Female teacher has sex with students

>female teacher has sex with students
>neo4chan fag response: "nice!" "Lol I'd fuck her" "where were those teachers in my school?"
>guy has sex with cute loli
>neo4chan response: "sick faggot" "hope he gets nailed to a cross" "fuck pedos" "hurr degeneracy"

So neofags when did you realize you were feminists?

I approve of both

Sup Forums only hates lolifuckers when it's a filthy shitskin raping innocent white girls. Consensual lolisex is fine.

Plenty of times I see neofags here arguing against that.

I don't approve of either equally.

The female teachers need to be crucified along with the guys.

The potential for abuse and dear god, pregnancy so young, destroy mostly the child's life, male or female.

It's almost like this website is filled with unique individuals that have different opinions and worldviews and disagree on things because we're not a hivemind. Really makes one have a thought.

its almost like you're a fucking faggot


You're aware that the "nice" thing was the entire point of the episode, right OP?

"people can think for themselves"

Guess what.
Not an argument.

>the reddit people are molymeme milofaggots
what a surprise

>having sex with a 14-18 year old boy is the same as having sex with a 6-10 year old girl


Me on the right.

Are you actually mad that people can disagree with you? Is the concept of independent thought triggering you?

There is nothing wrong with either.

Besides middle school isn't 14-18, further, plenty of neofags would get on a guy for getting 14 yo girls.

Most people here consider sex with 14 years old girls as pedos too.

Some will even consider sex with anyone below 18 as pedophileA

School should be sex segregated at all levels. Only male teachers should teach male students. Only female teachers should teach female students. Homosexual or transsexual activity should be a capital offense. All youth must participate in scouting. Besides that, education for girls should be restricted to home economics and their education should cease at 16, the age of mandatory marriage. For males, continued schooling is optional. Both genders should have mandatory military training if not service at some point, although women are forbidden from any combat positions.

There. I just fixed most of society's problems.

You're right.

then they're retarded, ignore. teenagers aren't children

Praise allah Mohammed

>u mad
rightwing deathsquads posed to obliterate the altright when?

I've never heard of a penis getting mutilated by a vagina before.

>this thing can happen with actual rape and in very rare cases
>so it's completely different from other thing
>consensual sex counts lol

Are you retarded

>woman finds chad hot
>this is somehow wrong

>man finds cunny hot
>this is somehow wrong

The most delicious part of your anger is that it's not even that we disagree on the topic at hand, because I never stated a side. All I did was point out that stating extremes such as "all Sup Forums says this thing" or "no, all Sup Forums says is the other thing" is dumb because the board is a place for people with different opinions to discuss then with each other.

it is OK in both cases if they marry and have hit puberty
And presumably the male in either situation can take care of the female, or the family sorts something out.

otherwise they should be sent to a nunnery or be castrated

>muh puberty

You do not have to hit puberty to enjoy kitty or dick licks