
Language Learning Thread

>Learning resources
First and foremost check the Sup Forums Wiki. Please contribute to the wiki as you learn a new language. Many pages need updates. Some pages are completely absent (Hungarian for example)

4chanint.wikia.com/wiki/The_Official_Sup Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Check """pastebin.com/ACEmVqua (embed)"""; for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides.

/Lang/ is currently short on those image guides, so if you can pitch in to help create one for a given language, don't hesitate to do so!

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
Google Drive folder with books for all kinds of languages:
sys.Sup Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdrive.google.com%2Ffolderview%3Fid%3D0B9QDHej9UGAdcDhWVEllMzJBSEk%23 (Links to the other folders, apparently it was taken down from the original drive)

Old thread: >Thread Theme: youtube.com/watch?v=p_hdmt4vpBo

Other urls found in this thread:


What happened to that Canadian studying Swiss German

Wew, baš to je kul
Kako ti je hrvatski? Jel teško? Jesi li ga pričao kad si bio mali?
Likewise, leave your politics at the door.

A Russian replied to me "шapиш бтв"
He was making fun of me wasn't he.............

Asking my question again:

>How does "Learning with Texts" deal with inflected versions of a same word?

>Still can't pronounce French gutteral R

>was transferred to another school for one year when I was 12
>they've been teaching French
>can't remember shit now but the teacher said I had the best pronunciation in the class

Guess I shouldn't waste this talent and I better get back to learning it.

Plenty of people have managed to pick it up, so it's clearly not at all impossible. You probably just need to find the right piece of advance from someone who did manage to learn it.

The fact that I can't roll my R's is the only reason I've stick with French.

Just practicing gargling
First with water, then with saliva, then with nothing.
I wish I were joking

Are there actually people who can't pronounce the guttural R? Are you physically unable to clear your throat or something?

It's a legitimate question about why people are studying a language. Stop being butthurt about your politicianfu

Your theory is bad and you should feel bad. Russian is the most spoken Slavic language. It's one of the 5 languages of the UN. From '45 to' 91, Russia was the only opposing axis of power to America. They have an immense literary history that shits all over anything that the British or Americans have produced in the last 200 years. If you unironically think people would start studying it because CNN said some shit, you're delusional
And Codreanu is my politicianfu

That's what I'm doing now. It sounds like I'm hacking up phlegm from the back of my throat. Sounds disgusting desu and people will think im going to spit on them

I can't do it. Always hated the gutteral R desu. Doesn't sound pleasent to me

>people will think im going to spit on them
Then practice it in your bedroom, not on the train

Is Russia really as racist as people say it is? Should I ask some of my Slavic friends to come with me if I decide to go there next summer? Just wanna go to learn the language and culture.

Nah man, you'll be able to speak it. It's just that you'll have a typical Anglo accent.
This should not stop you trying to improve and diminish your accent as much as possible

Is there a point to learning Vietnamese (if you're not Vietnamese)?

Unless you're going to live in or do a lot of business in Vietnam then no.

Thinking of making some infographics for Latin grammar. Anyone interested? If not I'll find another outlet for autism.

>tfw I have more time to study languages, but can't find a language I want to learn
I guess I can improve on the languages I already know.

Do it brah, it'll help with romance languages

Please do.

Guys, I need help. I've been interested in learning a lot of languages over the years, and am actually basically fluent in German. I tried learning a lot of other languages, and I'm currently trying to learn Greek at least to a conversational level before I and some friends go to Greece next summer. However, there is one main problem I have- speaking.

I notice that everybody speaking in a non-English language seems to be speaking it very fast. I feel like this is literally impossible for me to do. I am from the Southern Appalachians, and people with my dialect speak very slowly compared to other English dialects. As I have never had to speak with any speed in my own native language, I find it almost impossible to make myself speak fast in another language. So I have two questions:

1) If I was speaking in another language and managed to get the rest of the accent stuff right, would the comparatively slow pace of my voice be extremely noticeable/off-putting?

