing them.

I figure they get to the mall around 4:30 so it's about 5pm when Nikki clocks out.

By the time they're done at the mall and HR it'll probably be around 9 at night. So they'll be fighting The Thief in darkness maybe.

They'll be getting briefed by Tina at around 10 or 11pm I guess since fights happen simultaneously.

In the current plot compared to whatever we had back when he was first proposed, he might be a soul collector. He could work in the farmer's market if we're still trying to figure that one out. It might fit better that he's trying to push WB products in a market where there aren't many WB products.

Or he could work in the mall as an assassin, but I'm not sure assassination is something he's cut out for.

I sort of had a stand idea a few threads back. It was intended for Bradley Uppercrust but someone suggested a stand I thought fit him better before I finished. I don't really have anything else I can do with it so I may as well just leave it here in case we find a way to use it.


>Appearance: A visually idealized diamond statue of the user
>Power - E
>Speed - C
>Range - C
>Durability - E
>Precision - C
>Potential - A

>Ability: 「STAINED CLASS」can use reflective surfaces to create vivid but non-solid illusions within an area. Those under the stand's influence can only see what the user wants them to see (i.e the user could freely walk in and out of the view of their opponent and not be seen). In order to work light reflecting off the surfaces must be able to form a closed area.

Originally I wanted it to use bradley's tendency to cheat to pretend it was some kind of powerful punch ghost. The illusion would hit the leg and Bradley would smack them with a bat and stuff like that.

Nice ideas Anons

This is the finished tomb/temple from Kuzco's Empire of Part2.

This is the attached gradient version, though in the actual game, I prefer to have a separate gradient going up and down to give the stage a little more interactivity.

Is that meant to be Sonic Underground Knuckles? Amazing.

Yeah, that makes sense. No sense in spreading things out too much, that'll just lead to bloat.

Can there be a Mr Meaty at the food court?

Only if they get murdered horribly

I'm already having some trouble with the food court fight because Yucky Duck is supposed to be fought there, and I can only assume that's a character from the "what a cartoon" shorts since I don't have any familiarity with the character.

Who is Mr. Meaty?

It's a horrifying cartoon with puppets about a fast food restaurant. I figured it'd be a good place for Rolf to stock up on meat or whatever.

Speed Racer's stand should be [Running in the 90's]
btw is this series sticking with mostly mainstream cartoon characters? So Don't hug me I'm scared is out of the question?

DHMIS is valid, I suppose, but it's a series which could only get LESS weird by putting it in with these other characters.

I recall Speed Racer was suggested for part 7, not sure if he has a Stand yet, and part 8 is about webcomics and that kind of stuff.

I for one would welcome a trippy as balls DHMIS fight.

>Ability: 『FSR』 bears the ability to strike at 『existence』 itself. When the Stand connects with a 『sapient lifeform』, the initial blow deals no damage but creates a 『hole』 within the creature's soul that will begin to propagate and expand in size so long as the target remains in the Stand's range. As the soul is consumed by the holes, the physicality of the creature's body will begin to erode and deform as if being sucked through a drain. When a soul is completely consumed by the holes, the body, now devoid of the existence guiding it, converts into a prototypical state, the primordial soup that predated life.

Gave it a shot, still working on Rolf's.

I thought it'd be a mind/dream based power, because he'd need that the most when it goes remastered.

The thread didn't fully decide on it though, but I liked the idea.

Would be kind of hilarious if there was a bit of PURE IMAGINATION that was just them sitting at the table. They don't do anything but just stare through their 4th wall.

There's one suggestion in the doc I think?

Thing is we don't want to build one that'll essentially be Warden-lite.

I like this. Love that you went with both my hands idea and the lemur idea.

It looks good.
Cut control and you've got Peacock from skullgirls.

Harassing foes and running when they get close is a neat story

But that suggestion, turning things into nothing, seems too similar to Mongoloid in it's erasing into goop business.

Speaking of which, we need a remastered stand for Mandark. Maybe it's bubbles are super fast and accurate now, and eradicate the body. But that might be too similar to Purple Haze. It'd have to be what Mandark needed most to destroy them.

Announcer user here, I recorded a few more.

That's a fair point actually. I originally had the idea of it creating two holes that would spin, rendering the surface they were placed upon into a mobius strip with the material gradually expanding and spreading apart until the point where it can't maintain form. It connects to everything but can be nothing.

