Bingo edition
Letterboxd thread: post profiles and discuss what you have recently watched
QOTD: What do you think of the Cannes prizes?
Bingo edition
Letterboxd thread: post profiles and discuss what you have recently watched
QOTD: What do you think of the Cannes prizes?
My parents paid for me to go to Cannes. I drank too much and threw up every night and all the movies sucked.
Daily reminder that rostova is a sellout cunt
hello James, how are you?
hard to have an opinion on the prizes since i haven't seen the flicks yet, but it's nice to see that Joaquin Phoenix finally won something, especially since You Were Never Really Here is one of the few films that i'm actually interested to see in competition
>2 stars to rebel without a cause
probably just because i was disappointed in it after how fucking good Johnny Guitar was. performances were good, but the material was lame outside a couple of great scenes (the chicken run stands out).
Because it's a sappy melodramatic shit with a plot line more used, abused and misused than a slav whore.
hello how's it going
you're an embryo
PS generals are cancer, also, how does Letterboxd work
that's a bingo bitch
good for ruben he deserves it
" People gather to city square, where there are no rules and you can do whatever you want. "
stoked to see the square
good stuff
interesting lists im gonna save some of them
Previous thread:
burnt to shit
someone slather me in sun tan lotion please
how come we both watched The Steel Helmet this week
what does it mean
it means you're finally getting good taste
keep it up steakboi
this means so much coming from you, my idol
IBG you say?
you're welcome son :3
Night and Day is kind of shit though, should replace it with a better Hong, like Our Daughter Haewon or Virgin Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors
Why are you watching movies from lists when you can watch all of Griffith's filmography????
>a better Hong
Why watch Griffith when you could watch Logan?
I got the bullets!
kill yourself
oh my gosh A-S and I are going to be married
You wish you were me, lol.
fuck this namefag reddit general
you should all kill yourselves
family guy stupid lol Peter dumb lol
I had a great weekend and now its time for breakfast hooray!
French bestialitykino from an acclaimed Japanese director is here, boys!
reminder that reviews, ratings, sjws/redditors/todd gaines/davidelrich/eli hayes/arielrock5/matt lych/sally jane black/steakbro, anyone on /lbg/ who rates and reviews and whoever is on the popular this week list is the cancer that's killing the site. Cinemos when
no it's you.
looks like dropout_gorro and his pack of discord circlejerk assclowns are out of school
>never seen a transformer movie
>never seen a pirates of the caribbean movie
>never seen a star trek movie
>never seen a harry potter movie
>never seen a star wars movie
>never seen a DCU movie
I'm kino
I shit on Tarshitsky
why dont you watch something over 2 minutes smoothhands
no u
don't ever reply me again if you're gonna say something stupid like that
the stupidity of your previous posts can't be topped bro
>never seen an MCU movie
>never seen a The Fast and the Furious movie
>never seen a Twilight movie
>never seen a Transformers movie
>never seen a Friday the 13th movie
It's a monday morning and you're already here sharingg meaningless drivel and memes
Don't you have a life?
DC makes kinos, not "movies".
what are you talking about?
your face
not really
Follow the Papa
Follow yourself gaywad
Which was your favorite insidious?
Looks like Raw will be the most overrated film this year.
Griffith really does great close ups.
the first. you?
Don't say that word.
hong sang soo is the greatest living filmmaker
Fuck Harmony Korine
I got called a Disney shill for saying all capeshit is for children. How do we stop the B/v/S invaders?
>all capeshit is for children
What do you call Spawn or Darkman?
Children movies
Harmony Korean
Yea same
looks like dropout cuck and his pack of discord circlejerk assclowns are out of school
please follow
>not dropout_gorro
kill yourself
>he's a BvS fag
lmao off yourself
>watching Don't Watch Griffith
you are a pleb of the highest degree
I loved raw, thought it was a really well done coming of age story with the horror elements implemented nicely
What didn't you like about it?
>10 mins into silent cinema and autism she give you this look
what do you do?
Don't forget to select your favorite films!
>short form
>video art
>posting in /lbg/ after you've already been EXPOSED
Well first of all i absolutely hate coming of age films. I can't stand them. This was just that with some edgy cannibalism and a astoundingly uninteresting and cliche main character. I didn't feel any progress in the film. It's like the director came up with shit she thought would be shocking or "smart" and put them in there without thinking about the flow of the film. There is an aura of falseness around it all. It's like watching someone trying to show off.
The (relatively tame) violence is just there to trick people into thinking this is more deep than it is. This is the most bored i have been watching something in months. I like the ending a bit though and the soundtrack is good so it isn't all bad.
damg it feels good to be a gangster, a real gangster butt nice guy
tbf if no one did, I would b the only 1 here
go cry to your discord circle-jerk hugbox, dropout_gorro
the discord aint no hugbox
am i super smart?
>mfw linkout_bearro brings another thread to a screeching halt
Lol no you're a fucking retard, mate.
I don't adhere to the notion that short films aren't films or whatever.
Yeah, that was a meme that never caught on.
Arnulf Rainer > *
Is it even a meme then?
Good. These retards would go to Louvre and cry that Mona Lisa isn't a painting because it's the size of A4 paper.
Perfectly put!
>Painting somebody face. Biiig deal. Really, really big deal. So we are now living in the true Renaissance. This is the true Renaissance, not that. That is the birthing of art again but this is the Renaissance. […] It’s like, look at the Mona Lisa… I understand how somebody tries to make something out of the Mona Lisa but it is a boring piece of crap. Who gives a crap? I mean, no, I don’t see a smile on that face I am sorry… We try to make something out of it but is only crap. I am not the kind of person that is usually impressed by crap. I don’t know why.
>pay £11 for a cinema ticket
>they play the film from DVD
that sucks!!!! I hate it!