2) How do I practice getting my speech up to speed in a different language without being discouraged by the fact that I feel like a reatard every time I speak more than a paragraph per minute?

>mom made me study French for a year when I was 6
>ever since then I have an ok pronounciation

I mean there is still work to be done, but I feel so smug when I didn’t even have to learn it. “Just do it, bro” lmao

maybe it's because I've grown up around a lot of Mexicans (hell, my niece is half Mexican) and because my parents forced me to take Spanish in highschool instead of another language, but I still can't fathom how people can't roll R's.

Guess I should just be happy that I can pronounce it just fine.

I've tried every methods possible but never managed to roll my r's, all my r's and basically my voice comes from my throat meaning I can't make my tongue vibrate but only my uvular.
I abandonned Spanish because of that, no point in speaking incorrectly a language desu

>post feelsshit
>automatic replies

Why do I still come to this site

How do I gain the motivation to learn vocabulary? Staring at long lists of words and trying to reproduce them bores me to death. Is there a more interactive method?

Why does your slow speech bother you only in languages other than English? It may be your native dialect of English, but keep in mind that you also sound retarded when speaking English for any other North American English speaker. All I can say is try speaking faster in any language, your native English included, lest you be seen as mentally deficient.

Reading compelling content. Try reading a few news articles everyday, looking up the words you don't know. Eventually, the same words keep reappearing and you'll notice them sticking more and more in your long-term memory.

I've thought of doing that. I'm learning a Romance language so I can understand most of the words, but I can't reproduce them on my own.

who here /nevergonnamakeit/

To postpone studying.

Hrvatski je malo teško ali poljski je težiji. Ne Pričao sam kad bili mali. Moje roditelj su htala da moj Nederlandski je dobar. Pričam A2 Hrvatski

> no one, absolutely no one in the world would ever learn Russian because of recent events, that is impossible

People are more likely to learn a language because they want to communicate with alive people or watch popular media. Not read old literature. You might find some classics lovers, but they make up maybe 10% of language learners.

For example, look at sort-of famous American fag, Johnny Weir. Despite being an American, competing for Team USA at the Olympics, and being employed by NBC, he's a russiaboo and learned Russian. I don't know what he learned Russian for, but I guarantee you, he's not reading War and Peace.

I also don't know how Russians feel about a gay man being a Russian weeb, but that's Johnny's problem.

just for fun, Johnny's non-language talents


Would it be der Bump die Bump or das Bump?

Nisam pričao*
Moji roditelji*
su htjeli da pričam holandski dobro*

Stvarno je težak jezik, ali sigurno mi ćemo ga naučiti jedan dan :)
(btw, take my corrections with a grain of salt, I'm a learner just like you)
No doubt that people prefer it for modern communication, but I think it's a very far stretch to assume that 1, there's a spike in Russian learners, and 2, that this spike is caused by people wanting to communicate with Russian civilians because allegedly a person from Russia "hacked the elections", as told by CNN.

1561 Norwegian words learned
1561 norsk ord lært

doesn't really matter

They will still understand you

Das because it's a foreign word loan.

To a certain degree, yes. But nobody will tell you something bad about your ethnicity if you're a good person. Just don't be a dick, I guess.

Why do you find that so absurd? I think it's likely that people would want to speak the language of a white Trump bastion. There are Russian weebs on YouTube who actually moved to Russia for reasons smaller than that.

Holy shit dude, you need to stop assuming things so much. I'm learning French, but that doesn't mean that I want to suck cock.

Aren't most people who think the Russians made Trump win against Trump?

You need to be able to talk to the locals so they don't overprice your future wife :^)
But seriously if one is interested in the local culture, will live there for a while or will have to work with native speakers learning any language is worth it

There's a federal-level investigation against Trump and his team about Russia during the election. The verdict has not been made yet, and the investigation itself is still ongoing and not public.

Personally I'm neutral to Trump. I support his immigration and labor policy, but not his healthcare and environmental policy. I also think his daughter and son-I'm-law are making too many pro-Israel decisions, but that's expected in our politics.

