I want to live in Finland but I don't know Finnish

I want to live in Finland but I don't know Finnish.

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So learn it?

haha, good joke

i want to live in canada but i hate wh*Tes

come home baltide man and educate finns of their true baltide heritage


I love baltics! I love you!

huomio huomio oikea

i watch a lot of rally videos.

I tried once but it's fucking hard with this fucking letter ä.

I want to live in Poland but I don't know Polish

why, it is probably no more difficult than english.
do you even have cases?

>always wanted to live in brazil but i don't know brazilian

its spelled like a in cat

Just a single letter is giving you a problem?
Also what's wrong with Latvia anyway, I'd be happy to live there myself tbqh.

All I got is this meme picture, too lazy to write things up


This might clear it up a bit.

But in some cases it sounds different and I feel like I'm the dumbest person on the earth.
Uh, Latvia is a poor country. I don't want to earn only 380-400 euro per month and live with parents all my life.

oh the bright side, looks like all words in finnish start with ka-. makes it easier to remember

learn swedish instead, they all know it.

Finland is becoming more and more of a shithole every day
I see Blacks, Slavs and Afghans every time I head out to buy alcohol.

In some super rare cases maybe, I can't think of any right now. All of our words are pronounced the same way they are written. Then of course there's the spoken finnish which might as well be it's own language for foreigners to learn

Mitä vittua sanoit minusta, sinä pikku narttu? Sinun kuuluu tietää että olen kouluttautunut suomen maavoimien huippujoukoissa, olen ollut osallisena useisiin salaisiin raideihin, myös parissa Al-Qaida tehtävässä, ai niin ja minulla on yli 300 varmistettua osumaa. Minut koulutettiin sissi sodankäynnissä, ja olen koko suomen paras tarkka-ampuja. Et ole minulle mitään muuta kuin uusi kohde. Minä tulen pyyhkimään sinut vittuun täältä sellaisella tavalla jota ei ole ennen nähty tällä planeetalla, muista minun vitun sanani. Luulet pääseväsi eroon tästä kun sanoit sen internetissä? Arvaa uudelleen, runkkari. Kun me puhumme, olen järjestämässä salaisia vakoilijoitani, ympäri suomea ja sinun IP-osoitteesi on paikannuksessa juuri nyt, joten sinun on parempi valmistautua myrskyyn, mato. Myrskyyn joka pyyhkii pois sen pikkuisen pateettisen asian jota kutsut elämäksesi. Olet vitun kuollut, lapsi. Voin olla missä tahansa, milloin tahansa, voin tappaa sinut yli seitsemällä sadalla eri tavalla, ja nuokin pelkillä käsilläni. En ole pelkästään kalliisti koulutettu aseettomassa taistelussa, mutta minulla on pääsy koko suomen ase arsenaaliin, ja minä tulen käyttämään sen koko voiman sinua vastaan ihan vain saadakseni perseesi pois alueeltani, sinä pikkuinen osa ripulia. Jos oisit vain tiennyt millaisen synnin uudelleen vastauksesi "viisaalla" pikku kommentillasi olisi sinulle suonut, olisit luultavasti hallinnut kieltäsi. Mutta et voinut, et tiennyt ja nyt maksat sen hinnan, sinä senkin idiootti. Minä paskon ympäri sinua ja hukutan sinut siihen. Olet vitun kuollut, lapsukainen.

I can divide these into different sections from the start, that's not really the problem I think.
For me personally the cases would be a huge problem considering we don't have them. I can barely manage German with 4 let alone 15 or 18 or how many you had.
On the bright side Finnish doesn't have gender and the cases from what I have read are used instead of prepositions and the like so that's a positive.

jagg hräter peka

Swedish is supposed to be easier to learn (since you already know English), and along the coast of Finland there are apparently Swedish-speaking towns.

You could always learn Swedish and go to Sweden instead.

i guess there is no point of learning swedish since 90% swedes speak english fluently.

Move to Vancouver

I wanted to live in Britain but my quality of life would be much lower.


>go to live in another country
>not learn the native language
That's not how it works.

It's 2017, just move there and give no fucks about language or customs

That only works if youre brown

Then I have to try one more time. I don't want to give up.

I found the original meme picture
feels like it's 2010 again

Is this pic a meme or the Finn language really this unnecessarily complicated?

More of a meme. Every finn can make out all of those forms but you'll only ever really use like 10 of them

Why would you want to live in here. Its dark and wet and cold and everything is expensive.


for the finnish bois

wtf i want to move to finland now too

The reason why they're so good because it's too depressing outside. They aren't even that good, can't wait till Sup Forums moves on

don't all finns know english anyway? no need to learn that clusterfuck of a language

Excellent choice sir! Our Finnish bois are very moisty and horny today.

>~3 hours of sunshine
that's quite a lot if it's December or January tbqh

On a more serious note, you could always come here as a cheaper workforce like Estonians do. The wage here is still more than double the amount that you'd earn in Latvia.

This is the darkest it'll ever get in central Finland. In a week the days start getting longer again.

feel you. it's so fucking cloudy right now that every weekly appearance of the sun feels like a miracle

haha, try monthly
can't even remember the last time those clouds weren't there

i had an illusion recently while taking a bath. i was staring at the tap and tried to meditating at one moment. The door on the right from me was open and I started see the bright light casting on it with my side vision, the kind of light that you see in the summer's morning. it was so real and yet i was aware that it's just an illusion. kinda depressing tb h


I want to live on a lonely island but i don't know loneislandlish.

Take anything a Finnish user here says with s grain of salt. All Finns here are depressed neet alcoholics. Finland is unironically the best country in the world in my opinion and Finns in general are happy.

And I do not want to live in Finland
But I have such a feeling that I live in it
The fact is that these Chukhont people are their real name, they come to the city of St. Petersburg for cheap alcohol, and then they simply lie in a terrible state right on the street,

Lol, post more of our white trash doing that. Its always funny to see.

I wouldn't recommend it, but if you really want to, English will do just fine. English is what you should practice since you already speak it.

Sure you could do that, but it would be pretty much like learning french because you are moving to new orleans. Swedish speaking communities are quite small, they all speak also finnish and to work or to be in any way part of the society you have to know finnish.