You're given a time machine and can get any actor you want to play your favorite Sup Forums character in their upcoming...

You're given a time machine and can get any actor you want to play your favorite Sup Forums character in their upcoming live-action adaptation, who is it?

pic related for Catwoman

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>pic related for Catwoman

for reference

Robert Redford - Daredevil

Howard Stark

Broderick circa the mid 80s would be an amazing Peter Parker.

David Bowie as Adrian Veidt (Watchmen)

I wanted Jason Lee for Spider-Man, back around skater age, but post mallrats acting talent.


Adam Warlok on the other way..

Nick Fury

Jimmy Olsen

It's a crime that he wasn't Dr. Strange

Don't need a time machine, but Cassandra Cain

Maybe you could go back in time to when she was 16 or so.

Cary Grant would be a great Bruce Wayne. He reminds me of the animated series version of the character.


I'd go back and grab a caveman to play vandal savage

Gene Kelly as the Music Meister in the 1960s Batman series.

Young Patrick Stewart for Spider Jerusalem

I like the way you think. If we can already use the time machine to get actors from other eras, why not put them in shows/movies from other eras?

In that case I'd cast Lucille Ball as Harley Quinn opposite Cesar Romero in the 1960's Batman series.

Brittney Murphy as Harley Quinn

This saves me uploading a pic.

Elizabeth Taylor as Wonder Woman.
Steve McQueen Captain America

Commissioner Gordon

I mean obviously a younger conroy and hamill would have been fantastic in live action batmannery, but that doesn't really count
holy shit the amount to which this needs to happen PAINS me. though she was already pretty freakin old by that point, but you could just have romero start jokering earlier.


Bruce Wayne

Jean Grey

Jean and Cyclops

Charles Bronson as Hogun and Errol Flynn as Fandral



Who the fuck has CATWOMAN as their absolute FAVORITE character?

Foggy Nelson jk Galactus


Or fucking anyone desu. Very intense and talented. Would have been perfect for a cape flick.

Yeah but I wanted him for Namor because he pulls off "intense and regal" very well.

After reading Brubaker's run i'd say she's one of my favorites.

>that spoiler

Fucking gold, user.

Maybe not favorite, but she's at least top 5 for me.

Nah, that'd never work.

Ra's al Ghul

Captain Marvel

Cyclops and JEEAAAN

Bronze Tiger or Luke Cage.

People with taste.

>he'll never play Mr Fantastic.
Just give me the gun.

> playing Jonah Hex in his prime


>Use time machine to get an older version of him to play Ra's before using a Lazarus Pit and a younger version for after
Someone build a time machine, we have to make this happen.

God, imagine if movies actually did something like that. Film half the movie with a young actor, halt production for decades, then start again now that the actor has aged, instead of using a stand-in, makeup, or special effects. Guaranteed Oscar.

I'd go back to 1998 and get Jared Leto to play the Joker since we've got no one who looks like this today.

no studio would want to do it

that Boyhood thing only happened the way it did because it was a pet project.

Reed Richards

>gee galactus, what are we going to do tonight?
>same thing we do every night, surfer

he's got the look
but not the hair

It's a guaranteed Oscar!
It took twelve years to make!
It's the best movie ever!
It took twelve years to make!

Was about to post this.
Hell a lot of times Hex is drawn as Clint Eastwood with a scar

When I watched To Kill a Mockingbird, I kept thinking that Gregory Peck looked like Clark Kent, so now I want to see that.

Cary Grant works too.

Iron Man

He'd be great as Clark or Bruce

Harvey Bullock

Robert Redford - Steve Rogers

I would never be able to take him seriously. A Bruce Wayne with that voice would be hilarious.