Still, i don't think people would learn Russian just because their president might be supported by people who speak that language. i feel like It's at most a secondary reason

I'm just guessing. I'm learning German and some people on a discord learned German just because they love Hitler and his Reich. When I say "learn" I mean they completed half of Duolingo and stopped. But most people stop quickly, so I will not fault them for that


>can't pronounce rolled Russian r, no matter what video I watch or technique I try

>american can't pronounce alveolar tap even though his dialect has it
Every single time

American Russian weeb here, my interest in learning was sparked by the """"Russian election rigging"""" but was solidified by my career being network security. Le russian hacker may be 90% meme but I know there's some truth in it, there's likely to be a lot of skilled individuals I can speak with. There's plenty of knowledge to be exchanged that my English-only peers wouldn't have access to. Also I tell myself it would make me more competitive for government jobs.

>poster announces he is studying x language
>poster is never seen again
it's all so tiresome...

I can teach you some russian language.
Real russian. (most russians native-speakers can't even make one sentence without a mistake)
Yes, I speak badly in English, but I don't think this could be a big problem. I quite understand, what people are saying.
Honestly, I`m a bit depressed and I feel lonely. Just wanna help someone with my knowledge, if a man is interesting in this.
From Russia with love~
[email protected]

Bonjour, Lituanie user. Comment ça va les études ?
That means he is busy studying hard, r-right?

I'd email you if I wasn't just focusing on starting a learning habit and actually getting somewhere. Only focused on not becoming

C'est pas moi. Mais, bonjour quand même. Je commence à penser que trop des mots français semble les mots anglais. Il fait l'apprentissage un peu difficile, parce que je juste passe ces mots quand je lis, et ainsi, je les oublie.

Oh, alors il y en a deux ? Cool.
>Je commence à penser que trop des mots français semble les mots anglais
C'est plutôt l'inverse. Le vocabulairie anglais qui a reçu une enorme influence française.
>Il fait l'apprentissage un peu difficile, parce que je juste passe ces mots quand je lis, et ainsi, je les oublie.
Ah dommage. Si tu as besoin ou quelques doutes je serai ici pour t'aider. Bonne chance !

>C'est plutôt l'inverse. Le vocabulaire anglais qui a reçu une enorme influence française.
Oui, je sais.
Quelle est votre expérience avec la langue? Quel est votre niveau (i.e. B2, C1 etc.)?

En theorie, je suis déjà au niveau C1. Je me sens plutôt au niveau B2 pour être honnête.
Il faut que je fasse le DELF C1 l'anné prochaine avant de le dire. Reussir à ce test c'est un de mes objectives linguistiques.
Et toi, pourquoi tu as décidé d'étudier français? Pour moi, c'est pour le boulot.

Mon but est aussi pour passer le DELF C1. J'ai commencé mes études de français il y a deux ans, dans ma université. J'ai dû choisir parmi le russe, l'arabe, le russe et le français (science politique, oui je sais...). J'ai choisi le russe et le français. Mais j'ai pas appris rien. Maintenant, je voudrais en changer dans mes vacances .

P.S. Could you explain how "en" is used when it replaces a noun? (like I tried to do in the last sentence).

Je ne m'inquiéterais pas si j'étais toi. Tu as un très bon niveau.
En replaces a noun everytime the main verb demands anything started by the preposition "de".
For example the verb "profiter", always demands "de":
>je profite de mes vancances.
J'en profite (en replaces everything that comes after "de' in the phrase so "de mes vacances")
> Je rêve d'être riche
J'en (d'être riche) rêvais depuis des annés
In your phrase you used the verb "changer" which also demands "de" as preposition so it's correct. At first, "en" should always come after the personal pronoun (je, tu, nous etc) like in my examples. The exception being when the verb is in the infinitive like in your phrase.

En also replaces uncountable things (les partififs) that starts with du, de la or des .
>Je bois DU vin
J'en bois tous les nuits
>Je mange DES pommes
J'en ai mangé trois avant le diner

I can see that you have a clear understanding of french so I'll share a site I use when I have grammar doubts:
This site have everything about grammar with explanations and some exercises.

