HRC had an amazing speech tonight that had the crowd cheering...

HRC had an amazing speech tonight that had the crowd cheering, where she covered in detail where she plans on taking our country. She's a public servant who has served the public all her life and understands the working American's plight.

On the other hand, you have a businessman who takes advantage of the working American's plight. Can anyone tell me why we're still for Trump?

First, shill, I want to give you credit for using a photo from over 10 years ago.

It's clear that you're aware that everyone is talking about how sick she looks.

Second, pic related. Clinton is an evil, murdering, lying, cheating demon. There's literally nothing good about her or the people who support her.

And her specific plans which the people will cheer for are?
Feel free to elaborate any time.

>using her corrupt, bought, democratic goons in congress to write amendments overturning the Supreme Courts protections on the first amendment
>b-b-but republicans want to destroy roe v wade

Everything she outlined just shows how crooked she'll push the system. She made a claim saying trump was somehow owned by the NRA, that witch is owned by the Rothschild's.

She'll destroy citizenship and the republic because she serves people who want to rule the world through a shadowy empire

The people that were paid to be there cheered for her?

Wow I am surprised

they were cheering at the balloons


Trump's only business experience is declaring bankruptcy 4 times, he would probably declare the US bankrupt if he actually became president lol

>550 successful companies
>4 of them fail


Disgusting criminal who was humiliated tonight, and gave a 3/10 speech at best.

Feels good to watch libshits scream and panic as they realize their narrative has completely collapsed.

The only downside of this convention is that the election isn't tomorrow.

This is by far the best convention ever put together. The speeches, the production videos, the themes -- everything was absolutely amazing.

With that in mind, over the next week, hardcore Trumpfags will do everything in their power to tear down the inspiration of this week. The lunatics on the far left will continue to piss and moan and do whatever they can to shit where they eat. In the end, I expect Trump will be absolutely crushed in November and I think that despite all the adversity and propaganda, Hillary will be one of the greatest presidents we've had.

Literally everything she said she would do, she won't do.

Learn to fucking politics. Is this your first fucking rodeo? Are you like 18 or some shit?

Trump is the only one that's actually going to get shit done as he will have senate majority.

Say it with me folks

Bill is so fucking excited about those balloons. I want to be that high.

what do they pay you shill

Why are other aussie posters always such fucking cuckolds.

You're from Melbourne aren't you, cunt. Every single business owner has bankruptcies. You try things, they fail, you try other things, they do well.

He has literally an unending amount of business that have done and continue to do well.

Hillary has done nothing but fuck jobs and money off along with her husband to china while taking in money from saudi kings and the rothschilds.

first time here eh?

did you hear this was a cool place to come or did you guys pick websites out of a hat

Nothing, I literally get nothing for being a democrat on Sup Forums.

But then again it's not my main board, only come here for the election cycle festivities.

What shitty sandnigger country is she gonna make me invade next?

Clinton is going to get obliterated in the debates. When the Trump card comes out, its over.

absolutely amazing huh

wow shill nobodies buying it at least make it a little believable next time.

first post always best post.

How do I get payed to shill for Hillary Clinton?

Do you get paid for calling everyone who disagrees with you a shill?

>Can anyone tell me why we're still for Trump?

Edgy, tryhard contrarians.

lol, fucking reddit euphemisms


fuck off shills

You don't need to pay for shills when you have useful idiots, dumbass

She is so fucking attractive relative to her age

holy shit, spooked me


poor doggo

>1 post by the this ID
