4 Chan mocks us for being too Westernized and says China is based, but it's the exact opposite

4 Chan mocks us for being too Westernized and says China is based, but it's the exact opposite.

I guarantee you'll never see someone walking in China in traditional clothing. It is still a common sight here.

Chinese are True Westernized.

They even handshake instead of bowing.

We are only Western in political allegence

Other urls found in this thread:


Japanese should kill and sexually assault any Westerner they can catch. They are all progressives, multiculturalists, and race mixers, who wish to turn Japan into a typical Western country (15-20% black or Muslim minority). They are dogs of the Jew

I can't handle the amount of cringe everytime I see a jap poster speaking poor english and remember that it's actually a white person purposefully speaking poor english, and that actual japanese could probably type english normally

What compels you to make these shitty threads every day?

basically fuck you

no they are actually that bad
t. asian expert

>4 Chan mocks us for being too Westernized and says China is based
how much of an inferiority complex do you need to have to think this?

who cares, just keep giving us anime and it's all alright

>4 Chan mocks us for being too Westernized and says China is based
Literally no one on Sup Forums thinks this. It's a weeb board through and through. Probably even more nowadays because Sup Forums sees Japan as an alt-right paradise.

Nobody says that China is based after being 2 minutes on Liveleak



this is accurate

Jews are the true master race. Hitler was delusional.

Diogenic philosophy doesn't go over so well there I see.

he's a real sicko

>yeah, indeed i was diagnosed as a sicko, i'm playing on Sup Forums to kill time lol
>the medication causes dizziness..


t. multicultural country with Islamic flag


But you still shit on public places, that's pretty Digenes style.

Us Americans are the true inheritors of the Greeks; what can I say?

I was talking about the chinks that let the kids shit anywhere

t. Benjamin Cazenoves


Top kek, I never heard about this story before

I just went to his Twitter account but the guy hasn't posted since the Bataclan attacks, spooky

>actual japanese could probably type english normally

The meme is real, only the cream of the crop can handle English in any capacity.

Unfortunately the Japanese aren't much different.

>I guarantee you'll never see someone walking in China in traditional clothing.

You have LARPing racists wearing hanfus and claiming they wuz pure 100% han no mongol blood all over China.

This is recent, from twitter.

People all around the world are actually pretty similar, believe it or not

At least they don't have criminals carrying automatic weapons in the open riding public transport, like it happens in Rio de Janeiro.

did he just hit the guy with a fucking hammer??

I agree that he shouldn't be chewing and spitting seeds on a train, but a fucking hammer? and why the fuck is there just some guy in medieval armor with a hammer on the train.

Why do girls look so fantastic in Japanese traditional clothes? They're beautiful.

If you're gonna finger her you could at least make out or something,

Reminds me of when I watched some documentary about geisha. They said geisha used to sell their virginity. And when the Westerner doing the research asked about the custom and if they kept their makeup on during it because he wasn't sure if they would kiss with the makeup on, they were shocked he thought kissing would happen.

Most traditional dresses are amazing, Russian here

>4 Chan mocks us for being too Westernized
Nobody does this.

>says China is based
NOBODY says this.

>Chinese are True Westernized.
No they are not. They are disgusting barbarian sub-humans.

Well, if the guys fuck like in their porn movies the girls must be really frustrated, somehow they manage to make sex awkward.

I thought this was another weird JAV at first

le happy manchu.jpg

>Sup Forums mocks japan and says china is based

the jap is actually correct
china has succumbed to capitalism and consumerism.
japan is ultimately one of the few countries that still remains a bit different and unique
otherwise our world is getting smaller
you board the plane and land in a foreign country only to see the same film posters (often in english too), the same big brands and since there are migrants everywhere, you can even just stick to your home food. it's sad.

The Mongols hardly left any genetic impact on China. The wewuzzing shit is direct at Manchus, not Mongols.

>tfw no qt cryptoasian russian gf.

What part of that face says "crypto" to you?

This but unironically

No that one in particular.

They are quite an innovative society because of that, tho:


Nothing's holding them back after having smashed their reactionary old culture.

where did that guy in armour with a stick come from?

Wtf those women are robots?

>Nothing's holding them back after having smashed their reactionary old culture.
How about we smash you, you filthy communist rat?



China might be the first country to achieve a high degree of digitalization and automatization, simply because they have no baggage of legacy systems like the old traditional industrial countries do. They just skipped the 20th century entirely and jumped into the 21st directly.

Nah, they hate the Qing Dynasty.

Worse, it was a fucking hammer.

Taipei looks shit desu. Like some 4th tier provincial city in China.

Cant compare with Beijing.

Old culture really only interests tourists, scholars and rabid muh heritage nationalists on Sup Forums and Sup Forums. In the greater scheme of things, such as in a social darwinist context and in global competition, no one would give a fuck about your ancient artifacts and buildings if your economy sucks and technology is at a stand-still.

People really only cared about Japan because of the economic boom in the 60s-80s. If we didnt boom then, you'd have as much interest in Japan as you would have in Ethiopia or Somalia, two places with real actual ancient culture, untouched by evil modernity.

If pic related is the reward for moving on without looking back in romanticism and nostalgia, every nation in the world would pay that price. Without exceptions (even Tibetans would immediately exchange their monastic slavery ways for being wealthy and powerful - as their own history as an empire during 700AD showed).

>4 Chan mocks us for being too Westernized and says China is based

What? Thar’s bullshit. You’d have to be completely deranged to consider “communist” China to be in any way “based”

What about historical China
We all love it, though

I am more convinced now than before that my idea was the right one.

>implying anyone on this site knows about chinese history outside of Sup Forums memes

Most based China
Where have you gone, my mommy (;_;)

>watching other countries fighting a bloody civil war among themselves is so based

Yep. I also enjoy watching the Syrian Civil War and of course the American one (latter is better, since only americans were harmed).

