Greetings Fascist pigs

I come from r/fullcommunism on vleddit and I was told that this was a hornets nest full of Trump supporting fascists, nazis, nationalists and other genetic trash. Interesting. Didn't know you moved out of your newspaper commentssections.

You are welcome to debate me here, I will ignore all obvious braindead joke comments.

Go ahead.

Other urls found in this thread:

Franco was right all along.

Fuck off and die.


Tits or GTFO

if communism is so great why do you post on a site that ranks posts based on merit instead of giving every post an equal chance


> norwegian communist

so which 3rd world shithole are your parents from?

Full communism works on the kibbutz and in hippie communes. That's about it.

Do you do anything else even remotely interesting, or, is this your thing?
Russian here. Fuck communism and fuck you. Better dead than red.

>I will ignore all comments

Saged and reported, leddit faggot.

What do you think of evolution.

Git good tankie

>and other genetic trash.

OP confirmed as Hitler.

Also, keep seizing the memes of production, great moves, proud of you

What size batteries does your dragon dildo take?

This is now a Pinochet thread


I don't know anything about you except that you're some dumb reddit fag. What's there to debate? pic related

1 Post by this id


Outta the way, Internationalist scum!

You can hang with your Capitalist masters.


Breivik was right.

>Internationalist scum

But that's you, Antifa.


>fascists, nazis
>genetic trash



>genetic trash
By even using that term you have acknowledged human biodiversity and ceded the first point to us.


1 Post by this ID

By great grandfather was executed by commies in ww2 and his family was exiled for many years into Siberia.

The hate i have for you commieshits is incredible. I yearn for the day i can return the favour by splitting the skulls of the likes of you.


You're not important nor will you ever be.

Sage for attentionwhoring.

Sage shill threads
Ignore shill posts
Do not reply to shill posters

>1 post by this ID

>people still bumping it to the top of the catalog

stay retarded Sup Forums

OP left.

I'd say helis are about as effective as Panzers, Il Douche


>1 bost by dis id :DDDD

wtf I hate my race now


>1 post by this id
it over

What is your opinion about your countrywoman from pic related?

Oh no a snobby ivory tower lefty

what a suprise

Captcha what is your obsession with store fronts

They're not. They're well off Norwegians. OP is a champagne socialist at best.

Black males make up 6% of the USA but commit 50% of the murders.

1 post by this ID
And it's a troll.
Everyone...besides me...that comments here should be permabanned.

>saying you came here from reddit


Get stuffed burger some of us just want to post ebin reaction images

im disgusted to live in the same country as you

>1 post by this ID

I've seen you post the exact same pasta too.

gå vekk lommemannen :^)

>you got the wrong version

let me fix that for you.
from the nest, of free thought

Is great to believe in Communism and Socialist while you live in a first-world capitalist country isn't?

Why don't you move in to Cuba or Venezuela? I'm they will love it.

Hitler did nothing wrong

>Full communism
>Not fascism

I have that same poster hanging up at work. KEK

I don't even have to debate you.

>You are welcome to debate me here,
1 post by this ID

if protests about police were legitimate they would make it about police brutality not some race bullshit


> 1 post by this id
I win!

Welcome to Sup Forums. You're here forever.

I still have your picture, faggot.

>One post by this ID
He's either a bot, or waiting for an easy argument... Communism is so last century, nationalism is the new anti-thesis m80.

Cant we all agree that both candidates are oztright bullshit? As you see on every single picture hillary either has no soul, or is, so the scientific term, batshit crazy.
Trump is a capitalist idiot shouting stuff people like to hear, and both probably are controlled by the same guys. If xou think xou have a choice they won already

>1 fucking post
Sage and hidden, kill yourself you fucking yurocuck

Hello, Comrade

We must purge the nigger and the SJWhore; they don't work there far share no matter where.

>I supported remain, just like the internationalists