
Based Ramzan Kadyrov slams american terrorists.

>Kadyrov insisted he was sanctioned not because of some alleged human rights abuses, but rather due to his relentless lifelong fight against terrorists, many of whom were “fosterlings of the American special services.”

>“They say that sanctions are somehow linked to human rights abuses. Well, then why look for people to fill the list on the other side of the world, when they are right in the White House and in the Pentagon?”

He is 100% right btw.


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The smaller the dog the louder it barks.

is there rule34 of Kadyrov getting gangbanged in all holes and pumped full of hot semen? asking for a friend

Ramzan training vid, afraid yet, eurosissies?

I want to see him try to bench press that weight. Why is he in a gym anyway?

at least he actually fights against terrorism unlike jews who support and fund terrorism (like their american cronies)


t. from a country which funds literal terrorists and terrorist enablers.

t. Colonial terror-state

>ramzanka dyrov

lol he is putins dog that putin chose to keep caucasus in control.

it doesn't though. russia doesn't support any terrorist group. you mean hezbollah or what? even in the western world there are countries that don't consider it a terrorist group. while IDF itself basically terrorises its neighbours and tortures innocent population (sometimes even literally disabled people) of the lands israel temporarily occupies


Chechnya is not whole caucasus, and Kadyrov is quite an independent leader (probably the most independent of all russian republics).

he's a mad cunt but he's right
we have funded the people who want to kill us and then cry foul and our only actions so far has been to carry on our dick measuring contest with russia rather than working with them to fight terrorism

When Chechnya rebels, others join. They are the only ones who are not afraid of Russia.

Impressive levels of irony.

>When Chechnya rebels
why would they do that? the last time it happened was because of americans and saudis who supported, funded and trained local extremist groups. they won't be allowed to do that again. if you think that they want independence now you are totally wrong.



>Russia dindu nuffin, he a good boy. Just check my state propaganda site for proof

>Just check my state propaganda site for proof
not sure what you mean here, even IDF spokesperson doesn't deny the incident described in that article

>russian whataboutism

He's probably right

Why do Russians love Chechens so much? Its weird considering that Chechens have killed their Russian countrymen.

imagine finns who would fight separatism and join ussr
>and then you like "but muh winter war..."

Oh Russia why you so wacky

Why do finns love swedes so much and consider them brothers?
You were cattle under them.

we just not confuse people with different views if they have similar ethnicity

How much you get paid to shill this clown on a chinese cartoon forum?

You're not doing it for free are you?

who is this leprechaun looking little fucker