I wouldn't mind if some Japanese ladies sexually assaulted me, to be honest

They won't achieve anything sustainable.

Skipping a century of progressive mindsets has a dire price, though may not be evident at the moment but will rear it's ugly head down the line. The major indication of their shortcoming is their massive population. It's a short euphoria that will fade away like the Japanese have. The only country that has had its hand in everything from the industrial revolution is the UK. Is it a surprise the center of all continents with most attention given to them ie, London, New York, Hong Kong all had a British hand in them?

Eventually the underdeveloped Chinese areas will drag down the forward pace just like republican mindset in the USA + Ireland in the UK, etc, etc, does. It's the price of development.

Do Japanese people study Chinese history? How about Egypt or Greece?

It is rather because there are lesser developed areas of China as of why Chinese growth will persist. As opposed to other developing countries, China did a very strong push to connect all regions with modern infrastructure, so that even resource appendages like Tibet and Xinjiang can and will be developed and utilized at an economically profitable rate.
Chinese companies, for example, evade the rising wages in the coastal provinces either with automatization or by going to the inland provinces - latter of which is still cheaper than the low priced labour found in neighboring Vietnam or in Bangladesh because the top-tier infrastructure in China that connects even remote provinces makes for a better profit margin than having to deal with regular power shortages, bad roads and even worse corruption.

The UK, being de-industrialized and hit by Brexit is declining. Sure, they still hold sway over the financial world, but this isnt an industry a country can rely on to create wealth for the masses.

Japan are you okay?

That is just creepy and looks terrible.

That's not innovative, It's just stupid. It's the same concept of strapping a 5 foot long image of a model on an entrance wall. It's what retarded people do and people go through that phase at about 10 years old.

Everything in that video you can find in old cartoons of America. There is nothing new in any of that.

What happens when corruption hits due to massive increase in wealth? Is there is a suitable transfer of power? History always shows, A one party/one man rule will always result in chaos. What would happen if a military coup occurs inside of China or in the capital? Are there power structures to prevent that? Do they have enough foreign allies to come save them? The 20th century you so easily dismiss was filled with that learning curves

And you dismiss the role of finance? When wealth is created in such inordinate amounts, a finance oriented country will become the most valuable. As far as I can tell, The UK along with the US leads in monetary policies. They set the precedent ie, gold standard, fiat currency, birthplace of bitcoin etc.

We study a lot, every Chinese student whom I met was all surprised to find how much I know their cunt's history (it's partly because I personally read lots of Chinese historical novels :-). In fact, half of my male classmates at junior high school enjoyed reading 三國志 Three Kingdom. China has had such a significant influence over Japan that naturally we study it. Japan in old days is to ancient China what Europe is to Ancient Greece and Rome. This kind of sentiment that China used to be great makes me feel that CCP is blaspheming China.

why every Japanese flag in Sup Forums are so different from any ordinary Japanese?

Sup Forums is for mentally ill people and not normies.

Also I studied histories of Egypt and Greece, but the amount of my knowledge is far smaller than the amount of knowledge people in Europe acquire, i guess. I know only very important stuff like how Pericres completed Greek democracy or how Egypt came to be ruled by Saracen Empire, Mamluk Dynasty

I like China, it's great how much butt hurt it causes

In Australia schools they teach a lot about Greece and some Egypt. I much preferred those history lessons to the ones about Australian history. God, that shit was boring. Never learned about China at all so I had to read books in college.

No one fucking does that.

Do people say China is based? They're a plague on the Earth and everything living on it.

>birthplace of bitcoin
What was original creator identity found out?

Chinese history is nothing short of wonder. Which hero do you like the most? My favorite one is 苻堅, his life is like a bright flash

Also you should check Chinese poems. China used to be the greatest cunt if you're interested in Chinese culture. My favorite one is as follows

a River Scene in Snow

Birds vanish from the surrounding hills,
footprints fade from the winding trails;
Clad in a leaf cape and a hat in a boat alone,
an old man is fishing on a river in snow.

i feel i got tokyo syndrome

i thought everybody was wearing kimonos

samurai fights in the street

ninjas jumping from rough to rough chased by mysterious yokai.

and what i've got is another western city full of macadam and asians wearing blue jeans.


Well, the interest of history cannot be measured only by its length.

This is 苻堅

>Фy Цзянь (кит. тpaд. 苻堅, yпp. 苻坚, пиньинь: Fú Jiān, 337—385), изнaчaльнaя фaмилия Пy (蒲)

Fuck off you delusional bong. Hong Kong is a shit meme and you're well past your expiry date.

Read Chinese history book, it's interesting af

That one has its merits desu. It’s dead and buried now though.

>and that actual japanese could probably type english normally

Ashkenazim are Europeans though, they aren't L*vantites.

Hey we tried to Westernize Japan and they didn't like it desu.

>Saracen Empire

Sadly true
Umma~Umayyad dynasty~Abbaz dynasty?

Japanese average autists go to 2chan
When autism hits too hard but you remember you have learnt some basic english you go Sup Forums

>claims to not be westernized
>doesn't affirm the divinity of the emperor

Truly intelligent race


>and asians wearing blue jeans
well japs make best denim so it's ok

t. pisslamist rape babbeh

>Random video game esque guards on the train

Wtf China. Also who confronts someone for eating on a subway as a civilian? Or for that matter talks to anyone at all on a subway.

That was cute
Did hejust ask?

The sad thing is that they'll breed 2 more for every chink they kill among so this doesn't matter, which explain why lives in China mean so little

Fucking roaches

t. Melbournite multiculturalist homosexual

This is obviously porn retard

I'd side with the japs tbqh