Nothing pisses me off more then these left wing douchebags who talk down their own countries and say how much better the states is even though ebil drumpf is president!! A kid I went to high school just left Australia to go to LA and he couldn't help but post how glad he is to leave shithole Australia behind I hope this cunt gets mugged by a pack of niggers.
Nothing pisses me off more then these left wing douchebags who talk down their own countries and say how much better...
Nationalism is a disease
Its not.
>and say how much better the states is
lol. i thought only third world shitholes and norway said this
you're right
> Australian flag talking about douchebags who talk down their own country.
Bro, you don't even know.
>worse than the US
No the left-right dichotomy is, and people are too leftist these days ensuring a future pendulum swing
>"You can't support liberal policies and be anti-immigration!"
>"Marijuana? Abortion? GTFO socialist degenerate!"
only for new worlders
>and people are too leftist these days ensuring a future pendulum swing
Same could be said of the right, Trump is turning the leftists even more leftists and paving the way for ultra hippies to take over in 4 or 8 years.
Pretty much guaranteed 2020 liberal landslide if the dems play it right, and american ping-pong administrations continue
People are legit celebrating the tax cuts to middle-class families without realizing that they're going to pay later under a different administration and blame them
I'm a leftist American and if Aus would take me I would migrate there in a heartbeat. The US is a clusterfuck with or without Trump. Shit social mobility, lack of universal health care, shit wages, everything is fucking shit. The tax bill is a little turd on top of the shitcake.
Ask these braindead morons if they want to trade citizenship with me. Fuck I wish that were possible.
>retty much guaranteed 2020
eh, they got a pretty hard map, but they won fucking Alabama so i wouldn't be shocked.....
ment for you
They need to clean up in 2018 first. There's a lot of damage that needs to be undone before we even think about 2020. Also somehow the Democratic party needs to be shifted further to the left. They are resisting it hard. They want to be Republican capitalist cronies without the racism and pretend like everything is okay. Not good enough.
Mutts out
You think after 60 years of neoliberal hegemony, Donald Trump is going to be the only reaction? He's only the beginning. Hold on to your hats, gentlemen, we're headed for full-blown fascism.
I hope you're not talking about Russia. This country is objectively shithole.
Sure Nikita, whatever you say
>Pretty much guaranteed 2020 liberal landslide
not really
In all likelihood conservatives might win in 2020 if they're lucky but a white numbers dwindle down they will never win again (you have to remember trump only won because of america's system he still lost by 3 million votes)
So what? Nothing stays the same way forever. States could secede, people could migrate, a civil war could ensue.
t. vendedor de burritos
dumb moscovite
>Hold on to your hats, gentlemen, we're headed for full-blown fascism.
If you are not from Moscow you have even less reason to like this abomination called r*ssia
Born in LA, he's more likely to get raped by a pack of Gooks
America is a disease.