Don't make it super "fuck space time". Chariot Requiem didn't do that. The only Requiem stand everyone seems to know is GER, which isn't a very good example. Requiems CAN warp time and space. Then again, so can normal stands. They're just a deus ex machina for a specific moment. Polnareff wanting to change his body for example.

They aren't necessarily stand upgrades either. GER retained it's original "life giving" function, but attained the whole "reset things to zero" function as well. Chariot Requiem's spirit switching had nothing to do with it's previous self. Neither of them really resemble their original forms much too.

How would Plucky be able to push Bill out of his dream and wake up, and give Bill an ironic death after he attained his goal of becoming "real"?

And it can't be too ridiculous. Otherwise things would get boring. Don't think "super weird black hole", think something that could get Plucky out of a coma where he's being harassed by a dream demon. Plus, it can already make holes like that now, can't it? It doesn't reduce people to goop, but it can suck them into any nearby ones, possibly harming them in the process. He might be able to place them on flesh as well. Fortunate Son is pretty tough if you think about it.

The whole Bill dilemma was why I went for the existence angle. The real rub came in the form of how to properly portray a creature with either no/ a swiss cheesed soul.

First Stand ideia.

>User: Riley Andersen or Jordan (Inside Out)
>Appearance: It looks like 5 floating orbs and one ghostly sillouete manifesting in front, each orb can summon a different sillouete. There can be only one silloute at a time (unless it is a special situation or the user is skilled enough). The sillouetes seem to react to the user's internal desires and may not listen to the user sometimes. The sillouttes and orbs have a unique identifying color to them, which are as follows: yellow, blue, red, purple and green. The user can use them to inflict their powers/benefits on other people by having them interact with the stand.

Each sillouette has its own properties and each gets more powerful when the user's desires/mood are syncronized with their sillouete's tone. They give the user mild superpowers, but are mostly the mental manipulation (bettering or worsening) types.

Yellow sillouete: Gives the user moderate elasticity and super jumping when active. The yellow sillouete is a slim child-like figure that glows, it seems to be playful and extroverted, yet naive and fragile. It likes to appear in situations where the user's around friends or in a favorable situation, it helps the user to stand out and take on opportunities. The yellow sillouete can telepath with other people's mood and make them more naive or excited.

Blue sillouete: Gives the user healing powers and moderate flying/floating. It is small and chubby, it seems to enjoy thinking about the world's darkness and is generally always serious and caring, yet. It likes to appear in serious situations and make the user reflect about it, often giving them handy resolves/epiphanies. If it telepaths with other people, it can make them drown in their own thoughs.

Part 1/2

Red sillouete: Gives the user moderate super strengh/resistance and fire generating. It is short and wide, it likes to act tough and self-caring. It shows itself when the user's overflowed with problems or being somehow abused. If it telepaths with other human beings, it will make them unconfortable, violent or even mad.

Purple sillouete: Gives the user super speed and eletrical affinity. It is thin and tall, it prefers to be analytical, cautious and vigilant of its user. It shows itself when the user's in danger, often appearing and dissapearing at a second. If it telepaths with another user, it will make them weirded out, afraid or even mad.

Green sillouete: Gives the user super senses and explosion inducing. It's short and thick, it is very analytical and self-caringof its user. It shows itself when the user is trying to maintain composure or trying to better him/herself. It has mild telepathy.

Part 2/2.

"Gives user"

Change that to having itself and then we have a start

Still pretty in place. Don't forget to save those so we can use it later, for when the game has enough resources for it to be properly made.

So I don't really want to "push" a Stand, I think Lovely Rita would be really good in a fight against Handsome Squidward. Are there any characters that need a Stand?

What stand was that again?

>Appearance: Red and purple humanoid with a hammerhead shark shaped head. At the center of the head is a timer.
>Ability: When the user selects a certain object,「LOVELY RITA」activates a timer that counts down from a certain amount of time (maybe 5-10 minutes). As long as the timer is active, the object is unable to move from that location. If it's a person, they can still move their arms, torso or eyes around, but their feet will not move. When the timer is up, 「LOVELY RITA」will tow the object towards itself. However, an object being towed can not move through solid objects.

Could be one of the Fireside girls. I don't think we have stands for any of them yet.

