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I can feel Sup Forums's presence. The cancer, it is good.


Just do it, Dahnald. Just give me the delegates.


Canadian issue?



For you "alt-right" kids who aren't mature enough to be an establishment conservative.

>yes I said MANkind

My sides






idk senpai



Its an American magazine.

fucking love me some rs memes

I really really like this image



If you ever wondered what was going on with Ted Cruz before his RNC speech.

Ted Crus: Mother, he's just a madman. He doesn't care about the Constitution and I have conservative principles.
Ted Cruz in his Mother's Voice: "Mother, he's just a Madman"! As if voters don't desire Change! As if... ohh, I refuse to speak of disgusting things, because they disgust me! You understand, boy? Go on, go tell him he'll not be winning his election with my delegates. or my son! Or do I have tell him because you don't have the guts! Huh, boy? You have the guts, boy?

(None of you fucks will get a Psycho reference, why did I even try. )

>still no father

what's a Psycho reference. do you mean the new jokker??

I get that some people would think this would be a rage you lose post, but I find retarded SJWs to be hilarious. I'm working, but I'll post as much as I can as time permits.



That's a troll. It ends with Why do you hate people with disabilities lol.

If it's not a troll that person needs to die. I mean really will never be of worth to anyone or anything. Even an animal. That kind of needs to die.

Do children read Kant or does the publisher just put that on all their books?


That's fucking disgusting.
Had I at any point in my life opened a philosophy book and found that either in the editors notes or on the cover i'd demand a refund.
How absolutely disgusting. Claiming without justification either apriori or aposteriori that a philosophical books ideas are wrong on the cover is egregious.




Kant’s racism is especially important because he is considered one of the most important
moral philosophers that ever lived, and racism is a highly immoral position. I wouldn’t consider a geologist who claims that the earth is flat a good geologist, so how can a good moral philosopher be racist?- Some Cunt in a real philosophical essay.

Kant also claims that there is an objective morality that is universally beneficial this could easily be offensive to homosexuals and atheists and other easily offended people.

I almost called you a faggot for that first paragraph. Good thing I read till the end.

It shows how insane liberals have become when Kant is considered offensive literature.

ba dump cha. Its a magazine for women getting married I'm surprised the babies male. It's a ceremony to the subservience of a susceptible male provider. It's just a celebration of her winning her slave contract at his desperation nothing more.



Lost, hard

Based Kant. Also, checked.

Your first paragraph made me quite mad and i'd already begun refuting it when I read the last part.
The truth is just because a philosophy is offensive doesn't mean it should be met with this, albeit minor, stigma / censorship.
To attack pure classical intellect like this is wrong. The only time I was this annoyed over philosophy was when I saw feminist sjw tier books in the philosophy & ethics section.

Hue and TheAmazingAtheist have a lot in common don't they?

Please kek let this meme die. Please.

>the shotgun doesn't fall and hit him
I've never felt so let down by a .webm.

>tfw no GTA V.

This is a mod, right?

>son is named Zion

can it get any more obvious?


No, it's watchdogs.

Cruz is the zodiac killer idiot.


Time to rev up my steam account


Actually they probably aren't Jewish, a lot of Evangelical Christians give their children that name. Given the mixed race of the Child I'd say they were Mormons.

This thread was fucking gold. Bants from all the over world, I cried a little


>misquoting Nietzsche for racial egalitarianism

>Can't tell if Jew or Bart Simpson reading that cover

Anyone have the picture like this about how many bodies would have to be burned a day for the holocaust to be real

Captured this glorious gem earlier today.

Thanks, Lori.

>that's probably the number of people who truly don't understand

>average european family.jpg


>Normal Suicide for Normal People.Gif

I love these, does anyone have a folder they can dump??



You make me want to play that trash game


>This impotent rage
As of about a week ago, we aren't "alt" anything. We are the Right, and you are nothing.

>Anti-Violence Activist.
>9/11 Survivor
> Writes Fan Fiction.

I laughed because of the shooting, and I cried because I realized these could actually be used to describe real people.

There are people out there who are best described as "Community Gardener" or "Frequents Gay Bar"

I hope I really made you think.

stormniggers are just upset thinking that they created the movement then quickly realized it's not a stupid stormnigger movement and got butthurt
they should go ask their imam what to do

i just realized this is true

>Not reading the Critiques to your kids before bedtime.

I'm crying. Fucking lost.

Don't. It's a bad meme game


Nerve gas attack







I can hear some funny theme a la Benny Hill or something alike the rainbow invincible star in super mario bros.


>son named Zion



Alright lost. Its funny, before Sup Forums this kinda stuff wouldve made my bluepilled self write shit like "omg so terrible. Pray for that lost soul". Now I just laugh



Really makes you think, huh?

>afghan """"refugee""""" simulator

I find it funny her fellow women sat there and watched her burn. Men had to go up and save them.

I would not be surprised if this was a feminist inspired protest.

Probably got fed to rabid dogs or indian trains or something.


>I would not be surprised if this was a feminist inspired protest.
It was if I remember correctly.

Ive been around and for some reason that is the single most abhorrent thing ive ever seen on the Internet.
When Mr. Hands died it was sort of expected
When western civilization died it was less so.