What is he thinking, Sup Forums?

What is he thinking, Sup Forums?


Life is parallel to hell but she picked Tim Kaine

Look at all the darker makeup compared to his much paler hand...

>tfw I might get to fuck the President in the ass in the white house

This fags cock block game strong

My stories from the daily dairies, they're really coming true!

Stolen from another thread
Dump your Ill Bills

"oh sweet moloch, if they let that evil bitch in as president then I can get Jeffrey epstien freed, we can go fuck more and younger children. maybe that will get rid of this cough, and fear of oncoming death that ive had lately"


>I could be banging whores and snorting coke right now.

> I'm so proud of my wife's boyfriend's daughter.

Yea you're not going bald dude.

"Man, just think... I'll be back in the White House. Just like old times, getting BJs in the Oval Office again."

>my feet hurt
>I wonder what Al Gore is up to right now

Wasn't he the head of the dnc

Why is he running for VP now

Why is debbie still there

This job blows.

underrated fpbp

just go bald desu senpai

"I hope she gives my AIDS medicine back soon. I already spoke for her I should have it by now. I can't mask this cough anymore."

Don't you think he looks tired?

I see three he's...

the best thing about twenty nine year olds is theres twenty of them. hhmmmm time to kidnap some more.

>"She'll let me live a few more months..."

>Just as planned.

He knows that he's under guard 24/7 and if the election continues to go south for Hildawg he'll be murdered to garner sympathy and aid in the polls. He then knows that Lucifer is waiting to collect on those deals made all those years ago. Bill is a rightfully troubled man.

Fuuuuuuck...I forgot to take my AZT.