Alternatively, it could go to a Boogie.

>User: Riley Andersen or Jordan (Inside Out)
>Appearance: It looks like 5 floating orbs and one ghostly sillouete manifesting in front, each orb can summon a different sillouete. There can be only one silloute at a time (unless it is a special situation or the user is skilled enough). The sillouetes seem to react to the user's internal desires and may not listen to the user sometimes. The sillouttes and orbs have a unique identifying color to them, which are as follows: yellow, blue, red, purple and green. The user can use them to inflict their powers/benefits on other people by having them interact mentally with the stand.

Each sillouette has its own properties and each gets more powerful when the user's desires/mood are syncronized with their sillouete's tone. They have mild superpowers, but are mostly the mental manipulation (bettering or worsening) types.

Yellow sillouete: Has moderate elasticity and super jumping when active. The yellow sillouete is a slim child-like figure, it is playful and extroverted yet naive and fragile. It likes to appear in favorable situations or when the user's around friends, where it can mastefully take the most fun out of it. The yellow sillouete can telepath with other people's mood and make them more naive or excited.

Blue sillouete: Has healing powers and moderate flying/floating. It is small and chubby, it seems to enjoy thinking about the world's darkness and is generally always serious and caring. It likes to appear in serious situations and make the user think about it, often giving handy resolves/epiphanies. If it telepaths with someone, it can make them drown in their own thoughs.

Red sillouete: Has moderate super strengh/resistance and fire generating. It is short and wide and likes to act tough and self-caring. It shows itself when the user's overflowed with problems or being somehow abused. By telepathy, it can make other people unconfortable, violent or even mad.

Purple sillouete: Has super speed and eletrical affinity. It is thin and tall and prefers to be analytical and vigilant of its user. It shows itself when the user's in danger. If it telepaths with another user, it will make them weirded out, afraid or even mad.

Green sillouete: Has super senses and explosion inducing. It's short and thick and very analytical and self-caring of its user. It shows itself when the user is trying to maintain composure or trying to better him/herself. It has mild telepathy.

The stand has desires for itself sometimes and is difficult to dominate. In special occasions, two sillouuetts can act at the same time, making a combination of their respective powers. Their strength comes from the user's own mental strength, if the user's will weakens, so will they. Ignoring any of them is the easiest way to weaken both your will and your stand.

This user and its stand can help the protag when the protag needs advice for its story, maybe acting as a journey guiding character.
This character can also be a fun sidekick, but won't work well as a protag because of the introvertness of this user's objective, which is simply mastering his personStand and this wont be really funny or easy to write.


Reviewfag has clearly forsaken us. This thread is dead without him.

I hope he's ok, wherever he is.

A+ work user. This shit had better get into the next OP

Dude chill, lol. Give me a bit and I'll catch up on the reviews, sorry I've been dropping the ball a bit lately.

So I'm thinking...

Rolf and Cartman are going to where the food is so they can recover when a string of sausages wrapped around a chainsaw comes swinging at them, then another holding a blow torch, then another with a shotgun, this one breaks from the recoil of the blast. Another one manages to slap both Rolf and Cartman acorss the face, as if mocking them, they can't even dodge with how little energy they have. The individual links keep moving thought and reform in one spot revealing Yucky Duck, head of the food court. He says something about how rats won't be shown any mercy and that's some good looking calamari.

Rolf and Cartman don't have the energy to fight, Dexter and Taffy are also a little drained, but Toph is still able to press on in mostly top form. The ceilings are glass in the food court, so Toph brings down some barriers. She tries to cut up Yucky Duck, but he just forms into sausage links again, but this time when he tries to reform he's trapped in individual boxes.

Squidward has gone over to the food court and is bringing food over to Rolf and Cartman, who make a fast recovery with a steady stream of pork butts (Cartman gets made fun of for eating an ass by someone) and potatoes along with some mystery meats. Yucky just smiles and says he hopes they enjoyed the appetizers since the main course is coming. Animals appear, bulls, pigs, some large chickens, and they're all made out of already cooked meat. They focus on attacking Rolf and Cartman who had just eaten meat.

Yucky gets one of them to break the glass he's stuck in and he reforms. Toph is having a hard time separating the animals from her friends since the bull just smashes through her glass walls. Dexter wraps his stand around Squidward and has it jump up to the ceiling where he's able to get a tactical advantage... that amounts to dropping a trashcan over Yucky's head.

