Whatever Happened To The All-American Teen?

>Whatever Happened To The All-American Teen?

Let's kick off the summer right, Sup Forums.
With the story of Archie in his latter days.
The Gang has grown up in new adventures.
Marriage, kids, businesses, empires, politics...

This is-
Life With Archie

And here we go...
First with the 7 part story arc that Life spun off from


Thanks, Dave. Have a bump.


Also I'm having trouble finding Life With Archie #30-37...

So...if anyone has those that would be swell







I've never read Archie before (Bong here), would this be a good place to start?


If you have a passing knowledge it's not the worst place to start.

If you don't, it's not the best haha











That looks nothing like veronica!

There's no easy way to say it but Goldburg is just a bad Archie artist. he gives everyone chipmunk cheeks and... well... look at his veronica!

Giz's Archie was always great for Modern Archie.


This first leg of this series is just...really tough on the eyes


Part 2:
wherein marriage




What's with the Salesman's expression?


I guess he's just so happy




















Part 3:
wherein kids now


























Thread bump

Part 4:
wherein the other coin

Thanks! I was waiting for the self bump limit to run out haha
















