>"America is great because America is good"

What did she mean by this?

It means she believes in science.

It means she doesn't believe in impractical and stupid proposals like spending billions to build a wall through hundreds of miles of wilderness and deporting millions of people

ok shill

it means what makes America great is good, hardworking people (unlike the hateful NEETs on pol - you guys are what makes America worse)

It means her advisors who wrote the speech are being fired

It means America is great. And we're going to fix the problems and the schools and the everything else.

And here's how.

Mummy Hillary is saying that because we are good the way we are, we have the potential to be even greater and she wants to help.

it means she is a fuck ass

It's "good" because she's not in jail.

I could have sworn it was
"america is great and we won't do anything about it"

What's the odds that crooked Hillary kills her husband before the election, blames it on health conditions, and gets the sympathy vote?

Shills are out in full force today, what gives?

Well, but, unlike the divisive, dark hate of Donald Trump, we are going to put down a program to explain what we mean. Donald Trump has no program, and will never tell you his platform.

Hilary has unironically created shill program to shitpost online.

I was raised by a mother in a rocking chair and my father had no legs. She always told me to never give up, so I ate bugs from a ditch at the side of a dirt road.

And that's how I became president. That's the America we believe in.

I wonder if she believes in the science of racial differences.

Someone should ask her.

She meant America is good because America is ok

It means that America has values and ethics, that it's a good nation because the people are fundamentally good.

she meant anyone who promises to 'make america great again' obviously doesn't believe america is currently great which is deplorable for a presidential candidate

I find it funny how the libs denounce the wall in one breath and then talk about all the money they are going to spend putting people to work on infrastructure. Isn't that the exact same thing?

Nice job Correcting the Record!

I definitely am more inclined to vote for HER regardless of whatever wars her donors deem fit to begin.

Goodbye Syrian government, hello Syrian funerment!
Can't wait to topple Kuwait!
I love a surprise, if it's Yemen's demise!

>"America is great because America is good" means America is great

Hmm, creates a pondering situation

>Sup Forums can't grasp as simple play on words
Literal autists

You are a moron. Learn something about muh english.

here you go for those uneducated in American History

simple quote with a lot meaning.

really makes you think