Taffy turns the trashcan into cheese and begins to smother Yucky.

>User: Sup Forumsco/'s Bizarre Adventure thread(s)
>Stand: 「BUMP N' GRIND」 (R. Kelly song)
>Appearance: The thread itself
>Ability: Automatically bumps itself to the front page when it reaches page 8 or higher, based on a random variable called 「anonymous bumper」.

>Power - None
>Speed - ?
>Range - Limited to these threads only
>Durability - Infinite
>Precision - Infinite until 500 post limit
>Potential - ?

Rolf, who had already taken care of the animals (and Cartman ate a couple of them), stops Taffy from killing Yucky. Taffy's a it meek after this, his ruthlessness he's been trying to get under control came through again. Rolf ends the fight by clubbing Yucky on the head with a frozen salmon.

Rolf points forward, but realizes some of his flock are missing. WHen he said forward, Toph repeated after him and went the opposite way... right into a bench. At first Rolf just lets this go, but then he looks up and sees the big demon looking down on them. Somehow they're gotten turned around while going through the stores and are further away now.

A voice comes onto the intercom again to mock them.

I'll work on that some more latter, but I'll need the description of what the security guy's stand does to let him rearrange the mall so he can properly mock them in an over the top hammy way.

>UR pass by a break room where random WB employees are discussing their day
>"Man, I tell yah, I've been working eight days a week..."

Nightly Bump

This is perfect for the Announcer.

Where's the guy who made the Scrooge/Father fight?

We need him.

I've been around. I'd be happy to do some voices for the fighting game, I just need the information first.

honestly first I'm going to check up on Father and Scrooge's movesets. I don't think they have one.

I'm reconsidering how we're approaching the movesets, as we're capping the roster at Part 5, so we have a bit more depth with the parts we will put in.

At the least, Father's Room will be a stage, It's either that or the country club.

MUGEN perhaps? though I have no idea how to use that thing.

If we really are going to make a game, I advice we don't do anything that's even slighty complicated, keep it simple.

The last time I did a game, it was not do simple and editable and I couldn't get it to work because of way too much errors and too much new coding.

Yea, that might be better than actually coding a game up. We should have a consensus about it after we define things out and create enough art/sounds/scripts/resources.

Does MUGEN support cutscenes? If not, then I think there's a possibility of me going the Sup Forums-dev route and trying to do the game with the resources.

We're keeping it relatively simpler then. so 1 stage per part?

Anyways, I think MUGEN would be best. But Has an interesting idea too.

MUGEN is a bit difficult to wrangle from what I'm told.

Not impossible, it's just harder than usual. It's the easiest method for making fighting characters and virtual arcades though.

If there's no other options, I'd be ok with it, but let's not immediately just go to MUGEN. We should look around first.

I agree

Compiled my Vicky suggestions from the previous thread:

User: Vicky (The Fairly OddParents)
Stand: 『SID VICIOUS』 (Sex Pistols lead singer)
Appearance:, 『SID VICIOUS』 resembles an Araki-fied Jason Voorhees with Sid Vicious' hairstyle, with the hockey mask cut in half from the nose down, exposing its mouth which constantly bares large, sharp teeth and dripping with blood. Its body would be covered in barbed wire and multiple scars/wounds, as well as V-shaped motifs and spikes. Think of C-Moon except much more muscular and morbid.
Ability: Multiplies collateral damage caused by attacks done by either Vicky or 『SID VICIOUS』, even with focused weapons. For example, punching a single person in the face would cause him/her to have dozens of punch wounds all over their body with the same damage as the original punch, or even be spread to other people in the area, as if she is punching multiple people at once, which can be applied to all other forms of destructive actions. Vicky has free control over which area/direction the collateral damage will spread.

>Destructive Power: S
>Durability: A
>Speed: A
>Range: C (manifestation range)
>Precision: B
>Developmental Potential: A

>Role: Part 6 as a Supermax inmate who gives the MCs a run for their money, similar to alt Diego Brando and 『THE WORLD』 from SBR.

