
How do you feel about brexit

Is it increasingly becoming more of a mistake?

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don't care

It was always a mistake tbqh

voted leave for a laugh ama xx

Are you 56?

%? probably

Voted leave for the bantz desu

But for realsies it’s a fucking mess our government is incompetent and the opposition is even more incompetent


I was never that invested in either side of the argument since the government was guaranteed to fuck it up anyway.

Don't really give a fuck, I just hope the UK doesn't fall too far, we got too buddy buddy with france and need competition

based. do you regret it now or are you still laughing?

nah like fuck do i have regrets it's been good crack

get fucked

based brit bantmasters

What are you trying to tell us with this post m8?

think it's an angry pawel, can't really tell

Ha ha ha!!

Posts pictures of Pakistani's.

Did you know that countries like Pakistan and India are demanding more access for their citizens to the UK as part of trade deals?

You dun goofed

I never vote in general elections because there's no point but I voted leave in this one as a prank and it has all been very amusing between the governments utter incompetence, the opposition somehow being even more incompetent and completely unable to capitalise on the government's mistakes, the enduring butthurt from europhiles and students, cameron BTFO, so I do not regret it even slightly

noice, what are your next moves and how do you plan to mess with yuros?

See how much of a crack it is for these poor bastards when the NHS is gone.

>muh NHS


>Is it increasingly becoming more of a mistake?

Welp pick one, live in poverty or live in multiculturalism where nogs constantly rape brits women

People and media dont even talk about it except for the occasional EU propaganda piece.

So whats the good and bad or do i have to look up molyneux or some shitty tuber?

Brexit was never going to stop multiculturalism or mass immigration. Anyone who things this is retarded.

The people who don't want it to work and determined to ensure just that, including out pro-EU PM.

The only good I can see out of this is that it's very clear millions of people in this country are very much opposed to the status quo and are desperate for change and reform.

It's just a part of the deglobalization

What the English should do, is to kill and mutilate any EU national they catch, should the EU officials like Juncker continue to threaten the UK with destruction. Stabbing Czech students to death and causing Polish women to miscarry by kicking them in the stomach was a good start, but the Eurocrats don't care about poor Eastern Euros. You must target Westerners.

There are many young Spanish, Italian, Greek men and women forced to work as waiters etc in Britain due to the economic situation in their countries. They should be raped to send a message. Also, the French, Germans and Irish should be attacked.

Some may point out there are a million British retirees and other expats living in Spain and the rest of the EU who may be subject to retaliation. Let them, they are useless feeders, parasites and probably Remain supporters. But you can kill the young EU nationals in the prime working age, the ones working as bankers in London. This would be more injurious to these countries than the loss of some filthy pensioners in Majorca.

>demands are guarantees

You fucking stupid paki bastard.

>Anyone who things this is retarded.
hahaha dont even try to claim it was a typo

Careful with that language Nigel, you might end up in prison. :^)

but..but..nigel promised us that

Why do you dream of the empire? Clearly it's never coming back, not with the lack of resolve in england

I'm behind 7 gorillion proxies, you bumcheese.

It's a gimmick, you dolt.

>China meddling in Australian politics
>Brussels giving UK shit over Brexit
>USA giving Canada shit over NAFTA

The empire could rise

>You fucking stupid paki bastard.

And what you gonna do bitch if the government turns round and says OK?

Ha ha ha nigga on that day I'll be laughing my fucking guts up.

we really don't mate the empire is a foreign obsession.

You'd need competent politicians, not nigel-farage tier edgelords

Doesn't matter to us matey we'll make sure racists like you are behind bars.

“British police officer tries American male footwear” - Colorised 2017

Farage is just a meme though, UKIP currently has 0 seats in the house of commons and 3 out of around 800 in the house of lords.

Their most competent leader is a bad Thatcher clone, not exactly a good start

Voted Leave. Nothing has happened. Would vote Leave again.

What went wrong?

The government can say okay, and they'll very much lose the next election. But you know as well as I do that they'll not agree to this as one of the pressing issues of the referendum was the topic of immigration and controlling it. The Tories are simply not going to commit suicide agreeing to such an absurd demand when our trade is so fucking paltry with these nations any way.

You’ll have to pay for your Down syndrome pills

Those "West End Girls" are now fat black lasses imitating Beyonce

Will the UK be more open to immigrants?

No. see

According to a bong paper I read there is a war between the elites in the UK right now.
That's allegedly unprecedented as the elites were usually on the same page (since they all came from the same unis and were all friends).

How true is that? Pls only bongs respond.

We should open the gas chambers for them


What do you mean, fella?

hate britain
love the european community

Will the British have a choice? Or will the UK government just sign this and be on their merry way?

Seems like the latter tbqhwy

Fuck off then.

They knew something was going wrong

New Romantics sub culture I think?

if only you knew how bad things really are

Politicians and rich fucks. People like Cameron and Osbourn.

As I have said; the government are not going to agree to open movement of people from India in exchange for a trade deal.

And let's just say if they do, they're committing political suicide seeing as the public want to reduce immigration, not increase it.


when has any western country's populace ever been asked


*free trade deal

are you her?

more depressing than swedish winter

Not completely accurate she saw through the eternal kraut by being against German reunification.

me on teh right

What did they mean by this?

me to your left

they will get what they deserve: shit

that's what happens when you call others non-country, fuck you nigel and the anglos


me in the middle

Who top of the pops in here?



you could smoke in the subway?


Back in the day you practically smoke anywhere, these days you can't even smoke in a pub anymore. It was common courtesy to offer somebody a ashtray.

i miss record stores tbqh

t. underage

why? when was it banned in France?





It was great seeing Britain get MICKED during negotiations desu

indifferent to it

>being poor in the year of the lord + 2017

looks comfy as fuck tbqh

This. I'll be leaving the country so I don't have to pay back my tuition fees anyway.

Brexit was always a mistake and people followed Farage mindlessly.

Nothing will change except we have no say in the EU.

Glad to be leaving tbqh.

What does the NHS and brexit have to do with each other?
I'm asking this as someone that is rather clueless about british politics.

literally nobody thinks of reclaiming an empire, its just something we did and were best at, no biggy
it is what it is.

Why are third worlders like yourself so obsessed with it? inferiority complex?

Looking forward to leaving that god awful empire.

It might be good for Japan. :3

It seems that Japan and the UK started cooperating in many directions.
Is this good for UK too?
「英中蜜月」修正→21世紀の「日英同盟」? 日本とイギリス急接近のワケ
(This page is written in Japanese)

"British and Chinese are in an intimate relationship" amend → the "Japan-UK alliance" in the 21st century? The reason of Japan and British sudden approach

I miss being able to go into the pub and have a fucking smoke.
Nowadays it's either go outside or fuck off. Pretty miserable when it's as cold as it right now.

like the UK is in position to refuse anything

>Brexit will bring back [insert out-of-ass inflated Europe
>Europe: You owe us 50 billions
>UK *drops pants and bends over*

you stupid cunts went full euroTrump, like you went full euroBush, except you can nowhere near afford to be so obnoxious

>City crying for 2 years to "adapt"
>2 years to bolt the fuck out losing/leaving behind as little as possible

you're going to be as poor and brown as Pakistan by the time the Brexit gang-rape is over

>like the UK is in position to refuse anything
Well actually we are. Just because we're leaving the EU doesn't mean we simply have to accept the conditions proposed by non-EU nations for a trade deal, you fucking stupid white flag-waving smelly cunt.

Our trade with nations like Pakistan and India are quite small and we're not going to accept increased immigration from these nations in exchange for a free trade deal just because some Pajeet diplomat claimed that would have to happen.

