Start acting like Varga from Fargo

>start acting like Varga from Fargo
>wear $200 suit and stop brushing my teeth
>always start conversation with "did you know..." and then a made up quote that I pull out of my ass
>already planning my own criminal empire
>have a small picture of stalin in my wallet

did I forget something?

anyone else starting acting like people you saw in tv shows?

Other urls found in this thread:

>this thread again

so you got a couple of autists in the last thread and now want to make it a daily thing?

Fuck off.

doing that is a sign of autism

Call me old fashioned, but I'm still rocking the Delaney look.

he does not have bad teeth because he doesnt brush, the constant vomit destroys your teeth

So I have to get bulimic?

damn how often do I have to vomit?

how new are you?

Get working on your home in the back of a 18 wheeler.

Does brushing teeth actually help prevent cavities?

If you eat sugar, then yes.

If you avoid sugar, you teeth will be fine.

But good luck avoiding sugar unless your growing your own food.

I already built that when I was acting like the fat guy from Banshee

Keto, nigga. Haven't eaten sugar or carbs in months.

>damn how often do I have to vomit?
Every time you eat

use cockneye -esque accent

>>I didn't get your name
>> True


varga has a use for you

LANDGRAF There may never be another Fargo. Unless Noah has an idea for Fargo that he thinks he can make as good as the prior three. I think once people get to the end of this [season] they will find that it is thematically different. It's really about the moment we live in now.


>There may never be another Fargo

That's fine. Three seasons is enough.

>large scale high-tier criminal organization becomes entwined with small timers and non-criminals in small town
>copy three times


well, he seems to know his audience is nothing but idiots.

>It's really about the moment we live in now.

We got some nice Reagan bashing last season. I hope they shit on Drumpf in the final episode.

Me on the right.

I want a Big Lebowski version of Fargo.
The whole season is about mistaken identity, but the Dude character ends up following through a whole investigation with his asshole buddy, always stumbling into fresh crime scenes involved in the fake kidnapping plot or whatever, crossing paths with the characters who are actually into some deep shit but never for more than a few minutes and always gets slapped around by them.
No cop protagonist, no big bad Varga/Malvo/Mike/Hanzee character, just dipshit enforcers and a bunch of dipshit powerful people trying to use the Dude character as a pawn and fucking up in their various degrees of estimation.