Why are most billionaire's globalists?

Why are most billionaire's globalists?

Trump is one of the only nationalist billionaires.

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They're so far in the lime light that all they have is their reputation. They cant spend money without it being a statement.

Globalism is safe. It makes them look good to the majority of rich people even if it's not in their interest.

Because they can afford to build walls and live six miles away from the closest person on every side.

Globalism is fine for us, but dont you fucking dare walk through their country club neighborhood you fucking plebian.

I'm pretty sure Jeff Bezos at least isn't a globalist just for the PR.

Besides billionaire's don't need to give a shit about PR to keep making shittons of money. Pic related.

Why do they push it then?

If you're that rich, you own the business. You can increase profits by decreasing wages. So you use globalism to outsource, or mass import slaves into Western countries. It's not that complicated.

What's confusing to me is why Trump is campaigning so aggressively against the very thing that makes him rich.

Because the more assets you control the more they become entangled in international affairs in order to keep your businesses profitable and competitive on a global market. Industry has always transcended national boundaries. Are you just going to forbid companies from different countries to do business with one another? That would be catastrophic for both sides, especially in a capitalist system which requires exponential growth in order to remain sustainable.

>What's confusing to me is why Trump is campaigning so aggressively against the very thing that makes him rich.
He loves America too much.

>cucking to Russia

Uhh wow that's a hard one to figure

why would a businessman who makes billions of dollars from less national barriers and the free and easier flow of people and information around the globe support globalization hmmmmhmh

wheew yea i just cant figure that one must be cause its a conspiracy

Because they are above the system due to their wealth, and globalism gives them access to an even larger market to exploit. They don't need to bother with different countries laws and regulations, they can streamline their revenue and increase profit.

Trump's wealth is tied down to real estate. Some of his stuff is made overseas but they're a small part of his empire.
Other billionaires make stuff and depend on a globalist society to have access to slave labor from free trade.
Then you have billionaires who are all about the banks like Bloomberg.

>Trump is one of the only nationalist billionaires.

Trump "is" globalist who buys and sells in the global markets just like all other billionaires. All his shit is made in China, Vietnam, India and Mexico.

Trump "says" nationalist shit because neo-nazis are gullible and stoopid.

Because a global market means more consumers, which means more profits. Also other countries are ok with you working their people to death and paying them pennies a day. Americans have all these crazy ideas about workers' rights and livable wages, and the shills haven't figured out the right way to shout "communism" to make those ideas go away yet

Lmao you actually believe that shit?

I don't blame ya, with the options you have you have no choice.

Real talk though, the whole dog bless America act is just to win votes son.

If we knew he could get more votes by yelling Allahu Ackbar he wouldn't hesitate

there is a possibility he is only nationalist because it will help him win the election

This is literally it. They aren't politicians- they're salesmen and businessmen.

They benefit greatly from increases in GDP, increases that globalism more or less guarantees at the cost of cultural and political stability.


Lots of retards in this thread, Trump has always been a nationalist, he loves his country and his countrymen. I know this is a hard concept for libcucks to understand, but he wants to give back to the country that allowed him and his family to become so wealthy.

man they looks like establishment climbers with those think rimmed glasses


Rumours have it that Trump's real net worth is a few tens of milions. Which is a fortune, sure, but he actually lost more than his dad had.

He was close to bankruptcy. Why do you think he went to Russia to look for oligarchs to fund his projects? Because he had no money, he was in deep debt with the banks. Trump is a so-called paper-billionaire. He's only worth much if real estate prices soar.

But he also has lots of debt already. So don't put him in the same category with Bill Gates. He's small fry, snake-oil salesman level compared to such giants.

Nigga he just wan be pres'dent

Trump used to be a globalist, and he freely admits it, saying it. He manufactured outside the US, exploited beneficial tax loopholes, and wined and dined the global elites for decades.

That's why he's the only one who can end it. He's not doing this for power or to cash in on lucrative favors. He's doing it to cement a legacy as a great president, because that's the one you can't buy, no matter how much money you have.

People have largely already forgotten Steve Jobs, and they will forget Bill Gates when he dies. But if Trump wins the presidency, his name will live forever, and his name is his most treasured asset.

This is delusional. Trump had nationalistic and anti-globalistic views thirty plus years ago. His views on trade and foreign policy have been remarkably consistent. Go back to any of his statements in the 1980's and 90's.
This guy gets it.

So they don't get assassinated by the Jewish controlled CIA, Mossad, or KGB. Because they're fucking sell out race traitor cowards, or they're just Jews and crypto-Jews.


Because hes a greedy cunt unwilling to give back even a little of his
>"good fortune"
to make the world a better place for everyone?

They make more money that way

Globalization leads to the super rich

idk im pretty skeptical of Trump myself but the guy does an asinine amount of rallys. He could easily have just been throwing money at everything instead




Even back when globalization was a true utopian siren song (anyone else remember that in the 90s? The rosy tinted romanticizing of how great it was) he had the embryonic threads of protectionism and America-first in his outlook. He took advantage of it because why wouldn't you if you were a businessman? Ideologues don't get rich except by nepotism and connections. Look at the deplorable conditions of Apple factories or clothing factories putting out hip leftist che-guevera 2.0 type bullshit.

And consider how is not at all incompatible with the very narrative painted by Trump's detractors. That he's an egotistic narcissistic self-absorbed chauvenist. And that he's more interested in self-image and reputation and pomp and flash than actual money, the detractors pointing to his ostensibly poor business record.

So they claim on the one hand he's a greedy moneygrubber, then on the other hand that he's terrible with money and all he is interested in his fame and glamour. Just like saying he's a warmonger on one hand and then that he's a Russian secret manchurian candidate on the other. Or that he'll go to war with China and then that he makes all his shit in China....so naturally a self-absorbed moneygrubber is going to go to war with the country making all his shit. Yeah that makes perfect fucking sense.

It makes perfect sense that he wants to be president because of the covetous desire for fame, reputation, glamour and so on. And he won't get that being a godawful president who brings about nuclear armageddon or the destruction of the country.

underrated post

globalism and libertarianism are inherently pro-oligarchy ideologies, so it's not a secret why.

you know even putin is pro globalism, just in a way that favors russian oligarchs over western ones.

More taxes (larger tax base)
Lower wages/higher profits
Bigger pool of idiot voters who blindly support globalism so you can ram through more bills that favor you and your globalist friends (e.g. anti-guns for the poor)