Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ORLYNAO
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ORLYNAO
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Is she not self aware at all lol? Whatever man just praise kek
Hillary is going to win the election and kill the alt-right and there's nothing you can do about it.
You have lost the culture war
Really makes you ponder...
Sorry for letting you down kek
reelly maeks u fink
>the alt-right are social conservatives
wew lad, this ball has only just started rolling
wtf i hate the free market now
>America is already great!
>obama saved the economy!
>our economy isn't working
I thought America was a constitutional republic.
what the hell is the alt-right
She literally was praising Obama for saving the economy a few sentences before saying it isn't working.
Dat ass and midriff tho.
She sold out.
most americans don't know how their government actually works.
Huh? Democrats have been running the White House for 8 years. What would she do differently?
That's the game Bill plays and she learned from. Deny and act like you don't know what they're talking about.
>Democracy = letting Democrats do whatever they want unchallenged
That's the best, Bill saying Hillary will be the candidate for the change people are looking for, Obama saying that black kids are getting guns easier than books and being mass murdered by cops, then in the same breath saying everything's fine and Hillary should continue doing exactly what Obama did.
Pretty hard to be the "candidate for change" when you've been in power for the last 8 years, but they apparently want to claim both things.
Would be good for someone to just ask, "Are you going to change things or keep them the same, and if so what things do you think Obama did wrong?"
Did anyone else catch that she picked her nose during Hillary's speech?
A bunch of fags that think they're red pilled, but are just "right wing" sjws. They love Milo and fantasize about his dirty gay dick 24/7
She basically makes arguments against herself
This speech was a mess
her daughter's speech was a mess also
Whats Hillary's problem? Is she just two faced or did she get something else after convincing bill to veto that bill?
the madman has a speech tomorrow too.
>Would be good for someone to just ask,
Nobody is allowed to ask her questions.
>questions that will never be asked of her by the media
>the economy is awful elect me to fix things
>the economy is wonderful elect me to continue Obama's policies
>America is already great
>America is a racist sexist homophobic shithole you need to elect me to fix it
Did anybody catch these dubs?
>no press conferences in 236 days and counting
Literrally doublethink and the the leftists eat it all up.
It amazes me how this guy has a talent for drawing such amazing chef-d'oeuvre, yet he is in favor of Trump going against all the leftists in the artist community. Truly one the Greatest Art Masters of our time.
Thank you based Garrison.
>our democracy isn't working the way it should
Oh you mean how we voted in a nigger because he was a nigger and not because of his skills?
Kek amen brother
>subverts the laws of the US
>shits on democracy
>has the gall to act like other people are the problem
Who's more of a narcissist? Hillary or Obama?
jesus ben that ass.
Does that mean that Sanders should have been nominated?
That Trump should beat her?
Isn't that a really stupid line?