Same with this one, but no exercises and the explanations are a lil shorter. It's still good because it gives a list of prepositions, verbs etc

Finally a list of verbs and their correspondents prepositions so you won't ever have doubts again.

Hopefully this is helpful

I think I understand a little better. But is the sentence I wrote correct or not? And thanks for the links. I'll check them out.

For me it is correct

Merci beaucoup.

Some dialects dont use the guttral R

Und genau das gefällt mir so gut.

What does gefällt mean? What's the infinitive?

It means "enjoyed", look it up in dict.cc

>What does gefällt mean?
to please, to appeal

- "Das Mädchen gefällt mir."

>What's the infinitive?

- "Die Häuser gefallen mir."


Y a-t-il d'autres langues lesquelles vous appris/aimeriez apprendre? Moi, j'étudie aussi le russe, et dans l'avenir je voudrais apprendre l'allemande et le norvégien.


>lisant une phrase russe
>essayant de se souvenir juste deux mots

bonjour lituanon, je vuex etudie le russe aussi, mais je ne sais pas. j'aime le francais plus lel

>There's a federal-level investigation against Trump and his team about Russia during the election.
>implying this gives even an ounce of legitimacy to it
American politics and your countless "investigations" have just need up as a sick joke that needs to seriously stop infecting the rest of the world. Best case scenario right now would be to wall in America and not let you guys out ever

Toki! Seme jan li sona e toki pona?

Ended up*

Is there much original writings/stories done in toki pona? I know Esperanto has a lot of people thay have written and translated stuff to it.
It seems like there would be a lot less content given the constrained nature of the language.

How similar are Russian and Bulgarian?

Le russe est juste trop difficile. Notamment parce que de ça difficile système de conjugaison contre l'anglais.

Like English and German I guess.

Japonais, je ne suis plus un weeaboo et je n'ai pas été capable de l'apprendre quand je l'étais. Il s'agit d'une question d'orgueil maintenant kek
Je veux étudier*
>Notamment parce que son système de conjugaison est très difficile si on le compare à l'anglais
ta phrase sonne mieux comme ça à mon avis

Bon courage avec le russe les gars.

Il suffit de parler francais bordel.

>>Notamment parce que son système de conjugaison est très difficile si on le compare à l'anglais
Merci. je ne sais pas pourquoi j'ai utilisé "ça" et "contre". Parfois, l'utilisation de français fait moi très fatigué.

Sois pas jaloux Nigel. Le reste du site déjà parle ta langue. Laisse-nous nous détendre un peu ;)
C'est tard en Lituanie tu es juste fatigué

Je connais déjà le français et l'anglais. Présentement j'apprend l'italien et l'allemand. D'autres langues m'intéresse, mais je dois rester concentrer sur l'étude pour l'instant.

Tu veux qu'on se detende ensemble ?

Un autre question: à quelle fréquence est le subjonctif utilisé?

Takk :)

Qu'est-ce que tu proposes, mon chu
Très souvent. Il est super important de le savoir

Guess I am an Asian woman then

Je t'encule avec une poele.

Could a French speaker rate my accent pls?
I'm reading this from a le monde article
>« En France, il n’y a pas de fichier qui recense les cas de disparition »
Corinne Herrmann, l’avocate qui défend la famille Mouzin, est également criminologue. Elle travaille notamment sur des affaires non élucidées.
Is it somewhat understandable?

Pretty good. Easy to understand. Cute too.

Few little things if you wish:

>les cas
The s at cas is silent.

You said it as if it was writtent Mouzen.

Try to detach the a more.

Not bad user, your first sentence is quite harsh to understand at first but you did well after.

-"cas de disparition" the "s" is muted in "cas"

Cute, I'll definitely shoot you an E-Mail

Thanks guys, I was worried that it'd come out as gibberish but I'm glad that it's at least somewhat comprehensible. I've still got a long way to go to become fluent, but It's great to know that my work is paying off

Il va falloir me bourrer avant.
Mais après c'est mon tour ;^)