Why are poles such crybabies? Why don't they realize they would be nothing without the EU?

Why are poles such crybabies? Why don't they realize they would be nothing without the EU?

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Polish are a barbaric tribe who need a bogeyman to blame all their failures on

Jews, then communists, now the EU

If you isolated them from the rest of humanity they'd probably start blaming various plants & animals for everything (so horribly) wrong with their lives

i don't much know about eu and polish economic progress but poland deserve better economy they were very unlucky after ww2

TVP was shit for a long time, but it really hit the rock bottom with this natsoc management.

I'm legit horrified by the idea that our new political establishment who were shitting on journalists criticizing them even before coming into power are going to try and turn our public broadcaster into similar heap of garbage.

>war profiteers talking shit about other countries

yeah unlucky they collaborated in the biggest genocide in human history against their most educated demographic group

This needs to happen again. Poles are literally subhuman. They need to be eradicated from earth.

t. Russian Jew

i know what are you saying but don't you think they were also victims? you know koreans and chinese were victims by war criminal japs in ww2 but some of chinese and koreans were being traitors too

>Number of times Poland has destroyed Europe:
>Number of times Germany has destroyed Europe:

t. pole

I don't think he's even a Jew. He's probably that goy Russian that shitposts under israeli flag. His style is too retarded for being one of the chosen folk, in fact it's more reminiscent of the balkan slut here


Poles aren’t even the biggest leeches when adjusted to per capita

Ťó šéš ťřóšků šplěť, chlápéškú

>luxembourg literally off the charts

although maybe that's because they get their money under a different chapter?

my grandfather's uncle got his family out of poland and on a boat to america when the germans invaded. then he went back to the family farm. when he got back he found that his fellow polish villagers had taken over his farm. then they murdered him then and there.

now they say they were the victims. fuck them.


>Jews, then communists, now the EU
So, basically the Jews. Thanks for confirmation, Shlomo.

also that's not per capita. I'd like to get couple of hundred million per capita desu

>grandfather's uncle
>literally anecdotal evidence
Okay Shlomo.

that's horrible well you can blame those inhumane polish murderers but you don't have to think all the polish were anti semitic bad people anyways rip your uncle

we want funding without doing anything in return

Poles are the last real Europeans

Everyone has stories like this if they had family in Poland. All Israel knows the crimes of the Poles during the Holocaust. You can deny it as much as you want but history books will and have judged them.

Yes, some Poles helped the Jews but as a nation they were extremely complicit. At least Germany accepted the guilt, Poland masquerades as an oppressed nation when in fact their population partook in countless atrocities.

Post sources desu

>they were extremely complicit
I think you're mistaking them for the Dutch and French. And history books agree that they did not collaborate with the Germans in any way, neither in military nor in genocidal matters, with very few exceptions. They were even willing to get slaughtered and have their capital levelled to the ground during the Warsaw Uprising. Saying that they were collaborators is historically wrong and borders on ethnic hatred. Stop shitposting and fuck off.

i had a polish friend her whole family were very friendly with jewish polish diaspora in her town

t. pole

That guy is probably a German proxy who is trying to push the guilt for the Holocaust onto anyone he can (when he said "at least the Germans accepted the guilt..." that was a huge giveaway, since no real Jewish person would try to relativise Germany's role in the Holocaust with such a statement), or he's simply delusional. Either way, not worth talking to.



Wtf I love Poland now

>they collaborated in the biggest genocide in human history against their most educated demographic group
You mean this?
>The Skidel revolt (Polish: Powstanie skidelskie) or Skidal uprising (term used in Soviet historiography) was an anti-state and anti-Polish sabotage action of the Jewish and ethnic Belarusian inhabitants of the Polish town of Skidal near Nowogródek (now Skidzyel’, Belarus) at the onset of World War II. It started on the second day of the Soviet invasion of Poland in an attempt to assist the external attack.[1]

>One of the first to be killed in the rebellion was a Polish soldier walking through Skidel alone. The subsequent pogrom of the Polish population in the area included burying alive (see Massacre of Brzostowica Mała), mass killings in the forest near Lerypol on the outskirts of Skidal, and torture murder in Budowla of dozens of Polish nationals. Tens if not hundreds of such incidents took place in Grodno county, wrote historian Marek Wierzbicki of the Institute of National Remembrance.[3] Some massacres were committed by the Jewish-Belarusian partisan squads,[3] others by peasants and bands of local criminals released from the Grodno prison and others.[2]

or maybe this:
>The Naliboki massacre (Polish: zbrodnia w Nalibokach) was the mass killing of approximately 128 Poles including boys by units of Soviet partisans and Jewish partisans on May 8, 1943 in the village of Naliboki[2] in German-occupied Poland (now Belarus).[3] Before the Nazi-Soviet invasion of Poland in 1939, Naliboki belonged to Stołpce county of the Nowogródek Voivodeship in eastern part of the Second Polish Republic.[1]

or maybe this:
>The Koniuchy (Kaniūkai) massacre was a massacre of civilians carried out by a Soviet partisan unit along with a contingent of Jewish partisans under their command during the Second World War in the Polish village of Koniuchy (now Kaniūkai, Lithuania) on January 29, 1944. According to the findings of the Institute of National Remembrance, at least 38 Polish civilians were killed and about a dozen injured.

but maybe rather this:
>Salomon Morel (November 15, 1919 – February 14, 2007) was a Jewish partisan, Stalinist official and an accused war criminal. Immediately after the end of World War II, he became commander of the Zgoda labour camp in Świętochłowice.[1] During the rise of the Polish United Workers' Party, Morel acquired the rank of colonel in the political police, or MBP, and commanded a prison in Katowice.

Poland pay denbts

nah, probably this

there is enough similar material to post all day

These Ost Europeans will never really get what democracy is all about and why it's important

Fuck the Polish government. They play the victim narrative for the war despite being involved in that which they cry oppression over. Biggest fucking Jews within the EU. They need to be kicked out.

Democracy is unattainable and if it was it simply wouldn't work.
What about the Russian people in Crimea? Why is their will less important than the will of Ukrainian people living elsewhere in the country? And why does the European Union not accept or recognise the will of the people livint in Crimea? Democracy is a joke and no country is truly democratic, at the end of the day the will of the people matters nothing if it goes against the ideology of the government.

Most of Poles are actually making fun of the national TV and especially of its strips
Pls remember that ruling party get only slightly more than 30% of votes

Don't be ridiculous, your post only shows your incompetence. Poland had more people with political rights in the 16th century than the UK before electoral reforms in the 19th century. Starting from the Renaissance era we also had unprecedented acts like the Confederation of Warsaw (1573), we had the first constitution in Europe (the Constitution of May 3), the first modern ministry of education in the world (Komisja Edukacji Narodowej) etc. etc. Hungary also had very well developed parliamentarism when many European countries tended towards various versions of absolutism. It's rather easy to google, so next time maybe check some basic facts before posting anything.

Poland started ww2

You fucking piece of Jewish shit.

>Why don't they realize they would be nothing without the EU?
Poland joined the "EU" in 2004. Look at the graph.


>we break the German enigma code

stopped watching right there

Joining EU is more than just signing a piece of paper. Poland signed association treaty in 1994 and it would not be even allowed that had it not already begun implementing necessary standards.

Thanks for the pasta. Saved.

this is what i was hoping for when i originally posted

fucking butthurt pollacks

imagine if an israeli started quoting wikipedia articles on the holocaust, you'd never hear the end of it

you got blown the fuck out of water desu.

>stopped watching right there
>t. retard

>t. denialist