Batgirl storytime part 5






Nigga stop. We've already passed the good part.


I decided to do the completed run









I remember how angry people were over this





This was a pretty okay run . It had some bad issues and some good ones. The art by Babs Tarr was good. It wasn't perfect but it was okay.


Thank god Babs Tarr didn't shy for cheesecake







So that part at the end of the last book where she "had to hold on to her family" and take Alysia with her amounted to bupkiss.








Why are you guys talking in past-tense? She's still on the comic, right? Batgirl is still going, right?


Can't wait until the end of this run amounts to bupkis and Larson does something completely different.

I think it ended with issue 52.


The last issue was last week actually
Larson takes over with Rebirth




That's why I can't stick to cape books for long. I need at least some consistency in tone/character/narrative.


Also Batgirl and The Birds of prey by Julie Benson and Shawna Benson with Claire Roe





























Is "WhiteGirl backpacks through Asia to find herself" REALLY going to be that different?

Looking forward to it though.




















