Sweden YES
Sweden YES
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homecooked spice & krokodil does that to you
>estonia, the progressive state
>tfw too poor to buy drugs
All deaths are russians tho
>tfw you spew out some random anti-russian garbage without anything to back it up
Blaze it
shieeeet, it is what it is
why did you shopped portugal ?
> Spainverdose
>80 percent of users are ethnic Russians
Thank you. It's sad but true
1/4 of Estonia's population is Russian anyways.
Can someone give me the name of the russian who made krokodil?
That shit put my sister in the hospital and i want to take revenge
>Desomorphine was first synthesised in the U.S. in 1932 and patented on November 13, 1934
blame americans
death to drug users
The absolute state of N*Rdoids.
>not dark red
Fuck Nils Bejerot and all that commie stod for.
What is Iceland doing ?
Injecting meth into benis
Do you use krokodil in Sweden?
>when you realize Spain is high because of brits
Kids smoke research chemicals since it's legal there and get marketed with american 420 culture.
>american made krokodil
>americans advertise 420 "culture"
And the ridiculous thing is that Poland is light green on this map almost entirely because of western drugs that were of massively higher quality than what junkies had access to before the fall of the Eastern Bloc.
This thing pretty much disappeared from circulation after the 90s.
Now Poland is the main producer and exporter of high quality drugs in the EU kek.