Category on Netflix

Category on Netflix.

Kill me

Am I ded yet

really makes you think

and most of them have low ratings kek

I fail to see any issue

The ride never ends.

where u live famalam

>recommended for you

That's just auscuck netflix, r-right?

It's the WNBA of Netflix, don't get so upset.

you will be, Kek wills it.

This should serve as a reminder that only women can afford to remain idle watching netflix all day while their husbands work and that is who the categories are designed for.

Get off the computer and do something with your life you fat lazy NEET.

Netflix has such a garbage selection of TV and movies

I can just use putlocker for something more throwaway, and then download the rest for free

All it takes is a few moments to consider what you'd like to watch in a few hours. Only norms can't put up with that because they are idiots and have no idea of how to plan ahead

Nsw. Wifeys Netflix. Time to ditch this bass

mine has a
>girl power for kids

How the fuck am i even supposed to spend any fucking money and enjoy life when it turns out it all goes to these fucking piece of shit cucks who just want to use it to fucking brainwash my kids if i ever fucking have any


They didn't learn with ghostbusters.
Why are they pushing this shit.
Shillary might win because of this BS.

>in a few hours
What kind of shitty internet do you have to suffer through? Jesus christ.

Yeah, r9k and pol has the same user base.

am I blind? I can't see anything wrong / special.

I've read books with strong female leads. No feminism bullshit, just a badass chick I fall completely in love with. There's no need for categories like these.

If this bothers you more than the "gay" section, proceed to kys

Didn't know there was one. I'm deleting my account tomorrow. Fuck this

Checked. So true. Sucks.

Yeah this is crazy. How could you be bothered with a stupid category. Only women leads should be in porn. Dumb bitches, amirite?

Anything wrong with viewing 50% of the populace as a target group? White male privilege kiwi you dumb.

Im a feminist. I want equality, not special treatment like this category ;)


Like this you can know what to avoid and boycott.

Thanks to this you can also ignore and easily spot the nu-males and femishits as soon as you can hear them talk about these shows.
