The British Gentleman Alexander Gordon Jahans has publicly endorsed Trump. I can smell victory at this point.


Pretty much close to what I expect modern day liberals to look like. Good to see they are starting to give up like cucks and come around to the God Emperor in higher numbers now.

You can smell the piss and semen stench wafting from his room.

This guy would be a great Late Night show host here in America

i dont understand

does he have autism

That and 60 other issues

>Fine with democratic socialism


His nose is decomposing.

lunch lady arms.

Typical Trump supporters.

This guy is so lovely he should be my cracker.

He was anti Trump before

Ohh Paraguay have you recovered from genocides

>Black Pigeon Speaks is Gordo's biggest fan


He has a genetic disorder that causes his body to produce more estrogen that the average female. Consequentially, he is a massive libcuck.

But maybe our trolling has redpilled him?

Once trump becomes president we're nuking you twice

>40 minute video

When does he drop the megatrump bomb?

Well, he does have bigger breasts than the average female.


Black Pigeon Speaks helping to redpill this kid.

If he abandons his liberal ideas, takes some self responsibility and embraces an alt-right world view, he'll hit the gym, get a real job, be able to afford surgery to fix his mantits and maybe his dick, and improve the quality of his life in general, instead of expecting the government to support him and his degenerate behaviour.

Redpilling AGJ is something we, as a community, MUST DO. Not only will it be Sup Forums's greatest humanitarian act, by conquering this mountain, we will perfect the art of redpilling and become more effective at creating new allies.

>Video has less than 400 views
>Obvious proxy post
>'Star' of video clearly posting this for recognition
>Chose Japan because weeaboo faggot
>Nobody has ever heard of this guy
>Zero charisma
>Complete fucking autist
>Worst hygeine award 2016

>Nobody has ever heard of this guy

you know, if he worked out to get rid of the fat, could he not at least look slightly normal? jesus christ, I can't imagine all that shit hanging off of me

It would be difficult for him without testosterone injections because with all that estrogen he may not be able to build muscle well. Although even women can lose weight if they work out.

>Still less than 500 views
>About 1000 subs

Sorry let me correct that for you

>7.6 billion minus ~1000 people have ever heard of this guy

Gordon has fangs.


It makes me feel at home

> Nobody has heard of AGJ.
Says nobody ever.

>edpilling AGJ is something we, as a community, MUST DO. Not only will it be Sup Forums's greatest humanitarian act, by conquering this mountain, we will perfect the art of redpilling and become more effective at creating new allies.

Fucking this.

Bit full of yourself aren't you?
You aware you've gone back to your original proxy?