>"D-Don't stop....don't stop Hans!"
Describe France's role in WW2 with an image
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What am I seeing here?
Has anyone else noticed that French women have a strong liking for Nordic men?
conquered and vassals of the french for centuries
conquered and vassals of the moors for centuries
conquered and vassals of the barbarians for centuries
conquered and vassals of the burgers for decades
conquered and vassals of the kraut for 4 years
>muuuuuuuuh french surrender monkeys lmao
but France almost did not even resist while having the biggest army in Europe in 1939 because muh World War 1 tragedy
the reasons are failed tactics, backing up anglo retreat and senile guy as leader.
Denmark did not resist. Uk did not resist. Belgium barrely made them loose a week. The USSR would be gone if it was not for the size of the country and its winter.
Yea but you were(and still is) a great power so you are judged by higher standard.
not really, this guy is crying of joy after paris liberation
If we resisted more, we would have been punished, it was obviously unwinnable for us. We didn't have mountains to wage guerilla war from like Norway. Also, they would have treated us good if they won since we are aryan anyways :^)
And this woman is crying with pleasure over the German conquest
what's the point of this thread ?
French humiliation
>"...oh oui, allez balles profonde brute allemande!"
When the Wehrmacht cut off the Allied forces in Belgium and France it was over. Can't blame the French for not wanting to sacrifice another generation of young men unnecessarily.
They sucker. Better than an image IMO
>you are advancing to wrong side, moron
Germany on the left
France on the right