I trust CNN implicitly
Fuck off leaf
>I only listen to CNN when they confirm my bias
Kill yourselves
>trump supporters watch CNN and would actually respond to a CNN poll
>trump gives a negative speech. The question asks if you viewed it positively which makes you less likely to say yes.
Yup, you're right we're fucked dude
>trump this high on CNN
it's over
That funny, because I saw other polls that said that 75% of people had a positive view of Trumps speech.
CNN's network viewers are typically liberal. Of course they'd give it a 71%. The fact its only a 14 point gap says more than anything else.
I have no other choice but to become a #Shill4Hill now
>poll which doesnt show what is being quantified
>blatant lie to "positive reaction"
>week old emails show collusion between cnn/hillary
>cherrypicked photos
What else is wrong with this picture?
oh shit looks like I'm #MentallyHill
It was over a long time ago..
Thats bogus the day of Trump's speech he scored 75%
But CNN is proven in bed with the Democrats by wikileaks, so..
wtf i hate trump now
but once he re-takes the lead then i'll hate hillary
>Most important speech of her life
Here's hoping
2 out of 3 electronic voting machine companies are Clinton Foundation donors. Did you ever think there was actually a chance?
just some guy cheaating by posting on 2 devices at hitting submit at the same time
yeah, people who watched it are selecting for people who would watch a Hilldawg speech.
Question is though, will Hillary get a post convention bounce? I'm hoping no, but my hopes don't really affect reality.
CNN is a left-wing news network. You're a dishonest, lying sack of shit if you deny this.
I guess I'm #MentallyHill now
>They showed the two parts of the poll that Hillary had higher numbers than Trump in
>They ignored the third part where Trump BTFO Hillary in getting more people to vote for him.
>Literally, the only part of that actually matters
Such fairness. Such impartiality.
transported my consciousness into contemplative zen
An open letter to Hiroyuki Nishimura:
Dear Hiroyuki-san,
Please region block all of Canada from ever accessing Sup Forums again.
Best regards,
Jokes on your I never listen to CNN
It isn't a CNN viewership poll you dummy it's a focus group.
this is not something that can have a fraction over 100.
>it can only be up to 100% in this regard its not a net increase.
I wish I would have considered that was a tactic to bait (you)'s before allowing my paranoia to lead me to think it was a broken shillbot
They're lying. Blatantly
>inb4 breitbart
The point is the 57 number comes from the "would you vote for trump" question, but the "viewed the speech positively" question was 75%.
Nice bot/10
Wtf I hate trump now
I'm a #cruzmissile now
Just google Dominion Voting and H.I.G. Capital
She will
I didn't know the voter base consisted of 128 % total voters, in fact she has 49 and trump 51, fuck off Communist News Network
Wait are you the real Anonymous, like do not forgive and all that? You sir are awesome and I tip my trilby to you. Man, epic bread right here, someone screenshot this please
maybe BOTH had positive reactions...
What the fuck happened to Australia being the shitposting kings? When did Canada steal the crown away?
where this new meme come from?
when I started doing political operations and stopped drilling Sup Forums
>we are past the Primary, this is the General Now.
I was viewing the dnc convention on cnn (en espaƱol) they were shilling for her like the bitch was the next messiah.
cause w e are right beside you tards
>x is true
>just google it
I hate you and people like you
dagnabbit I'm now a turgid #Clintoris
Why because you're too fucking lazy to google something? Lemme ask you, how long have you been sat in that computer chair?
>It's a Reagan vs Carter rerun episode
Fucking seconding this shit right here
CNN literally sent a fucking message to my phone spouting anti-trump bullshit, and I wasn't even subscribed to them, nor have I ever watched CNN.
No one on Sup Forums ever listens to CNN. Even if they say Trump is winning, no one here would ever care. CNN is a sack of shit that likes to turn their viewers into sheeple.
Why do you think they even said that Trump was leading in the first place, and then end up saying "HILLARY'S SPEECH WAS THE GREATEST SPEECH OF HER LIFE, SHE TURNED THIS DIRE SITUATION RIGHT AROUND, LOOK AT OUR NUMBERS!"
It's fucking showmanship. It wouldn't be exciting if they said Hillary was cruising by without a problem, and it wouldn't be exciting if Hillary's speech didn't really do anything. They're turning her into the underdog, when Trump is really the underdog.
Post them then you fuck ass whiteboi
Trump will win, he gets assassinated so Pence takes over and is essentially a puppet so the TPP gets passed as well gun control reform. Right Wing Death Squads never.
>If they say trump is winning no one would care
Fuck outta here
> 222
Yoooooooo, I gotta go its gettin to real
This is correct.
CNN was corroborated in the DNC leaks
Fuck off shill
>july 21
WTF I'm #hillaryforamerica now
what kind of butt-fuckery is this? has no one noticed the numbers in the supposed poll make no fucking sense? these add up to 128 what the fuck cnn?
It'll be massive. You racists are about to have a long, cold, dark winter.
If Trump wins, please do.
But you can keep your dindus.
Make United-State-n-Provinces gr8 again m8!
71% + 57% =/= 100%
something fishing about their math
Go watch the video with the poll. CNN even said before revealing the poll that it was from a group at the speech, so yeah, majority were Democrats.
It's two seperate polls.
Did you like the hillary clinton speech? Y/N
71% said yes
Did you like the Trump speech? Y/N
51% said yes
Is this legit? If it was actually a group at the speech then I'm not worried at all. They kicked out all the Bernouts so of course it would get this high.
American education ladies and gentlemen.
And here comes the ad hominem in 3, 2, 1....
There's more than one way to fight.
>Post con bump for Trump
>First poll back since the convention started was on day 1 and 2. Clinton was back up ahead by a point.
They didn't even get Obama's speech in.
CNN had the highest ratings for the DNC out of all the broadcasts, i bet the only people who tuned in were ultra liberals who dont know cspan exist
I just realized
>Poll of speech watchers
lol it's fucking nothing
They got the "wrong" results last week, so they took careful measures to ensure this didn't occur again
Yeah especially when you factor in the fact that the DNC hired people to watch it and cheer for it
That was in the arena.
The ORC polls are of random people that watched the speeches, its to even of people that watched in on CNN.
>(((Clinton News Network)))
Wait this is a poll of CNN viewers? Kek it should be higher Clinton is boned
if the audience wasn't full of clinton interns it might have meant something.
CNN's poll was astounding for Trump because they over sample democrats. Hillary speech is expected to be high.
They call random people on the phone and ask if they watched the speech.