Seriously, you are based for getting all this in one place. Sorry again for missing the last thread, was catching up with some old friends and it went later than I thought it would.
Eh. I think it's a little boring and I'm not that big on it, but if the jury likes it I wouldn't mind having it be a one-off fight.
Not really sure about that bit with the Murdersnake, but other than that it sounds like it just might work in part 8. Not usually a fan of stands that just boost physical power, but since it fits with part 8's themes I'll give it a pass.
I kind of want an XKCD stickman to use this stand, actually. If used correctly I think it could be a pretty fun fight, I approve.
>Calibretto 13
Looking at this one closer, I'm not so sure about the "loses access to their stand" bit. It could work in the right circumstances, but I'm conflicted. Other than that it seems alright, if my ruling conflicts with what the guy who's been writing fights has been doing don't worry about it.
>Random Blonde chick/Cleansing Wave
I'm assuming if you posted this here you're okay with us using it? It seems like it would be really difficult to write without having it either job or be slightly OP, but I think with enough care it could work, especially for a detective.
>Telephone Avatar
I'm not a Doom Patrol fan so this one's just weird to me. I think I'll leave this one to the jury and/or chalk it up to "demons yo" and let it be.
So it's like a more powerful version of Skrawl's, almost? I'm a sucker for QUALITY so I'll admit I'm a bit biased, but I like the idea of this one. Not entirely sure where we'd work it in, but I'll give it a pass.

>ToG and AL
I know I kinda sorta gave thoughts on these but I'll take a closer look at 'em just to be safe. ToG is a bit similar to Mandy's but the explosion bit makes it different enough that I'll pass it. Looking at AL again, I might remove the malnourished bit since the animal thing is much more interesting and having both seems a tad much. Sorry if that steps on your toes, part 5 writefag.
>Slow Hands
Eh. Might cut out the time stuff, and the ectoplasm seems a bit too similar to Glomgold IIRC. I'm not big on it, but I'll leave it to the jury.
>Public Enemy
Spooky. I love it, kind of want Randall from Monsters Inc to have it but that also seems too obvious.
Eh. Not really big on stands like this that are multiple potential powers rolled under one convenient banner. I'll leave it to the jury to be safe, but I'm not a fan.
Basically an upgraded version of the above, so the same comments apply.
>Grim Boogie
I think Rorschach had the Office Space post-it note man look going already. As for the power, I think it could work. You seem to have an idea on how to use it, I'll give it a pass just to see where you're going with it.
>Remastered stands
The new names are clever. Wayward Son's a jab at GER, right? I'll admit my part 5 knowledge isn't up to par so I'm going to assume it is and say that it'll work, would like 2nd opinions from anyone who's better versed in part 5. Secret Doors should work fine.
I love it. I think Mysterio would be fucking perfect for it, but it's also kind of close to what he already does in the comics and I'm admittedly a big Mysterio fan.
Eh, without the context of knowing that GER is supposed to be bullshit I would probably lean towards this one, but I'm not sure. Like I said, I'd prefer anons who were better versed in part 5 make this decision.

I did make use of the "deprives target the use of their stand if they have one" ability in the fight.

It would be OP if it were one-on-one, but it's a five-on-one fight, and it really did narrow it down to two-on-one.

I still need an assassin for the next part of the mall after they exit the food court through a normal door.

See the comments I made on MoP and Murderdolls. Will leave it to the jury because I'm naturally biased against this one. Same with the redo you did a few posts below.
OP but too integral to the plot to cut. Guess we have to keep it in.
I would have each extra hit cause the hits to be a tad weaker. For example, she punches Joe Schmo A in the face and adds four extra hits to make five total hits. Each hit only has 1/5th the power of the original punch, but the stand is strong enough it still hurts. Also add a limit to the number of people who can be affected by a hit. If she used a weapon and cut someone's stomach, as is it sounds like everyone in the room would bleed out, which seems a bit much. OP as is, but with refinement I think it'll work.
Ah, okay. When you put it like that, I'm hip. You seem to be doing most of the grunt work at the moment, bless ya, so I'll trust your judgment.

For the assassin, have you combed through the unused stand list in the abilities doc? There might be an extra one in there we could use. Also if you see a power that might work already assigned to a character, you could always ask if anyone would mind if you changed the character to better fit an assassin.

I think Fighter Maker from Enterbrain is easier to use.

Noted, Reviewfag. The extra hits are now a tad weaker than the original, and by that I meant when she donuts someone, multiple smaller donuts appear on their body.

