Why are Nordic women so much more beautiful than other women?

Why are Nordic women so much more beautiful than other women?

Is it just a genetical coincidence or has it something to do with Atlantis?

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Too bad they prefer immigrant shitskin men

Plastic surgery probably. They can't hold a candle to Asian goddesses.

Its the somali semen the secret of their beauty

Dont have that problem. Most niggers i know about are despiced by the hot girls.

Yeah she can crawl back into that tv and il burn the vhs.

Doesnt even make sense juan cartello.


Who else have a 90% somali semen diet if not the nordics?

Massively overrated in my experience. French & italian chicks is where it's at

You can posture all you want, statistics don't lie. Norwegian men are falling head over heels for superior Thais.

Why does she have specks of poo on her face?
Why does she have squinty gook eyes?
Why does she have no earlobes?
Why does she have a huge jaw?


Almost forgot:
Why does she have a disgusting, brown sun-tan?

This woman is really ugly. There are Asiatics who look good, but this is most assuredly not one of them. She looks like an alien. At least she has clear skin, I suppose.

this meme again

has the right of it, there's a reason pewdiepie went for an Italian gf

Nordics and Turks are the only ones on Sup Forums that shamelessly think their women are beautiful.

Nordics were the slave races of the mediterraneans, africans and asians for centuries. The men were selectively bred out into work-loving automatons and the sex slaves were selectively bred to be as beautiful as possible.

>manjaw "women"

Med women are better.

wrong. hungarian waifus are the best

They'r not. They look manly, even the models which are not representative of the average woman.

I prefer by far meds women than nordics

N*rdics are so proud of being white, but the only reason being white is prestigious is because of Britain, France, Spain and Portugal.

They have literally just leeched off the work of better countries since the dark ages and never contributed anything significant.

Models usually look more manly than normal women, though, because the fashion industry is run by sodomites and envy-ridden hags.

There is nothing special about them to be honest. They are very overrated.


>models not representative of the average woman

Isn't that why they're models?

they are ugly
in europe, finland > south europe > central > north > anglos

No, they'r models because they'r good looking. In some countries plenty of regular women look like models.

people forget Ireland and Scotland exist, at least England had Med immigrants


No, they're models because they're unusual-looking, sometimes even strange or alien in appearance, but stopping short of obvious deformity or unambiguous and uniform ugliness.

If a model is conventionally attractive, then she won't stand out enough to bring attention to whatever it is for which she's the model.
If a model is clearly ugly, then she will repel people from the product.
If a model has a mixture of excellent and ugly features, then she will catch people's eyes, and keep them looking.


This. Slav girls are wayyy better looking.

they take a little more work though.

ethnic Nordic people have had the least interaction with Africans, Turks and Asians, thus they have less features that look wonky on 9 faces out of 10.

>following pewdiepie
Lol, are you like what, 6?

>Plastic surgery probably
We don't have that this isn't asia; it's very frowned upon - bullied.

>not fat
>not black

Are there literally any other significant swedish people? He was the only one i could think of

how can we have so much history intermingling with nordics yet our women are fuck ugly


My cousin told me they are the most beautiful in Europe no doubt from what he saw. Perspective of a /luso/(finest moorish genes) monkeyzilian

too much celt blood with no mix

honestly. mostly because they are not fat, I met a few slim burger women and they were attractive too, its the same thing with slavic women, the main reason they are considered very attractive is because they are mostly slim

blue eyes is the most common here tho

>italian women

they also have pretty faces, anglo women are hideous, it doesn't matter if they lack fatness

Which is strange, considering that being slim and thin is a new thing, before it was always either about fat or "zdorovaja" woman, so having 10+ kids wouldn't be a problem

,cause most of children would die anyways

>they also have pretty faces
meh, I prefer southern euro faces to northerners, particularly the french, Alizee was my waifu

that much is true, my grandmother used to lament just how skinny my sister is all the time

No, lad

Nokia was full of Swedish people running it

You have beauties, but only in the east of the country.
t. Ireland pro

>see women like this every day clinging onto their black and arab boyfriends
Heh... atleast they're happy, thats all that matters, right?

Allah made them to please bbc of true worshipers

>Who else have a 90% somali semen diet
Your mom.

Actually, according to science, I'm right and you are wrong.

i think shes really qt...



God, thanks to northeastern don't have internet access.

According to sicence pretty swedes are too autistic to get laid without an app and you spend much of your time working or in your house. Compare the swedish population and the brazilian one and you get what I mean. Real handsome people in non autistic countries don't need to use an app.

kek, are you the steady swede cuck poster or some somali guy?


if it makes you feel any better lad
they're throwing away their genes and letting the superior ones survive to create even more beautiful people in the future

You obviously don't know what "science" means.

A proxy.
Sup Forums was filled with them back in the "SWEDDEN, YES" meme.

imagine being this guy


Damn, some people actually spend time and effort on that.

Imagine being the guy that thinks he is better than the other gy in a laotian floor-tile factory board

lol look at this medrab deflecting

And money...

You don't know how often those people purchase new vpns because mods keeping banning them.

getting rekt is deflecting now reddit?

In fact this thread is retarded since you can find pretty girls in almost all the countries on earth

>They can't hold a candle to Asian goddesses.
is that why you posted a black and white photoshopped picture?

What you will actually see when you start digging is that 99% of all attractive women have Atlantoid genes in them to some extent

are you sure?

What can i say, i am a failure

>Why are Nordic women so much more beautiful than other women?

better facial definition, colour, proportion

Try one without European admixture.

This site is racist against slav men

What does that have to do with the fact she doesn't have snownigger genes?

Pick one

>masculine faces
>lanky bodies
>hyper bitches
Nordic women are fucking gross

That girl has had Atlantoid genes passed down to her through meds/arabs that had Atlantoid genes in them

Japanese women > nordic
but it's my taste
I hate manly face and those freckles

slav women are superior

You're embarrassing. I say this as an arab myself.

You're saying pure arabs and somalis/ethiopian are partly nordic? well that's retarded

She is an average american black. 56% white...

>european admixture
African horners have southern arabian admixture at best

She is a half Canadian (father side) model. Her name is Senait Gidey (she change her anglo surname for something more exotic)

Why are you lying to yourselves? It's obvious nordic (swedish specifically) women are the best, they're the most unique, differently and rare looking of all

They're colourful and beautiful, pic related is an average swedish girl

for me, it is the slavs.

east asians have better skin and facial features

yes there are absolutely no problems with this very scientific study you fucking brainlet

Well, they look a lot like nordics, the fucked up thing is when someone wants to imply asians, south europeans or arabs are even close to them


not my thing

It's always been my personal theory that Vikings stole all the tall hotties from the British Isles. That's why Scandinavians are hot and why Brits look the way they do.

stop liking them smelly swedes

I unironically prefer Anglo-Celtic women over all others.

The "Slavic" women that Sup Forums obsesses over are always Russian women with Asiatic features, you never see legit Slavic girl in the Slav threads.

It's true. Irish men and women look terrible. The only hot women I saw in Ireland were all polish.