As for the number of people affected, I would still push for it to be unlimited, though the damage falls off based on how far or threatening the affected are from her, ranging from a full gut-spilling wound down to a tiny yet still painful papercut.

The stand doc is rather disorganized. At a glance, these stands seem like they could be useful to an assassin

>Pearl Bomb: Touches a person, any jewelry within range of that person becomes a dangerous shrapnel bomb that will always explode towards the target.

>MNEMONIQ」(though really any other song name would do)
>Design: A small ornate button or badge attached to the user's clothing
>Ability: "Blurs" the appearance of the user when activated, rendering them difficult to recognize and/or detect. Any video/photo records of the user will show instead a completely average person with no defining characteristic, and people who interact with the user will have difficulty recalling any details about the user. As far as others are concerned, the user is completely forgettable. In other words, the perfect stand for someone who needs to blend into the crowd without being noticed.
I might want to use that one at the farmer's market since the mall is kind of already evacuated by the time the assassin shows up in it. Maybe give it to the Beast (OTGW) and keep the child soul collector angle instead of an assassin at the farmer's market.

But the stand doc really is a mess.


Is on the Stand doc, but no idea where is slated to appear. If I remember correctly he stole the Stand from his original owner

He was in part 5 in the WB tower I think? Dunno if he is anymore or not.

And you realize that asking for a specific character with no rhyme or reason actually lowers the chances they'll be in, right?

Cripplechan thinks we aren't autistic enough. Let's prove them wrong.

What, like, we aren't autistic enough to finish this? or that our "novelty to mess with" has worn off? shouldn't we be happy they stopped caring as much?

Have we decided yet what Mandark's new Stand does? I was thinking it could be like those chrono legionnaires in red alert: When something is hit by a bubble, it will be trapped inside a temporal field while is erased from the time stream. The victim cannot move while is inside the bubble, but at the same time cannot be interacted with. If the erasure is interrupted, the victim is eventually returned to his natural state. Mandark needs to keep focus in each active bubble to make the process work.


[True Faith]?

>Eh, without the context of knowing that GER is supposed to be bullshit I would probably lean towards this one, but I'm not sure.
Curious, but why? FSR seems pretty much unbeatable without running away to get out of the Stand's range. Unless you're referring to Bullshit Remastered Logic, which was a joke.
Dunno, I'd rather have Plucky get a dream-based Stand to fight Bill, even if it's similar to Pure Imagination.
Can [Mongoloid]'s Remastered form be called [Genghis Khan]?

Also [Integral] and

[True Faith] looks like an Arakified King Malcom (from the short), [Integral] looks like a computery torso with arms made of bundled wires and [Insanity] looks like a pair of legs with trousers that appear to be made of sheets of paper and belt that has clock face buckle.

There's a bit of a balancing in that FS is a Punch Ghost meaning its range is going to be its Achilles heel.

I know nobody cares but I named that stand.
That is all.

Got any more plans for this project?

I don't mean as a part of this, I mean I just saw that image and threw the name onto it with some weird brackets my friend said to use then I posted it on Sup Forums.

What's next for part 5?

Give me a mall assassin and I'll keep moving forward with the arc.

Have there been any suggestions yet?

just SLOW HANDS I think?

Just characters who were suggested for part 5 back during the concept stage who have since fallen out of our thoughts.

None of them so far seem very assassin-like.

You could go for one who's so unlikely as an assassin that it kinda makes sense. Hiding in plain sight or whatever. Keep in mind we made Lowly Worm of all people a psycho killer who scared even an entire club of rich serial killers, there's some flexibility with the characterizations.

We had a whole list of those sort of assassins a while back. No one chose anyone, and it wouldn't make as much sense in a empty mall, and they aren't using Panic Switch anymore because we gave it to Scud in part 7, so the gags kinda lost.

I'd suggest someone female. To my knowledge, all our assassins have been guys so far. There's


and someone suggested a loose seven deadly sins motif they could follow. I don't know if anyone liked that, but we do have 7 assassins with the mall one.

A female assassin with the ability [pearl bomb]... could work.

Still begs the question of who though.

Sapphire from Pearlie maybe?

Wasn't there another Stand suggestion for Riley a few threads back? Had something to do with emotions.

That rich dog from Oliver and Company?

I have no familiarity with this, so you'd need to give me a summary of the character for me to be able to pace out a fight.